Visual Studio Plug-in to measure time spent on Solution/Project [closed] - visual-studio

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Closed 3 years ago.
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does anyone know of a Visual Studio (2008) Plug-in that attempts to track how long you've spent working on any given Solution or Project?
I realize this would be difficult, like at work I might leave a Solution open all day, but only work on it for a couple of hours, on and off.
However at home, I might only open a Solution when I'm working on it.
Regardless, is there anything out there that at least attempts to track time spent? Do some/any Source Control reports achieve this?
This would be a resource for me to get a rough idea of how long I've spent on a bunch of projects.

For personal time management you can consider RescueTime. It is external monitoring app that gathers statistics on what and for how long you do with your computer.
Not sure if it can distinguish different solutions open in the Visual Studio, but it can distinguish Office documents (although this functionality is only available for premium accounts).

You can try my recently released Visual Time Spent add-in. It integrates with Visual Studio 2008/2010 and tracks time spent on solutions, projects and files. Idle time is detected as no activity for more than 2 minutes.

I don't know of any tools that can accomplish what you're looking for, I don't even think it would be accurate (if there were any). Still I would recommend Hour Guard as a personal time measurement tool. It's free and very effective.


TFS scrum board alternatives [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Due to some reasons I'm unable to use TFS scrum board, though I'm using TFS itself. Are there any tools/plugins which offer similar integration with TFS tasks? The only one I found is Scrum Power Tools, but it's in my opinion insufficient and not so good quality. Are there any alternatives to TFS scrum board?
If you are still looking, Eylean Board offers a two way integration with TFS. All the information is shared and updated in both systems, so you can use the scrum board in Eylean and have all the information updated in TFS.
Besides the scrum board itself, it allows to add various information and details to the tasks, track time and generates reports for your convenience.
Try SEP Teamworks by I saw it somewhere recently and it looked ok.
I am prefer Work Item Manager and Project Dashboard from Telerik. I like for aggregation features, it is useful when you need review tasks of other developers.

VS2013 express Intellisense is very slow... Unreal engine 4 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Visual Studio 2013 Intellisense is SOOOOO DAYMMMMM SLOWWW... I have like an insane rig and it takes about 30 seconds to a minute to pop up the intellisense menus... Sometimes, it doesn't even show!... and i have to reopen the file to get it to actually come up? It's making learning Unreal engine really blooming difficult.
Is there any obvious reasons why this is so slow.
I've deleted my sdf file, but that did jack diddly squat.
I've run in safe mode
It doesn't seem to be context specific, it's just slow throughout the application.
If you use the unreal engine source code from git rather than relying on the unreal engine executable file project creation... You get an unreal batch file that creates the visual studio project for you.
When you do it the above way, it binds intellisense stuff and it is lightning quick now. I assume it's because VS was having to dive into files that were dll rather than just part of the project solution... (unpacked)?
A word of warning, it takes ages (30 minutes for me) for the first build doing it this way...
If you are unsure of how to use the source code from git, follow this tutorial:
It makes a HUGE difference!
Another thing that worked for me is to increase the C++ Max cached translation units to 15.

Web Performance Testing [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for software/app that is advanced for testing web applications. I need to be able to report on speeds, bottlenecks, server responses, and more. The one big part of the testing tool is that I need to be able to report on the load times and response times because we have a proxy in the middle that we think is causing a bottleneck between the app and the server. Windows software or Mac app would be appreciated to know about.
I'm not sure if you've heard of New Relic, but its a great tool for testing your application end-to-end. It gives you complete performance visibility throughout your application. Easy to install and quick to setup.
Other than that, if you are just looking at profiling your front end performance, there are some great free tools such as WebPageTest and PageSpeed Insights. I'm also a big fan of the Google Chrome Developer Tools for finding front-end bottlenecks.
I have used Visual Studio 2013 for the same purpose. In VS, you can create several Web Performance Tests and then using these tests you can create a Load Test. I have used these Load Tests to find deadlocks, internal server errors etc. It gives you a details analysis in terms of average time for each request, which requests failed etc. And like all other Microsoft products, VS is easy to use and a lot of help is available online.

Software development cycle for a support team [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Could anyone please suggest a software process suitable to the work our team?
We are a team of 6 developers (mostly juniors).
We are supporting the ordering system for an online book store (similar to Amazon books).
The system is already online and functioning.
Most of the work is task based. Sometimes there is a bug that needs immediate fixing or a new module that needs to be added to the system.
Most of the time each developer is working on a separate module of bug which it's estimated time could range from few hours to few days.
Our customers (the management department) are located in another country (we are being outsourced) so requirements take a long time to verify or discuss.
You can view us mainly as a team of freelancers each waiting for a task to be handed to him. Sometimes if a big module is required 2 or 3 developers start working together on it, but that's when things starts going bad as we lack a well defined software process to adhere too.
The Waterfall model clearly fails in our case as our team is responsible for gathering the requirements, designing, coding and testing everything.
We tried adopting Agile practices, but it was a complete failure mainly because of points 4, 5 & 6. There is no iteration or prototypes in our work.
So We are looking for a software process that can help us organize our work and provide an acceptable output.
You say you're mainly Juniors. So, learn to walk before you try to run. I suggest you try a staged delivery model. And I also suggest you try reading this book:
I suggest using TFS Express, it's free and have Agile management tool, it's still beta, but Microsoft give a "Go Live" Tag so you can work with it and upgrade your work when RTM release
You can download it from here
I would Strongly Suggest RUP(Rational Unified Process)
Reason being
Concurrent Phases can go on with part of team doing some phase whereas other developers working on a different thing
You will follow RUP increments where some developer who finds solutions to bugs can move to next increment with a part of team still working on previous increment
its highly adaptive and flexible and will help you a lot with different threads going on within project
Previously it was Closed source although IBM donated it to Open source in 2005 and
here's a great presentation that will surely help you understand it better
Hope it helps!!

Development schedule for web applications? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking for some kind of solution to take care of development scheduling for web applications. How does the big guys in the industry handle this?
Is it all about SVN and bug trackers for them?
I'm not doing web develoment myself, but I assume that the approach for web development is exactly the same as for other big developments (which my team IS doing). In that case, the following tips might help:
Use version management (SVN, ...)
Be agile (this is also resembled by the following points)
Make a mixed team (developers, testers, designer, functional responsibles, ...) that all work as an integrated team on the same subject. Make sure the whole team communicates.
Make everyone responsible for the whole project. Never blame individuals if things go wrong.
Be sure the whole team knows the status of the project: where are we, what should still be done, ... Make everything visual by sticking graphs and sheets to your office wall.
Keep the time between 'raised questions or raised problems' and the answer or solution short. E.g. if a bug is found, log it immediately and try to solve it as soon as possible.
Develop incrementally. Don't develop for several months and then start testing, but make sure you have a working copy every day.
Split development/design/... tasks in smaller tasks that can be developed incrementally (see previous point) and in a minimal amount of time (a day or a few days).
Automate tests as much as possible.
Use continuous integration (where the tests are run at every commit in the version management system)
As a manager, support your team.
Shield the people of the team from all kind of problems not directly related to the project (e.g. PC problems, printer problems, ...). Choose a 'scrum manager' that solves all these annoying problems for the team.
Demonstrate the results at regular intervals to your customer, your boss, ...
Give a reception if an important milestone is reached.
There are probably many more tips. Therefore, read a good book about managing software development. There is probably no essential difference between web development and other software develoments.
