Is there a google API to read cached content? [closed] - caching

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I know you can go to to view Google's cache of any URL, but do they provide an API to hit thousands of these and pay for access?
I don't want to just make HTTP GETs to these URLs too fast and get my IP addresses banned or upset Google.
Just wondering if they offer a way to pay and do this through official channels like they do with their search API.

Google doesn't seem to have an API to access the cached results:
There are some attempts to scrape it and wrap it in APIs, such as this perl module
Other than that the Wayback Machine has an API, of cached versions of sites. Perhaps that will do?

Currently there's no tool that I've found that does it. You'd have to create your own script to individually cache a certain number of pages. To avoid Google blocking you, I suggest capping the number of urls scraped. Not ideal, but running a script 10 times is better than looking at 1000 cached urls individually. :/
If you want to see if anything you edit on your site would effect your potential rankings in Google, I'd check out, they'll do that for you.


Is Youtube API licensed? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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We are planning to use youtube APIs in one of our applications. Is there any pricing applicable for consuming Youtube APIs ? Any there any kinds of limits that developer need to be aware ?
Please point to any documentation resources.
For the most part the YouTube api is free to use. You should be aware of the usage quota and calculate what you need Quota cost The YouTube API is cost based so each request you make has a cost against your quota.
You can request an extension to your quota but i suggest you do it early as it can take time to get a quota extension.
You have not mentioned what your app is doing but if you are using Oauth2 in order to access private user data your app will need to go though the verification process verification Until your app has been verified you may only have 100 users authorize your application, and any videos uploaded by your application will be set to private.
Start the verification process early it can take a lot of time.

How to get started with microservices and Symfony [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a server with Symfony RESTful, I want to access from another server with Symfony.
I have seen some examples of php that are accessed with curl or file_get_contents, but I can't find a document for Symfony where it explains the configuration, class organization, bundle to use. There is a lot of documentation on the RESTful API, but not from the querying party.
I need to know how the query is made and how the response is handled, without reinventing the wheel.
Can you recommend a document that explains a standard organization or which bundle is usually used?
I am using Symfony 4.4
The documentation on how to access a RESTful API is written by the creator of said API. If that's you then only you know what requests to send to what route and what data to expect. You can use the API for your back end and you can have multiple front end applications that connect to it. They would all connect the same way - the way you determine. You can start of by setting up a standard RESTful API. From there it all depends on your needs. That's why you cannot find documentation for this.

Finding Location and Timezone of an IP address using Go standard library [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to find the location and timezone for any IP address using the Go standard library, but could not find any solution yet.
I was experimenting to find the IP address of any client sending a request, figured one way by using go methods as below and cleaning their responses.
But once I get the IP. Is there any method in Go using the standard library to get the location and timezone of that IP, I can't make use of any third party API Calls or third party libraries. Any pointers will be helpful.
In general, no. You have to use an IP-based geolocation service, or one of the freely available geolocation libraries. The accuracy may depend on the library or service you use, and the IP address. There is also the problem of IP addresses assigned to mobile phones, etc. that move.

How to accept payments with golang? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm making a back-end for my app using Golang the app is for android,ios and windows and i'm trying to find a way to accept payments.
Is there a package that I can use with examples?
Like some of the comments have mentioned, I also suggest choosing a preferred payment system and then using a Go client library which interfaces with that payment system's REST API.
Here are a few payment libraries:
Most of these include example files or examples in the readme. Many Go packages also use GoDoc for documentation.
The most popular one on the list there is PayPal-Go-SDK which is a Go client for the PayPal REST API.
It includes an example file:
It has GoDoc documentation:
If you prefer to use a different payment service like Stripe, they have a similar client:
They also have usage examples:
They also have documentation:

List of open proxies [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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We are looking to fetch a list of open proxies with the intention of disallowing messages originating from those IPs to go through our system. There doesn't seem to be anything even resembling an authoritative list on the net, let alone being in a simple format that doesn't require parsing.
Has anybody done anything like this before and, if so, how did you deal with it?
You're doomed to failure -- proxies move around and change constantly. There can be no list that will ever have a significant number of them on it. There are also things like tor, which allow anyone to become a proxy for a hidden network of users.
Generally to cope with this sort of situation, you set up your server to deny access to IPs that are hitting you with too much traffic, or some other metric that indicates they're up to no good.
Just probe the incoming IP. That's what most IRC networks do to stop proxies connecting to them.
