VS2013 express Intellisense is very slow... Unreal engine 4 [closed] - visual-studio-2013

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Visual Studio 2013 Intellisense is SOOOOO DAYMMMMM SLOWWW... I have like an insane rig and it takes about 30 seconds to a minute to pop up the intellisense menus... Sometimes, it doesn't even show!... and i have to reopen the file to get it to actually come up? It's making learning Unreal engine really blooming difficult.
Is there any obvious reasons why this is so slow.
I've deleted my sdf file, but that did jack diddly squat.
I've run in safe mode
It doesn't seem to be context specific, it's just slow throughout the application.

If you use the unreal engine source code from git rather than relying on the unreal engine executable file project creation... You get an unreal batch file that creates the visual studio project for you.
When you do it the above way, it binds intellisense stuff and it is lightning quick now. I assume it's because VS was having to dive into files that were dll rather than just part of the project solution... (unpacked)?
A word of warning, it takes ages (30 minutes for me) for the first build doing it this way...
If you are unsure of how to use the source code from git, follow this tutorial:
It makes a HUGE difference!
Another thing that worked for me is to increase the C++ Max cached translation units to 15.


Any light weight alternatives to Visual Studio for testing code snippets? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Are there any light weight tools (preferably portable so I can put it in a memory stick) that can compile C# code snippets? I don't want to load Visual Studio, create a project and all to test a small code snippet.
How about http://rextester.com/rundotnet?
This is online - so always available - downsides are it's a little slow, so good for trying out simple things quickly - not so great if you're doing anything more complex.
Alternatively if you want an offline approach try Linq Pad
Although it was primarily created to debug LINQ statements - it actually works as a great lightweight general purpose IDE.
SnippetCompiler would be one, though it hasn't been updated for a while so could be out of date.
Edit: See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2775055/looking-for-replacement-for-snippet-compiler for more up-to-date alternatives
I have created a lightweight version of Visual Studio. It is essentially just the
packages required to get MSBuild.exe working.
The installer is a PowerShell script that sets the necessary variables, registry
keys and files.
Visual Studio 2013
790 MB
168 MB

Retriving lost VB 6 component license keys [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm moving a visual basic 6 application from one machine to another, however this application is quite old and uses a lot of third party components (.ocx files) that we have lost the license key for.
Is there any way to get the license key off the old machine for use on the new machine?
Once the application can be built on the new machine, the old machine will be decommissioned and all data erased.
I keep my VB6 dev kit in a VM image for this sort of reason - getting a working development state can be a hard-fought battle for VB6 stuff, but it also has the tendency to soil it's own house by filling it with left-over bits of dead COM components. So if I install new tools or components, I do it in the base snapshot, then restore any required bits into a new snapshot for that project.
Not really a helpful answer for your current predicament... but hopefully helpful for long-term legacy VB6 maintenance.

Saving files to a VPN in Visual Studio 2010 very slow [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm connecting to a VPN so I can work at home, but when I open small ASPX files and make minor changes and save them, it's incredibly slow.
Also even doing simple things like clicking a different line in the file to move the cursor is lagged noticeably.
Is this a known issue, or is this as I 99% suspect just down to network connection. I wasn't expecting it to be this slow.
Working with files over a VPN will be slow, as Visual Studio will be tracking changes in that file while it is open.
Try disabling 'Track Changes' in Visual Studio, under Text Editor section in options.
Failing that, you should copy the files to your local machine and work from there, when finished copy back. You can use the folder to sort by last modified to make it easier to find the edited files when you copy back.
Ideally, when working with remote codebases, you should use a repository rather than flat file storage. Something like GIT or SVN, and then 'push' your code changes back.
In any case, working over VPN always is always slow. Check VPN settings (compression, multilink), perhaps map the remote folder to a network drive, turn of 'use default gateway' on the VPN connection itself; these are methods I use to speed up VPN performance in general.

Visual Studio Plug-in to measure time spent on Solution/Project [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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does anyone know of a Visual Studio (2008) Plug-in that attempts to track how long you've spent working on any given Solution or Project?
I realize this would be difficult, like at work I might leave a Solution open all day, but only work on it for a couple of hours, on and off.
However at home, I might only open a Solution when I'm working on it.
Regardless, is there anything out there that at least attempts to track time spent? Do some/any Source Control reports achieve this?
This would be a resource for me to get a rough idea of how long I've spent on a bunch of projects.
For personal time management you can consider RescueTime. It is external monitoring app that gathers statistics on what and for how long you do with your computer.
Not sure if it can distinguish different solutions open in the Visual Studio, but it can distinguish Office documents (although this functionality is only available for premium accounts).
You can try my recently released Visual Time Spent add-in. It integrates with Visual Studio 2008/2010 and tracks time spent on solutions, projects and files. Idle time is detected as no activity for more than 2 minutes.
I don't know of any tools that can accomplish what you're looking for, I don't even think it would be accurate (if there were any). Still I would recommend Hour Guard as a personal time measurement tool. It's free and very effective.

Project retirement or archiving [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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What is the best way to retire a currently active project? I've been working on this one for a while now and I think its time to let go. Without going into too much detail, there are other projects and technologies that are way ahead now and I don't see much value in investing in it any further.
What have you done to retire a project and what is the process like?
As operating systems, compilers, etc. change, it can be difficult to rebuild old projects.
Consider creating a virtual machine that is configured to build it again, in case you need to update it for some reason in the future. Archive that VM along with the source code, etc.
Personally, I've done this before, and put up on the homepage of the project
"I no longer wish to maintain this project - if you're interested in taking it over, then feel free to email me (email#address)"
And then let someone take it over.
Is this a personal, community, or commercial/professional project?
I have had a professional prject go sour due to lack of feedback form the client. Bascially they were going at a slower pace than they should have and it got to a point where the software would be more expensive to contine than to get a prebuilt alternative. In that case i just brought in the data to show the client where their saving are and recommend to abondon. Its hard to swallow, but after a while they realize it was for the best.
