Tool to grab items from a Listbox in external app - windows

I need to grab text items from a listbox in an application. I know for sure that the control is a ListBox. I've seen many tools that could do this, but I cannot remember their names. And I cannot find the right words to google for it. Does anybody know such tool?

You just get hold of the window handle of the list box and send some LB_GETTEXT messages. As far as tools go you might be thinking of Spy.

I couldn't find anything and ended up writing a small C# application using System.Windows.Automation. Just several lines of code.


How do you access content in a word document? (like Grammarly does)

I want to create a program that works like an autocomplete box for Microsoft Word. For that, I need some way of reading the contents of the page and getting the positions of words. I know that Microsoft has made a Javascript API for creating plugins in the form of side panes, but that's not what I'm after.
Grammarly manages to read the contents of the document and even underline specific words.
Maybe they have some agreement with Microsoft? Or could they be using some hacky solution? I did try to use win32api with both Python and C++ but didn't succeed.

PowerPoint - how to run a macro automatically?

I'd like to run a macro that sets the zoom to 100%, something like Windows(1).View.Zoom = 100, every time ANY file is opened in PowerPoint. The files are already created, so using a template to set the zoom is not possible. How can I do this?
There isn't really a way (that I am aware of) to do this through a macro or powerpoint add-in. You might be able to do it using a custom web add-in but I don't have enough experience with that to provide an example.
After looking around there have been a few success stories. One of which is creating a custom UI element and then adding an onLoad hook to that.
Here is the thread.
Here is a link to the Custom UI Editor Tool However I had no luck in getting it to work. I believe (This is only my theory) that it is not compatible with the latest .NET framework.
If you do end up trying to do this, here is a link to the xml formatting documentation for UI elements. And a link to a little tutorial related to this.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. This should at least get you started. If anyone else has a simpler way I would love to know as well.

WP7 / WP8 - Apply text styles

As you know, in Windows Phone SDK there are several styles that you can apply to textblocks.
For reference: MSDN
Since you can't always remember the full name of the style, is there an easy way to apply them? Do I really have to go to that link everytime I need to apply a new style?
IntelliSense is not helpful enough? I usually, write StaticResource text and then the list gets filtered with all the styles containing the "text" string. Kind of depends according to your needs. If you want to apply for font style, write "font" and see the list of suggestions.
Now, I'm not sure if my IntelliSense is as yours or is already enhanced by Resharper. If you haven't heard of it, take a look at it. You gotta hit CTRL+SPACE if the suggestion list isn't there, and it will get filled with possible matches. It's a nice productivity tool that does MUCH more and actually is not free but, I guess you could also get it crac... ahem :)
Other than this, I guess a quick bookmark to that web address, does that job pretty well. :)
The easiest way is to ensure you have the visual designer open while creating the view. You can right click on your TextBlock select Edit Style -> Apply Resource ->. From here you will see a long list of available styles to pick from.
I just found out that what I was looking for will be implemented in Visual Studio 2013!
Here you go:

In order to add new functionality to existing Firefox clients, do I need to create an extension or a plugin?

More specifically, the idea is to allow the user to open Firefox, highlight a word on a web page, right click on it, and have an additional option that, when selected, calls c++ code that does something with the input string (must call C++ code, unfortunately), and displays a dialog box showing the result.
I'm still not sure if in order to implement this functionality I need to create a Firefox plugin or an extension. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Also, if someone can show me sample code in order to get me started that would be appreciated. (XPCOM, which I'm not even sure is what I should be using, seems a bit complicated for this seemingly simple project.)
You need a regular Firefox extension. It can add an item to the context menu, NPAPI plugins cannot do this. When it is clicked it can get the selected text and send it to your binary library. The best way to call functions in this library is js-ctypes, XPCOM is not required.

WIX/DTF - Dialog with a list, edit field and add/remove buttons on it

Anybody knows a good source to get an idea how to create this kind of a dialog?
I'm well aware that I'll need to write some CA's for that but relatively new to WiX (used to work with InstallShield).
This can get you started. Does not contain info about edit fields and buttons, but have a listbox. As an example, it populates IIS websites into the listbox. Very good source of info.
