What exactly is Hawtio? [closed] - spring

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I don't understand what exactly Hawtio does.
If you could give an introduction to Hawtio:
What exactly is it?
What added value does it gives me as a Camel\ Spring developer?
Please explain what Hawtio is.

Hawtio a monitoring web console for java application. its popular usage is with apache camel . It visualizes the data it receives from jmx. Jolokia takes over the process of getting the data from jmx and acts as a new bridge. With Hawtio you can do the following items and much more.
How many times has the route worked (live reload)?
Show Jvm parameters
Heap objects and count
How many errors were received?
How many transactions were successful?
Eip of java code
Changing log level
Changing camel component attribütes


How to get started with microservices and Symfony [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a server with Symfony RESTful, I want to access from another server with Symfony.
I have seen some examples of php that are accessed with curl or file_get_contents, but I can't find a document for Symfony where it explains the configuration, class organization, bundle to use. There is a lot of documentation on the RESTful API, but not from the querying party.
I need to know how the query is made and how the response is handled, without reinventing the wheel.
Can you recommend a document that explains a standard organization or which bundle is usually used?
I am using Symfony 4.4
The documentation on how to access a RESTful API is written by the creator of said API. If that's you then only you know what requests to send to what route and what data to expect. You can use the API for your back end and you can have multiple front end applications that connect to it. They would all connect the same way - the way you determine. You can start of by setting up a standard RESTful API. From there it all depends on your needs. That's why you cannot find documentation for this.

Quarkus: Creating a Gateway microservice [closed]

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Closed last year.
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Does anyone know a Quarkus compatible library to create a gateway microservice (such as Netflix/zuul or Spring Cloud Gateway).
I don't know what functionalities you all need for a gateway, but if you need a simple mapping/routing functionality, then you can also do this with Camel which has Quarkus support.
See an example here:

Simple Golang GraphQL Server [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Does a simple & working "Hello World!" GraphQL server code in Go exist?
There is a deficiency in tutorials concerning that topic, especially because graphql-go/graphql is currently a work-in-progress.
I've actually spent a bit of time this weekend creating a golang graphql server for a presentation upcoming this week, that has nothing to do with golang graphql. I don't know any golang, and never put together a server, I also threw in Neo4j, it's been an adventure, the hello world example is the following;
In addition I used graphql-go/handler to create an endpoint;
Finally added graphiql in order to check out my queries;
I started with getting the hello world example to be visible in go-graphiql, but using the handler to expose the schema.
The most stared project is https://github.com/graphql-go/graphql but it seems to be not actively developed.
I've been keeping an eye to this implementation that looks promising:https://github.com/neelance/graphql-go
a new repo that I still need to check: https://github.com/playlyfe/go-graphql

Alternatives to WebHCat [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Hive has an option of using WebHCat for querying HIVE Tables via REST based API's.
WebHCat requires 2 calls -
Call 1 to submit the query via webhcat.
Call 2 to retrieve the output file via webhdfs.
Are there any other alternatives to webhcat that allows applications to make REST based calls to HIVE Database without requiring Java/Python/.NET etc?

How to send SMS in my application with Spring? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I wanna send SMS with JMS and Spring ,How can I do this ?
Could you give me tutorial or sample ,may be?
Before starting JMS and Spring you should probably check if it would work out at all.
Unless you have a JMS-to-SMS gateway programming won't help at all. First you have to find a reseller or provider for your SMS service. Afterwards check what APIs they provide.
If they happen to provide a JMS gateway start reading the Spring JMS manual.
You would probably need some JMSs provider as well. Check MQ or some smaller implementation like ActiveMQ.
First of all read this. It is important that you first under stand the beans that are required and there roles.
If your searching for samples you need to find out what JMS technology your going to be using:
Tibco, MQ etc. If this a test your going to run locally then ActiveMQ can get you up and running quickly:
MQ Tutorial 101
