List of open proxies [closed] - proxy

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Closed 2 years ago.
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We are looking to fetch a list of open proxies with the intention of disallowing messages originating from those IPs to go through our system. There doesn't seem to be anything even resembling an authoritative list on the net, let alone being in a simple format that doesn't require parsing.
Has anybody done anything like this before and, if so, how did you deal with it?

You're doomed to failure -- proxies move around and change constantly. There can be no list that will ever have a significant number of them on it. There are also things like tor, which allow anyone to become a proxy for a hidden network of users.
Generally to cope with this sort of situation, you set up your server to deny access to IPs that are hitting you with too much traffic, or some other metric that indicates they're up to no good.

Just probe the incoming IP. That's what most IRC networks do to stop proxies connecting to them.


What exactly is Hawtio? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I don't understand what exactly Hawtio does.
If you could give an introduction to Hawtio:
What exactly is it?
What added value does it gives me as a Camel\ Spring developer?
Please explain what Hawtio is.
Hawtio a monitoring web console for java application. its popular usage is with apache camel . It visualizes the data it receives from jmx. Jolokia takes over the process of getting the data from jmx and acts as a new bridge. With Hawtio you can do the following items and much more.
How many times has the route worked (live reload)?
Show Jvm parameters
Heap objects and count
How many errors were received?
How many transactions were successful?
Eip of java code
Changing log level
Changing camel component attribütes

Finding Location and Timezone of an IP address using Go standard library [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to find the location and timezone for any IP address using the Go standard library, but could not find any solution yet.
I was experimenting to find the IP address of any client sending a request, figured one way by using go methods as below and cleaning their responses.
But once I get the IP. Is there any method in Go using the standard library to get the location and timezone of that IP, I can't make use of any third party API Calls or third party libraries. Any pointers will be helpful.
In general, no. You have to use an IP-based geolocation service, or one of the freely available geolocation libraries. The accuracy may depend on the library or service you use, and the IP address. There is also the problem of IP addresses assigned to mobile phones, etc. that move.

Dynamic data exchange (DDE) link termination [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am reading about the Dynamic Data Exchange protocol on MSDN. It uses global atom tables to share data between applications.
My questions are:
What would happen if a DDE link between two application is interrupted or terminated? If it was interrupted, can we continue it with the same link? Would data be lost?
When a DDE connection is closed, what would happen to the atom table created to exchange data?
It would be great if someone can explain, or direct me to an article to read and further understand the DDE protocol.
If you still want to use DDE you should use DDEML. With this functions you get handles or ids to registered objects.
MS always recommended to use DDEML after it was introduced and to not use the pre DDE interface. If connections got broken, you have to reconnect.
If you allocate/register/aquire elements you have to free them, even if things fail. This includes also the complete internal string handling.

Is there a google API to read cached content? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I know you can go to to view Google's cache of any URL, but do they provide an API to hit thousands of these and pay for access?
I don't want to just make HTTP GETs to these URLs too fast and get my IP addresses banned or upset Google.
Just wondering if they offer a way to pay and do this through official channels like they do with their search API.
Google doesn't seem to have an API to access the cached results:
There are some attempts to scrape it and wrap it in APIs, such as this perl module
Other than that the Wayback Machine has an API, of cached versions of sites. Perhaps that will do?
Currently there's no tool that I've found that does it. You'd have to create your own script to individually cache a certain number of pages. To avoid Google blocking you, I suggest capping the number of urls scraped. Not ideal, but running a script 10 times is better than looking at 1000 cached urls individually. :/
If you want to see if anything you edit on your site would effect your potential rankings in Google, I'd check out, they'll do that for you.

Questions on SMS gateways [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a good sms gateway which I would like to host on a server. Ive seen plenty of paid services but after building everything else for my set up Im pretty sure I can take on setting up the gateway myself with some help of course ;)
However Im concerned about the reliability of most open source sms gateways and so Im not to sure which one to start messing with. What Id like to know is if anyone here has any experience using any of the opensource gateways and if so how painful/easy was the set up and also did you end up using a gsm set up or something else?
If my question seems lacking details I appologize but I just started researching them myself. If anyone could just post a link or thought on the matter that would be great :) thanks
I recommend to use Kannel WAP and SMS Gateway as quite mature product. It supports most popular SMSC protocols (SMPP, UCP, HTTP, CIMD) and provides simple HTTP API to services implementing business logic.
Maybe this SO question and its answers is helpful.
An SMS gateway requires a (paid) connection to a mobile network. You should understand your traffic volume requirements for selecting the right interfacing approach. The interfacing approach constrains your options for the technical platform.
