Web Performance Testing [closed] - performance

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for software/app that is advanced for testing web applications. I need to be able to report on speeds, bottlenecks, server responses, and more. The one big part of the testing tool is that I need to be able to report on the load times and response times because we have a proxy in the middle that we think is causing a bottleneck between the app and the server. Windows software or Mac app would be appreciated to know about.

I'm not sure if you've heard of New Relic, but its a great tool for testing your application end-to-end. It gives you complete performance visibility throughout your application. Easy to install and quick to setup.
Other than that, if you are just looking at profiling your front end performance, there are some great free tools such as WebPageTest and PageSpeed Insights. I'm also a big fan of the Google Chrome Developer Tools for finding front-end bottlenecks.

I have used Visual Studio 2013 for the same purpose. In VS, you can create several Web Performance Tests and then using these tests you can create a Load Test. I have used these Load Tests to find deadlocks, internal server errors etc. It gives you a details analysis in terms of average time for each request, which requests failed etc. And like all other Microsoft products, VS is easy to use and a lot of help is available online.


How to do software performance testing at home [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to practice performance testing at home using loadrunner or ibm rational performance tester or jmeter. But for this i need an application on which i can perform testing. Can anyone suggest me such dummy web application on which can do performance testing at home using above tools?
As far as I know, LoadRunner comes with Web Tour Sample Application
For JMeter or Rational Performance Testing evaluation I would suggest to:
Choose any free CMS, E-learning, or E-commerce product i.e.:
Install it somewhere in your local intranet
Get hands-on practice with one of the popular solutions which may be useful in the future.
If possible, install the application you're testing on the separate physical or virtual machine, this way you can learn how to collect and analyze server-side performance metrics as they matter.
Dmitri noted that the commercial tools tend to have available a demo environment used as a part of sales demos and training for just this type of education. These demo apps are great for a controlled environment to teach the mechanical concepts on how to use the tools. Beyond that, you want something more, ....real....
Download and install at your home any open source application. SugarCRM is a good one for this type of education. There are plenty of challenges in the app to keep you busy and it will exercise most capabilities in performance testing tools.
When you feel up to it, there is a challenge you will want to try,
This is a single user exercise for ensuring that you get a script working. Please do not performance test Stuart's website without explicit written permission or this becomes an undesired denial of services action.
If you are going to use LoadRunner, then by defalut you will get a dummy application provided by HP called - WebToursApplication
Recently I found another dummy banking application by HP called - ZeroBank
Please find the link to this application
Login details are
Hope you got what you are looking for.
So Happy Testing.
In looking around, I found:
*Ability to run tests on load generators on Amazon EC2 Cloud
Here is the Amazon EC2 Cloud Service:
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I hope it helps.

How to test performance of software AG - Web methods implementation? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a requirement to test the performance of an ESB implementation done using software SG - web methods 9.5.
Please let me know the tools that can be used and the approach to be followed for testing.
I used SoapUI to performance test webMethods Integration Server a couple of years ago.
I set up requests, number of clients etc in SoapUI that represented different scenarios of usage in the live system.
After the tests I exported data from SoapUI, wrote some scripts to analyze it and used Excel to present it in a pretty way.
Since you don't specify exactly what kind of performance test you want to run this may or may not work for you as well.
It's hard to provide any suggestions because little is known from your "ESB implementation" and little is known from the performance requirements. For example, from which point in your architecture do you want to test performance.
As suggested by ellak, using SOAPUI is an option if your "ESB implementation" exposes a web services and if you want to start load testing at the ESB level.
If you want better advice then you need to provide more information.

Mac App Testing [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is there a website or service that I can use to test my mac app store apps? I've seen macdeveloper.net, but being that it costs money I want to make sure that there aren't any other services that are better. Thanks!
I used macdeveloper.net about 2 years ago, for a Mac app (yes, there were Mac apps even before the Mac App Store).
It was a really great experience. Feedback from beta-testers was great, in quality and quantity. It helped me to spot and fix some very subtle bugs. This is great, because I didn't want real users to encounter them.
I find the price asked for the service (less than $20) very reasonable:
Think about how much it will cost you if even one bug is not found until on the App Store, and a user posts a very negative review because of it.
The infrastructure provided to ease your beta-testing phase is great. The time saved was enough to make me feel it was worth it. I prefer to spend my time coding and improving my marketing than to deal with problem someone else resolved better than me
When I had questions, the support was replying very quickly, with great and appropriate answers
Have You Tried Using :
https://github.com/CodeFacet/COMBAT + Accessibility Inspector(Developer Tools in XCode)
It's Still under development but a great tool to work with. :)
It's written down in Objective-C, so you can use its libraries inside XCode only along with a Unit Testing Project
So better Test Management and easy Test Case Writing.
PS: It works with Simulators as well so you can even Test IOS Apps

Development schedule for web applications? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking for some kind of solution to take care of development scheduling for web applications. How does the big guys in the industry handle this?
Is it all about SVN and bug trackers for them?
I'm not doing web develoment myself, but I assume that the approach for web development is exactly the same as for other big developments (which my team IS doing). In that case, the following tips might help:
Use version management (SVN, ...)
Be agile (this is also resembled by the following points)
Make a mixed team (developers, testers, designer, functional responsibles, ...) that all work as an integrated team on the same subject. Make sure the whole team communicates.
Make everyone responsible for the whole project. Never blame individuals if things go wrong.
Be sure the whole team knows the status of the project: where are we, what should still be done, ... Make everything visual by sticking graphs and sheets to your office wall.
Keep the time between 'raised questions or raised problems' and the answer or solution short. E.g. if a bug is found, log it immediately and try to solve it as soon as possible.
Develop incrementally. Don't develop for several months and then start testing, but make sure you have a working copy every day.
Split development/design/... tasks in smaller tasks that can be developed incrementally (see previous point) and in a minimal amount of time (a day or a few days).
Automate tests as much as possible.
Use continuous integration (where the tests are run at every commit in the version management system)
As a manager, support your team.
Shield the people of the team from all kind of problems not directly related to the project (e.g. PC problems, printer problems, ...). Choose a 'scrum manager' that solves all these annoying problems for the team.
Demonstrate the results at regular intervals to your customer, your boss, ...
Give a reception if an important milestone is reached.
There are probably many more tips. Therefore, read a good book about managing software development. There is probably no essential difference between web development and other software develoments.

Task management for team [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm looking for a web application to manage tasks (not necessary programming-oriented) for a small team. It must be easy to setup and maintain, and I don't look for an SaaS solution. It must offer file upload and mail users in case of a change. There is hundred of solutions available but most are too complex for what we want or are not "stable" (not updated since a long time, not very well programmed). i was wondering if stack overflow's folks have some recommendations...
lighthouse - http://lighthouseapp.com/
gemini - http://www.countersoft.com/home.aspx
We had a very similar requirement and after much searching we eventually decided on Redmine.
Does all that you require and more. Setup couldn't be easier if you use one of the Bitnami stacks. We went down the virtual image route as we had a VMWare server - but installers for existing platforms are also available.
I tried Basecamp some time ago but I don't need a web based solution. But it was pretty good.
Redmine is a great project management, used by many open source projects. It is also quite actively maintained and really stable.
It's worth mentioning that even though Redmine is software oriented, it can easily be used as a project management software. All you have to do is ignore all the parts about repositories and you have a full-fledged project management software.
