Disabling the zoom/pan/scroll functions for the Webbrowser Control - windows-phone-7

I have seen many posts about how it's impossible to disable the zoom/pan/scroll functions on the Web-browser control natively for Windows Phone 7. So what options do we have?

I did a little digging and I found a quick way to do so, so I thought I'd share it here.
It's not a quick few lines of code which is a shame but all of it is up on the web so it should be easy to implement. First you need the Linq ddl and this class here called LinqToVisualTree. Then you can use these in a WebBrowserHelper class where you just pass in your web browser when you create the webBrowserHelper and the rest is taken care of. You can even set whether or not you'd like the scrolling to be disabled.
One problem I found with this was that when I double tap on the web page it still zooms in sometimes. Does anyone know how this might be fixed? I'm sure there is a way to do it using the LinqToVisualTree but I can't figure it out.


PowerPoint - how to run a macro automatically?

I'd like to run a macro that sets the zoom to 100%, something like Windows(1).View.Zoom = 100, every time ANY file is opened in PowerPoint. The files are already created, so using a template to set the zoom is not possible. How can I do this?
There isn't really a way (that I am aware of) to do this through a macro or powerpoint add-in. You might be able to do it using a custom web add-in but I don't have enough experience with that to provide an example.
After looking around there have been a few success stories. One of which is creating a custom UI element and then adding an onLoad hook to that.
Here is the thread.
Here is a link to the Custom UI Editor Tool However I had no luck in getting it to work. I believe (This is only my theory) that it is not compatible with the latest .NET framework.
If you do end up trying to do this, here is a link to the xml formatting documentation for UI elements. And a link to a little tutorial related to this.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. This should at least get you started. If anyone else has a simpler way I would love to know as well.

How to access unrelated browser window?

So I know this might sound crazy, as it is technically a security concern which I understand. So I'm just trying to find out if there's any ideas on how to handle something like this.
Anyways, long story short, I was told to look into figuring out a possible way to scrape information from another browser window/tab. I have been asked to do this because, and I know this sounds crazy too, but the users of our website are incompetent enough to not be able to copy/paste and or type correctly something from a different website. I know it's tough for some to have to have several things in their workflow, but this is basically what they do: Go to their first website (after logging in) and bring up a record with information on it...including an identification number. Then, the user should take that number and go to the second website, our website (after logging in), and type it that number in a textbox (and eventually do some other stuff). But we have found that getting that identification number from the first website to ours is difficult for them. Some copy/paste correctly, some copy/paste too much text from the page, some write it down on paper then type it in our website, and some just seem to have trouble visually "copying" the number from site to site.
What I was thinking was that this could happen: the user would have already brought up the record on the first site, then they would come to ours. They could click a button, and that would run whatever I/we here come up with, that goes and finds the other browser window, finds the specific text needed, and puts it in our textbox. Sounds simple, right? HA.
The first website is not owned or managed by us in any way, otherwise this might be a little easier.
A little bit of background information: unfortunately, I'm technically targeting IE >= 10 through 9, so if there's a solution just for this (why I tagged vbscript), then that's great. If there's a broader solution (like with an applet or browser extensions... http://crossrider.com/ ), then that's even better, but not important. If it helps, we already have a hidden applet on the page that accesses the OS (yes, it has the mayscript attribute on the element so it is able to), so I thought that could be something to incorporate with. Also, the way I expect to know which window/tab to access is by URL and/or document title - either will be very specific.
We cannot install stuff on the users' computers, at least something outside of the browser (like extensions). I'm not sure how browser extensions work, so I'm wondering if they'd need to be "installed".
I know of HTML5's postMessage, but it only has partial support in IE (and none in IE <= 7)...and the partial support refers to not including exactly what I might need. It also requires that the other website be listening (which we don't have control over, but technically might be possible to include). So it doesn't count :)
The things I found with Java are to possibly find the list of processes currently running, but I don't know how to access/control one. Especially how to access the browser's Document.
And vbscript...I just don't know. I don't know if it's just me, but I can't seem to find good documentation on it, so I'm not sure what can be done with it.
Even if I could get control of the other browser window, I don't know how I would get information from it (like the DOM).
I'm not looking for code, just ideas...I'll do the research. And although it may sound impossible, don't just brush it off because Javascript can't do it - I haven't.
I ended up developing a browser extension with http://www.crossrider.com/ which wasn't ideal, but works.
You could use a bookmarklet for this ... the user would have to drag the bookmarklet into their bookmarks bar on their browser, but if doing that wasn't beyond your user's abilities/the technical restrictions you've mentioned, then you'd definitely be able to send the information you need back to your site that way.
You'd just need to give your users instructions to:
i) drag the bookmarklet into their bookmarks bar on their browser
ii) go to the website in question and click the bookmarklet
you could code the bookmarklet so that it would grab the info you need, and redirect the browser to your website. All done in one click.
I think you may be thinking about it in the wrong way when you talk about posting from one 'window' to another. You could write the bookmarklet so that it would do a http post of whatever information you wanted into your site from the other site, and it could also redirect the window that they were looking at when they clicked it (the other site) to your site. Or if, for some reason, you didn't want to redirect the the window that they had the 'other' site in to your site, then you could add a listener to your site so that once the bookmarklet had posted the info you require then the window with your displaying could automatically update. The first option would make more sense and be easier though.
Maybe to open the other site from button/link resided in your site using window.open() method?

How can a browser extension alter the image

I have an April fools prank in mind and I will probably need some time to figure it out, so that's why I'm early:
I want to install an extension in the browser (needs to target botch FF and IE, so a cross browser implementation would be best) of my friend so that if he hits the news page he is visiting every morning, a fake image will make him think that he has been selected. The problem is, that I cannot just swap the images. I have to use the actual image from that website and put his head on the body of someone else.
I do have some graphics guys that can do that sort of stuff. My problem over here is to hook into the rendering process and do my own alterations to the image before it gets rendered. That is, taking the image, doing stuff to it and then passing in the modified image to the browser so that it is being redered instead of the original one.
Is that possible using extensions? If it may be only possible with eihter FF or IE, I might get him to use the browser of choice but I'd highly appreciate your suggestions, code snippets and starting points for research. Are there browser extensions that can do similar stuff?
Cheers everyone. There is a lot of reputation in that game so I don't care if it takes weeks or even months to complete the job.
Thank you guys, looking forward to suggestions!
I think your intentions are harmless, but I must warn you: not all people may find your prank funny. But if you are sure that your friend will enjoy such a prank, it's really easy to set up.
You can use BFilter with site-specific filter to replace the image URL (it is very easy, just look at its examples and documentation). So when the user tries to open the web-page he will see your image instead of original picture. BFilter can be used as transparent proxy. I do not know how to setup transparent proxy in Windows, so you have to figure this part yourself. Alternatively, you can configure all installed browsers to use your filtering proxy.
You can use any other filtering proxy instead of BFilter.

GWT and MVC type calls

I have a GWT app that when launched it takes you to a page with just a menu. So as a shortcut type thing I would like the users to be able to go straight to the page they want. So if the default start page is x, the should be able to say x/add and it will take them to the add page. How would I get that in gwt? Do I need a bunch of different entry points?
To accomplish this, you should use the URL's "fragment", which is the part after the #. For example, if your app is at /x, you could have a different UI displayed when someone navigates to /x#add
If you don't want to write this logic yourself, you should look into the gwt-presenter project, which was written to make MVP apps easier, but also includes an EventBus (to publish events to all corners of your app), and a PlaceManager to facilitate events being fired when the fragment changes (and to change the fragment at will).
Seems like a discussion we already had so I'll just link to the related question. Please see the answers and comments there. Basically, it might be advantageous to just interact with the History class directly, instead of introducing MVP to your project, but YMMV (I'm a huge fan of MVP myself, but it's not for everyone. Besides, I like to know the stuff "under the hood" ;))

Is there a catalog of all UI widgets and their names, platforms and languages?

I was looking at the Firefox Add-ons Manager UI (pictured below) and really liked the expandable list used to show settings or properties for each add-on.
Firefox Add-ons Manager http://uploads.tech-buzz.net/Firefox3Beta3ComingonMonday_859/get_addons.png
I liked it enough to want to include something similar in one of my applications. The problem is, I don't know, exactly what the control is called (it doesn't seem to be "expandable list"), nor do I know if there is an implementation available for use in my own application (so I wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel.)
This isn't the first time that I've seen some cool piece of UI and wanted to incorporate it into something I'm working on, but have had no idea if I would have to design it from scratch. So I generally end up reworking my UI to use standard UI widgets to save time.
This got me thinking, is there some place that has a catalog of a bunch of UI widgets with names and what platforms/languages they are implemented for/in?
Turns out this control is called a Rich List Box, and it seems to only be implemented in XUL.
To answer your question, no, there isn't a universal catalog anywhere, though MSDN is as good a place as any to find definitions of most common UI elements.
The specific widget you ask about is generally called an accordian (wikipedia)
