Trouble creating an iTunes style source list in Cocoa - cocoa

I'm working on a piece of software that would work well with an iTunes style source list. I have been looking around the net for how to implement it but all the examples seem a bit sketchy.
I found Mark Alldritt's implementation and tried to use it in my project but it is rendering incorrectly. The cells seem to be rendering half outside of the source list control.
Does anyone have experience with creating this sort of UI? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I'd check out:


PowerPoint - how to run a macro automatically?

I'd like to run a macro that sets the zoom to 100%, something like Windows(1).View.Zoom = 100, every time ANY file is opened in PowerPoint. The files are already created, so using a template to set the zoom is not possible. How can I do this?
There isn't really a way (that I am aware of) to do this through a macro or powerpoint add-in. You might be able to do it using a custom web add-in but I don't have enough experience with that to provide an example.
After looking around there have been a few success stories. One of which is creating a custom UI element and then adding an onLoad hook to that.
Here is the thread.
Here is a link to the Custom UI Editor Tool However I had no luck in getting it to work. I believe (This is only my theory) that it is not compatible with the latest .NET framework.
If you do end up trying to do this, here is a link to the xml formatting documentation for UI elements. And a link to a little tutorial related to this.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. This should at least get you started. If anyone else has a simpler way I would love to know as well.

how to change IKImageBroswerView dragging image

I'm working on a program on Mac_OS 10.6 and later. The program language I'm using is Objc.
And I wonder what can I do to change the dragging image for an IKImageBrowserView? Is there any methods or delegates to change the default dragging image?
Sorry for my english.
Well, I tried many methods and finally I came to a conclusion that this system action cannot be modified or removed, maybe there's some private methods I failed to find which can make it customizable.
Anyway, I change the design to avoid facing this embarrassing situation.

Disabling the zoom/pan/scroll functions for the Webbrowser Control

I have seen many posts about how it's impossible to disable the zoom/pan/scroll functions on the Web-browser control natively for Windows Phone 7. So what options do we have?
I did a little digging and I found a quick way to do so, so I thought I'd share it here.
It's not a quick few lines of code which is a shame but all of it is up on the web so it should be easy to implement. First you need the Linq ddl and this class here called LinqToVisualTree. Then you can use these in a WebBrowserHelper class where you just pass in your web browser when you create the webBrowserHelper and the rest is taken care of. You can even set whether or not you'd like the scrolling to be disabled.
One problem I found with this was that when I double tap on the web page it still zooms in sometimes. Does anyone know how this might be fixed? I'm sure there is a way to do it using the LinqToVisualTree but I can't figure it out.

make a file browser in Cocoa

I really want to make a simple file browser in Xcode kind of like Finder itself, but it just displays one folder as a grid view. Can anyone direct me to a guide?
I recommend looking at Apple's code sample for SourceView.
It's probably a good place to start and should give you enough of an idea of where to begin.

Tool to grab items from a Listbox in external app

I need to grab text items from a listbox in an application. I know for sure that the control is a ListBox. I've seen many tools that could do this, but I cannot remember their names. And I cannot find the right words to google for it. Does anybody know such tool?
You just get hold of the window handle of the list box and send some LB_GETTEXT messages. As far as tools go you might be thinking of Spy.
I couldn't find anything and ended up writing a small C# application using System.Windows.Automation. Just several lines of code.
