Random prime number - algorithm

How do I quickly generate a random prime number, that is for sure 1024 bit long?

Generate 1024 random bits. Use a random source that is strong enough for your intended purpose.
Set the highest and lowest bits to 1. This makes sure there are no leading zeros (the prime candidate is big enough) and it is not an even number (definitely not prime).
Test for primality. If it's not a prime, go back to 1.
Alternatively, use a library function that generates primes for you.

Use a library function, such as OpenSSL. There's no need to write this yourself.
Example: http://ardoino.com/7-maths-openssl-primes-random/
The above link doesn't work so you can use this archive link.

1024 is a lot.
Are you sure a probabilistic prime won't do?
Probabilistic prime generator is part of JDK

You do not specify a context/language/platform.. if you'd like to use unix/linux-like system and shell, you might consider a solution involving OpenSSL version >= 1.0.0:
$ openssl prime -generate -bits 1024
If you got the same result, something is very wrong with the universe.
Add -hex option if you like hexadecimal system.

To trade memory for speed you could just generate them and store them in a list and then randomly pick one.
Naturally you can't generate them all so the best you could achieve is pseudo randomness at a high memory cost. Also this isn't good if you want it for security.

If you'd like to do this in 'library mode'
#include <pari/pari.h>
// ...
randomprime(mkvec2(int2u(1023), int2u(1024)))


Is it possible to reverse a pseudo random number generator?

Is it possible to reverse a pseudo random number generator?
For example, take an array of generated numbers and get the original seed.
If so, how would this be implemented?
This is absolutely possible - you just have to create a PRNG which suits your purposes. It depends on exactly what you need to accomplish - I'd be happy to offer more advice if you describe your situation in more detail.
For general background, here are some resources for inverting a Linear Congruential Generator:
Reversible pseudo-random sequence generator
pseudo random distribution which guarantees all possible permutations of value sequence - C++
And here are some for inverting the mersenne twister:
In general, no. It should be possible for most generators if you have the full array of numbers. If you don't have all of the numbers or know which numbers you have (do you have the 12th or the 300th?), you can't figure it out at all, because you wouldn't know where to stop.
You would have to know the details of the generator. Decoding a linear congruential generator is going to be different from doing so for a counter-based PRNG, which is going to be different from the Mersenne twister, which is going to be different with a Fibonacci generator. Plus you would probably need to know the parameters of the generator. If you had all of that AND the equation to generate a number is invertible, then it is possible. As to how, it really depends on the PRNG.
Use the language Janus a time-reversible language for doing reversible computing.
You could probably do something like create a program that does this (pseudo-code):
x = seed
x = my_Janus_prng(x)
x = reversible_modulus_op(x, N) + offset
Janus has the ability to give to you a program that takes the output number and whatever other data it needs to invert everything, and give you the program that ends with x = seed.
I don't know all the details about Janus or how you could do this, but just thought I would mention it.
Clearly, what you want to do is probably a better idea because if the RNG is not an injective function, then what should it map back to etc.
So you want to write a Janus program that outputs an array. The input to the Janus inverted program would then take an array (ideally).

Multiply two numbers whose range is 10^18

There is a variable first_variable which is always a mod of some number, mod_value.
In every step first_variable is multiplied with some number second_variable.
And the range of all three variables is from 1 to 10^18.
For that I build a formula,
first_variable = ((first_variable%mod_value)*(second_variable%mod_value))%mod_value
But this gives a wrong answer,
For example, If first_variable and second_variable is (10^18)-1 and mod_value = 10^18
Please suggest me method, so that first_variable will always give right answer.
Seems you are using a runtime where arithmetic is implemented using 64-bit integers. You can check this using multipliers like 2^32: if their product is 0, my guess is true. In that case, you should switch to an arbitrary long arithmetic implementation, or at least one that is much longer than the current one. E.g. Python supports integers up to 2^1016 (256^127), same for Erlang.
I've seen in comments you use C++. If so, look for GMP library and analogs. Or, if 128 bits is enough, modern GCC support it through own library.
This is basically overflows, so you should either use different value for mod_value (up to 10^9) or limit the range for first value and second value.
Your number is O(10^36) which is O(2^108) which cannot fit in any primitive data type in languages like java or C++. Use BigInt in C++ or Java or use numpy in python to get over it.

I want to know the exact method used by rand() to generate random numbers in gcc compiler of linux.

I want to know the exact method used to generate random numbers in gcc compiler of linux.
I know that the Linear Congruental Generator is used to generate random numbers in gcc which has general formula:
X(n+1) = (a* X(n) +c) mod m
and I came to know that the general formula used, has these constant values as given in wikipedia :
which are m=2^3, a =1103515245 and 12345
But the results obtained by putting these constants do not match with the result obtained by rand() function in gcc.
Can someone please help me where i am wrong, or is there something which i dont know.
Do the numbers match this:
Otherwise, the source code is here:
which leads to here:
There looks like a call to DES::SetKey(unsigned long long int); in the stdlib.h don't know if this is anything to do with the Random Generator function but you never know as there is a much faster version of the DES encryption/decryption algorithm which was the one used once used in the old version of GNUPG which actually used DES as the encryption/decryption system of choice so this is what they might be using to generate random numbers.

Simple integer encryption

Is there a simple algorithm to encrypt integers? That is, a function E(i,k) that accepts an n-bit integer and a key (of any type) and produces another, unrelated n-bit integer that, when fed into a second function D(E(i),k) (along with the key) produces the original integer?
Obviously there are some simple reversible operations you can perform, but they all seem to produce clearly related outputs (e.g. consecutive inputs lead to consecutive outputs). Also, of course, there are cryptographically strong standard algorithms, but they don't produce small enough outputs (e.g. 32-bit). I know any 32-bit cryptography can be brute-forced, but I'm not looking for something cryptographically strong, just something that looks random. Theoretically speaking it should be possible; after all, I could just create a dictionary by randomly pairing every integer. But I was hoping for something a little less memory-intensive.
Edit: Thanks for the answers. Simple XOR solutions will not work because similar inputs will produce similar outputs.
Would not this amount to a Block Cipher of block size = 32 bits ?
Not very popular, because it's easy to break. But theorically feasible.
Here is one implementation in Perl :
UPDATE: See also Format preserving encryption
UPDATE 2: RC5 supports 32-64-128 bits for its block size
I wrote an article some time ago about how to generate a 'cryptographically secure permutation' from a block cipher, which sounds like what you want. It covers using folding to reduce the size of a block cipher, and a trick for dealing with non-power-of-2 ranges.
A simple one:
rand = new Random(k);
return (i xor rand.Next())
(the point xor-ing with rand.Next() rather than k is that otherwise, given i and E(i,k), you can get k by k = i xor E(i,k))
Ayden is an algorithm that I developed. It is compact, fast and looks very secure. It is currently available for 32 and 64 bit integers. It is on public domain and you can get it from http://github.com/msotoodeh/integer-encoder.
You could take an n-bit hash of your key (assuming it's private) and XOR that hash with the original integer to encrypt, and with the encrypted integer to decrypt.
Probably not cryptographically solid, but depending on your requirements, may be sufficient.
If you just want to look random and don't care about security, how about just swapping bits around. You could simply reverse the bit string, so the high bit becomes the low bit, second highest, second lowest, etc, or you could do some other random permutation (eg 1 to 4, 2 to 7 3 to 1, etc.
How about XORing it with a prime or two? Swapping bits around seems very random when trying to analyze it.
Try something along the lines of XORing it with a prime and itself after bit shifting.
How many integers do you want to encrypt? How much key data do you want to have to deal with?
If you have few items to encrypt, and you're willing to deal with key data that's just as long as the data you want to encrypt, then the one-time-pad is super simple (just an XOR operation) and mathematically unbreakable.
The drawback is that the problem of keeping the key secret is about as large as the problem of keeping your data secret.
It also has the flaw (that is run into time and again whenever someone decides to try to use it) that if you take any shortcuts - like using a non-random key or the common one of using a limited length key and recycling it - that it becomes about the weakest cipher in existence. Well, maybe ROT13 is weaker.
But in all seriousness, if you're encrypting an integer, what are you going to do with the key no matter which cipher you decide on? Keeping the key secret will be a problem about as big (or bigger) than keeping the integer secret. And if you're encrypting a bunch of integers, just use a standard, peer reviewed cipher like you'll find in many crypto libraries.
RC4 will produce as little output as you want, since it's a stream cipher.
XOR it with /dev/random

Random number generation

I need a random number generation algorithm that generates a random number for a specific input. But it will generate the same number every time it gets the same input. If this kind of algorithm available in the internet or i have to build one. If exists and any one knows that please let me know. (c, c++ , java, c# or any pseudo code will help much)
Thanks in advance.
You may want to look at the built in Java class Random. The description fits what you want.
Usually the standard implementation of random number generator depends on seed value.
You can use standard random with seed value set to some hash function of your input.
C# example:
string input = "Foo";
Random rnd = new Random(input.GetHashCode());
int random = rnd.Next();
I would use a hash function like SHA or MD5, this will generate the same output for a given input every time.
An example to generate a hash in java is here.
The Mersenne Twister algorithm is a good predictable random number generator. There are implementations in most languages.
How about..
public int getRandonNumber()
// decided by a roll of a dice. Can't get fairer than that!
return 4;
Or did you want a random number each time?
Some code like this should work for you:
MIN_VALUE - Lower Bound
MAX_VALUE - Upper Bound
RANDOM_INPUT - Input Number
All pseudo-random number generators (which is what most RNGs on computers are) will generate the same sequence of numbers from a starting input, the seed. So you can use whatever RNG is available in your programming language of choice.
Given that you want one sample from a given seed, I'd steer clear of Mersenne Twister and other complex RNGs that have good statistical properties since you don't need it. You could use a simple LCG, or you could use a hash function like MD5. One problem with LCG is that often for a small seed the next value is always in the same region since the modulo doesn't apply, so if your input value is typically small I'd use MD5 for example.
