Simple integer encryption - algorithm

Is there a simple algorithm to encrypt integers? That is, a function E(i,k) that accepts an n-bit integer and a key (of any type) and produces another, unrelated n-bit integer that, when fed into a second function D(E(i),k) (along with the key) produces the original integer?
Obviously there are some simple reversible operations you can perform, but they all seem to produce clearly related outputs (e.g. consecutive inputs lead to consecutive outputs). Also, of course, there are cryptographically strong standard algorithms, but they don't produce small enough outputs (e.g. 32-bit). I know any 32-bit cryptography can be brute-forced, but I'm not looking for something cryptographically strong, just something that looks random. Theoretically speaking it should be possible; after all, I could just create a dictionary by randomly pairing every integer. But I was hoping for something a little less memory-intensive.
Edit: Thanks for the answers. Simple XOR solutions will not work because similar inputs will produce similar outputs.

Would not this amount to a Block Cipher of block size = 32 bits ?
Not very popular, because it's easy to break. But theorically feasible.
Here is one implementation in Perl :
UPDATE: See also Format preserving encryption
UPDATE 2: RC5 supports 32-64-128 bits for its block size

I wrote an article some time ago about how to generate a 'cryptographically secure permutation' from a block cipher, which sounds like what you want. It covers using folding to reduce the size of a block cipher, and a trick for dealing with non-power-of-2 ranges.

A simple one:
rand = new Random(k);
return (i xor rand.Next())
(the point xor-ing with rand.Next() rather than k is that otherwise, given i and E(i,k), you can get k by k = i xor E(i,k))

Ayden is an algorithm that I developed. It is compact, fast and looks very secure. It is currently available for 32 and 64 bit integers. It is on public domain and you can get it from

You could take an n-bit hash of your key (assuming it's private) and XOR that hash with the original integer to encrypt, and with the encrypted integer to decrypt.
Probably not cryptographically solid, but depending on your requirements, may be sufficient.

If you just want to look random and don't care about security, how about just swapping bits around. You could simply reverse the bit string, so the high bit becomes the low bit, second highest, second lowest, etc, or you could do some other random permutation (eg 1 to 4, 2 to 7 3 to 1, etc.

How about XORing it with a prime or two? Swapping bits around seems very random when trying to analyze it.
Try something along the lines of XORing it with a prime and itself after bit shifting.

How many integers do you want to encrypt? How much key data do you want to have to deal with?
If you have few items to encrypt, and you're willing to deal with key data that's just as long as the data you want to encrypt, then the one-time-pad is super simple (just an XOR operation) and mathematically unbreakable.
The drawback is that the problem of keeping the key secret is about as large as the problem of keeping your data secret.
It also has the flaw (that is run into time and again whenever someone decides to try to use it) that if you take any shortcuts - like using a non-random key or the common one of using a limited length key and recycling it - that it becomes about the weakest cipher in existence. Well, maybe ROT13 is weaker.
But in all seriousness, if you're encrypting an integer, what are you going to do with the key no matter which cipher you decide on? Keeping the key secret will be a problem about as big (or bigger) than keeping the integer secret. And if you're encrypting a bunch of integers, just use a standard, peer reviewed cipher like you'll find in many crypto libraries.
RC4 will produce as little output as you want, since it's a stream cipher.

XOR it with /dev/random


Pseudo random generator <=> hash function?

I've been thinking about this as a thought experiment to try and understand some hashing concepts. Consider the requirement for a say 128 bit hash function (i.e., its output is exactly 128 bits in length).
A. You might look at something like MD5. So you input your data to be hashed, and out pops a 128 bit number.
B. Alternatively, you find a magical pseudo random number generator (PRNG). Some sort of Frankenstein version of the Twister. It seeds itself from all of your input data to be hashed, and has an internal state size >> 128 bits. You then generate 128 pseudo random bits as output.
It seems to me that both A and B effectively produce an output that is determined solely by the input data. Are these two approaches therefore equivalent?
Some feed back has suggested that there might be a security in-equivalence with my scenario. If the pseudo random number generator were to be something like Java's SecureRandom (which uses SHA-1), seeded from the input data, then might A <=> B?
If you seed a PRNG with your input data and then extract 128 bits of random data from it, then you effectively leave the hashing to the PRNG seed function, and the size of the hash that it generates will be the size of the PRNG state buffer.
However, if the state of the PRNG is larger than the 128 bits you extract as a hash, then there's a risk that some of the input data used for the seed won't have any effect on the bits of the PRNG state that you extract. This makes it a really bad hash, so you don't want to do that.
PRNG seed functions are typically very weak hashes, because hashing is not their business. They're almost certainly insecure (which you did not ask about), and separate from that they're usually quite weak at avalanching. A strong hash typically tries to ensure that every bit of input has a fair chance of affecting every bit of output. Insecure hashes typically don't worry that they'll fail at this if the input data is too short, but a PRNG seed will often make no effort at all.
Cryptographic hash functions are designed to make it hard to create input that generates a specific hash; and/or more it hard to create two inputs that generate the same hash.
If something is designed as a random number generating algorithm, then this was not one of the requirements for the design. So if something is "just" a random number generator, there is no guarantee that it satisfies these important constraints on a cryptographic hashcode. So in that sense, they are not equivalent.
Of course there may be random number generating algorithms that were also designed as cryptographic hashing algorithms, and in that case (if the implementation did a good job at satisfying the requirements) they may be equivalent.

Chicken/Egg problem: Hash of file (including hash) inside file! Possible?

Thing is I have a file that has room for metadata. I want to store a hash for integrity verification in it. Problem is, once I store the hash, the file and the hash along with it changes.
I perfectly understand that this is by definition impossible with one way cryptographic hash methods like md5/sha.
I am also aware of the possibility of containers that store verification data separated from the content as zip & co do.
I am also aware of the possibility to calculate the hash separately and send it along with the file or to append it at the end or somewhere where the client, when calculating the hash, ignores it.
This is not what I want.
I want to know whether there is an algorithm where its possible to get the resulting hash from data where the very result of the hash itself is included.
It doesn't need to be cryptographic or fullfill a lot of criterias. It can also be based on some heuristics that after a realistic amount of time deliver the desired result.
I am really not so into mathematics, but couldn't there be some really advanced exponential modulo polynom cyclic back-reference devision stuff that makes this possible?
And if not, whats (if there is) the proof against it?
The reason why i need tis is because i want (ultimately) to store a hash along with MP4 files. Its complicated, but other solutions are not easy to implement as the file walks through a badly desigend production pipeline...
It's possible to do this with a CRC, in a way. What I've done in the past is to set aside 4 bytes in a file as a placeholder for a CRC32, filling them with zeros. Then I calculate the CRC of the file.
It is then possible to fill the placeholder bytes to make the CRC of the file equal to an arbitrary fixed constant, by computing numbers in the Galois field of the CRC polynomial.
(Further details possible but not right at this moment. You basically need to compute (CRC_desired - CRC_initial) * 2-8*byte_offset in the Galois field, where byte_offset is the number of bytes between the placeholder bytes and the end of the file.)
Note: as per #KeithS's comments this solution is not to prevent against intentional tampering. We used it on one project as a means to tie metadata within an embedded system to the executable used to program it -- the embedded system itself does not have direct knowledge of the file(s) used to program it, and therefore cannot calculate a CRC or hash itself -- to detect inadvertent mismatch between an embedded system and the file used to program it. (In later systems I've just used UUIDs.)
Of course this is possible, in a multitude of ways. However, it cannot prevent intentional tampering.
For example, let
hash(X) = sum of all 32-bit (non-overlapping) blocks of X modulo 65521.
Z = X followed by the 32-bit unsigned integer (hash(X) * 65521)
hash(Z) == hash(X) == last 32-bits of Z
The idea here is just that any 32-bit integer congruent to 0 modulo 65521 will have no effect on the hash of X. Then, since 65521 < 2^16, hash has a range less then 2^16, and there are at least 2^16 values less than 2^32 congruent to 0 modulo 65521. And so we can encode the hash into a 32 bit integer that will not affect the hash. You could actually use any number less than 2^16, 65521 just happens to be the largest such prime number.
I remember an old DOS program that was able to embed in a text file the CRC value of that file. However, this is possible only with simple hash functions.
Altough in theory you could create such file for any kind of hash function (given enough time or the right algorithm), the attacker would be able to use exactly the same approach. Even more, he would have a chose: to use exactly your approach to obtain such file, or just to get rid of the check.
It means that now you have two problems instead of one, and both should be implemented with the same complexity. It's up to you to decide if it worth it.
EDIT: you could consider hashing some intermediary results (like RAW decoded output, or something specific to your codec). In this way the decoder would have it anyway, but for another program it would be more difficult to compute.
No, not possible. You either you a separate file for hashs ala md5sum, or the embedded hash is only for the "data" portion of the file.
the way the nix package manager does this is by when calculating the hash you pretend the contents of the hash in the file are some fixed value like 20 x's and not the hash of the file then you write the hash over those 20 x's and when you check the hash you read that and ignore again it pretending the hash was just the fixed value of 20 x's when hashing
they do this because the paths at which a package is installed depend on the hash of the whole package so as the hash is of fixed length they set it as some fixed value and then replace it with the real hash and when verifying they ignore the value they placed and pretend it's that fixed value
but if you don't use such a method is it impossible
It depends on your definition of "hash". As you state, obviously with any pseudo-random hash this would be impossible (in a reasonable amount of time).
Equally obvious, there are of course trivial "hashes" where you can do this. Data with an odd number of bits set to 1 hash to 00 and an even number of 1s hash to 11, for example. The hash doesn't modify the odd/evenness of the 1 bits, so files hash the same when their hash is included.

Encryption algorithm that output byte by byte based on password and offset

Is there a well-known (to be considered) algorithm that can encrypt/decrypt any arbitrary byte inside the file based on the password entered and the offset inside the file.
(Databyte, Offset, Password) => EncryptedByte
(EncryptedByte, Offset, Password) => DataByte
And is there some fundamental weakness in this approach or it's still theoretically possible to build it strong enough
More datails: Any cryptographic algorithm has input and output. For many existing ones the input operates on large blocks. I want to operate on only one byte, but the system based on this can only can remap bytes and weak by default, but if we take the position in the file of this byte, we for example can take the bits of this position value to interpret them as some operation on some step (0: xor, 1: shitf) and create the encrypted byte with this. But it's too simple, I'm looking for something stronger.
Maybe it's not very efficient but how about this:
for encryption use:
encryptedDataByte = Encrypt(offset,key) ^ dataByte
for decryption use:
dataByte = Encrypt(offset,key) ^ encryptedDataByte
Where Encrypt(offset,key) might be e.g. 3DES or AES (with padding the offset, if needed, and throwing away all but one result bytes)
If you can live with block sizes of 16 byte, you can try the XTS-mode described in the wikipedia article about Disk encryption theory (the advantage being that some good cryptologists already looked at it).
If you really need byte-wise encryption, I doubt that there is an established solution. In the conference Crypto 2009 there was a talk about How to Encipher Messages on a Small Domain: Deterministic Encryption and the Thorp Shuffle. In your case the domain is a byte, and as this is a power of 2, a Thorp Shuffle corresponds to a maximally unbalanced Feistel network. Maybe one can build something using the position and the password as key, but I'd be surprised if a home-made solution will be secure.
You can use AES in Counter Mode where you divide your input into blocks of 16 bytes (128 bits) and then basically encrypt a counter on the block number to get a pseudo-random 16 bytes that you can XOR with the plaintext. It is critically important to not use the same counter start value (and/or initialization vector) for the same key ever again or you will open yourself for an easy attack where an attacker can use a simple xor to recover the key.
You mention that you want to only operate on individual bytes, but this approach would give you that flexibility. Output Feedback Mode is another common one, but you have to be careful in its use.
You might consider using the EAX mode for better security. Also, make sure you're using something like PBKDF-2 or scrypt to generate your encryption key from the password.
However, as with most cryptography related issues, it's much better to use a rigorously tested and evaluated library rather than rolling your own.
Basically what you need to do is generate some value X (probably 1 byte) based on the offset and password, and use this to encrypt/decrypt the byte at that offset. We'll call it
X = f(offset,password)
The problem is that an attacker that "knows something" about the file contents (e.g. the file is English text, or a JPEG) can come up with an estimate (or sometimes be certain) of what an X could be. So he has a "rough idea" about many X values, and for each of these he knows what the offset is. There is a lot of information available.
Now, it would be nice if all that information were of little use to the attacker. For most purposes, using a cryptographic hash function (like SHA-1) will give you a reasonable assurance of decent security.
But I must stress that if this is something critical, consult an expert.
One possibility is a One Time Pad, possibly using the password to seed some pseudo-random number generator. One time pads theoretically achieve perfect secrecy, but there are some caveats. It should do what you're looking for though.

Best algorithm for hashing number values?

When dealing with a series of numbers, and wanting to use hash results for security reasons, what would be the best way to generate a hash value from a given series of digits? Examples of input would be credit card numbers, or bank account numbers. Preferred output would be a single unsigned integer to assist in matching purposes.
My feeling is that most of the string implementations appear to have low entropy when run against such a short range of characters and because of that, the collision rate might be higher than when run against a larger sample.
The target language is Delphi, however answers from other languages are welcome if they can provide a mathmatical basis which can lead to an optimal solution.
The purpose of this routine will be to determine if a previously received card/account was previously processed or not. The input file could have multiple records against a database of multiple records so performance is a factor.
With security questions all the answers lay on a continuum from most secure to most convenient. I'll give you two answers, one that is very secure, and one that is very convenient. Given that and the explanation of each you can choose the best solution for your system.
You stated that your objective was to store this value in lieu of the actual credit card so you could later know if the same credit card number is used again. This means that it must contain only the credit card number and maybe a uniform salt. Inclusion of the CCV, expiration date, name, etc. would render it useless since it the value could be different with the same credit card number. So we will assume you pad all of your credit card numbers with the same salt value that will remain uniform for all entries.
The convenient solution is to use a FNV (As Zebrabox and Nick suggested). This will produce a 32 bit number that will index quickly for searches. The downside of course is that it only allows for at max 4 billion different numbers, and in practice will produce collisions much quicker then that. Because it has such a high collision rate a brute force attack will probably generate enough invalid results as to make it of little use.
The secure solution is to rely on SHA hash function (the larger the better), but with multiple iterations. I would suggest somewhere on the order of 10,000. Yes I know, 10,000 iterations is a lot and it will take a while, but when it comes to strength against a brute force attack speed is the enemy. If you want to be secure then you want it to be SLOW. SHA is designed to not have collisions for any size of input. If a collision is found then the hash is considered no longer viable. AFAIK the SHA-2 family is still viable.
Now if you want a solution that is secure and quick to search in the DB, then I would suggest using the secure solution (SHA-2 x 10K) and then storing the full hash in one column, and then take the first 32 bits and storing it in a different column, with the index on the second column. Perform your look-up on the 32 bit value first. If that produces no matches then you have no matches. If it does produce a match then you can compare the full SHA value and see if it is the same. That means you are performing the full binary comparison (hashes are actually binary, but only represented as strings for easy human reading and for transfer in text based protocols) on a much smaller set.
If you are really concerned about speed then you can reduce the number of iterations. Frankly it will still be fast even with 1000 iterations. You will want to make some realistic judgment calls on how big you expect the database to get and other factors (communication speed, hardware response, load, etc.) that may effect the duration. You may find that your optimizing the fastest point in the process, which will have little to no actual impact.
Also, I would recommend that you benchmark the look-up on the full hash vs. the 32 bit subset. Most modern database system are fairly fast and contain a number of optimizations and frequently optimize for us doing things the easy way. When we try to get smart we sometimes just slow it down. What is that quote about premature optimization . . . ?
This seems to be a case for key derivation functions. Have a look at PBKDF2.
Just using cryptographic hash functions (like the SHA family) will give you the desired distribution, but for very limited input spaces (like credit card numbers) they can be easily attacked using brute force because this hash algorithms are usually designed to be as fast as possible.
Okay, security is no concern for your task. Because you have already a numerical input, you could just use this (account) number modulo your hash table size. If you process it as string, you might indeed encounter a bad distribution, because the ten digits form only a small subset of all possible characters.
Another problem is probably that the numbers form big clusters of assigned (account) numbers with large regions of unassigned numbers between them. In this case I would suggest to try highly non-linear hash function to spread this clusters. And this brings us back to cryptographic hash functions. Maybe good old MD5. Just split the 128 bit hash in four groups of 32 bits, combine them using XOR, and interpret the result as a 32 bit integer.
While not directly related, you may also have a look at Benford's law - it provides some insight why numbers are usually not evenly distributed.
If you need security, use a cryptographically secure hash, such as SHA-256.
I needed to look deeply into hash functions a few months ago. Here are some things I found.
You want the hash to spread out hits evenly and randomly throughout your entire target space (usually 32 bits, but could be 16 or 64-bits.) You want every character of the input to have and equally large effect on the output.
ALL the simple hashes (like ELF or PJW) that simply loop through the string and xor in each byte with a shift or a mod will fail that criteria for a simple reason: The last characters added have the most effect.
But there are some really good algorithms available in Delphi and asm. Here are some references:
See 1997 Dr. Dobbs article at
code at
SuperFastHash Function c2004-2008 by Paul Hsieh (AKA HsiehHash)
You will find Delphi (with optional asm) source code at this reference:
13 July 2008
"More than a year ago Juhani Suhonen asked for a fast hash to use for his
hashtable. I suggested the old but nicely performing elf-hash, but also noted
a much better hash function I recently found. It was called SuperFastHash (SFH)
and was created by Paul Hsieh to overcome his 'problems' with the hash functions
from Bob Jenkins. Juhani asked if somebody could write the SFH function in basm.
A few people worked on a basm implementation and posted it."
The Hashing Saga Continues:
2007-03-13 Andrew: When Bad Hashing Means Good Caching
2007-03-29 Andrew: Breaking SuperFastHash
2008-03-03 Austin Appleby: MurmurHash 2.0
SuperFastHash - 985.335173 mb/sec
lookup3 - 988.080652 mb/sec
MurmurHash 2.0 - 2056.885653 mb/sec
Supplies c++ code MurmurrHash2.cpp and aligned-read-only implementation -
// Here is Landman's MurmurHash2 in C#
//2009-02-25 Davy Landman does C# implimentations of SuperFashHash and MurmurHash2
//Landman impliments both SuperFastHash and MurmurHash2 4 ways in C#:
//1: Managed Code 2: Inline Bit Converter 3: Int Hack 4: Unsafe Pointers
//SuperFastHash 1: 281 2: 780 3: 1204 4: 1308 MB/s
//MurmurHash2 1: 486 2: 759 3: 1430 4: 2196
Sorry if the above turns out to look like a mess. I had to just cut&paste it.
At least one of the references above gives you the option of getting out a 64-bit hash, which would certainly have no collisions in the space of credit card numbers, and could be easily stored in a bigint field in MySQL.
You do not need a cryptographic hash. They are much more CPU intensive. And the purpose of "cryptographic" is to stop hacking, not to avoid collisions.
If performance is a factor I suggest to take a look at a CodeCentral entry of Peter Below. It performs very well for large number of items.
By default it uses P.J. Weinberger ELF hashing function. But others are also provided.
By definition, a cryptographic hash will work perfectly for your use case. Even if the characters are close, the hash should be nicely distributed.
So I advise you to use any cryptographic hash (SHA-256 for example), with a salt.
For a non cryptographic approach you could take a look at the FNV hash it's fast with a low collision rate.
As a very fast alternative, I've also used this algorithm for a few years and had few collision issues however I can't give you a mathematical analysis of it's inherent soundness but for what it's worth here it is
=Edit - My code sample was incorrect - now fixed =
In c/c++
unsigned int Hash(const char *s)
int hash = 0;
while (*s != 0)
hash *= 37;
hash += *s;
return hash;
Note that '37' is a magic number, so chosen because it's prime
Best hash function for the natural numbers let
No conflicts ;)

What is a good Hash Function?

What is a good Hash function? I saw a lot of hash function and applications in my data structures courses in college, but I mostly got that it's pretty hard to make a good hash function. As a rule of thumb to avoid collisions my professor said that:
function Hash(key)
return key mod PrimeNumber
(mod is the % operator in C and similar languages)
with the prime number to be the size of the hash table. I get that is a somewhat good function to avoid collisions and a fast one, but how can I make a better one? Is there better hash functions for string keys against numeric keys?
There's no such thing as a “good hash function” for universal hashes (ed. yes, I know there's such a thing as “universal hashing” but that's not what I meant). Depending on the context different criteria determine the quality of a hash. Two people already mentioned SHA. This is a cryptographic hash and it isn't at all good for hash tables which you probably mean.
Hash tables have very different requirements. But still, finding a good hash function universally is hard because different data types expose different information that can be hashed. As a rule of thumb it is good to consider all information a type holds equally. This is not always easy or even possible. For reasons of statistics (and hence collision), it is also important to generate a good spread over the problem space, i.e. all possible objects. This means that when hashing numbers between 100 and 1050 it's no good to let the most significant digit play a big part in the hash because for ~ 90% of the objects, this digit will be 0. It's far more important to let the last three digits determine the hash.
Similarly, when hashing strings it's important to consider all characters – except when it's known in advance that the first three characters of all strings will be the same; considering these then is a waste.
This is actually one of the cases where I advise to read what Knuth has to say in The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 3. Another good read is Julienne Walker's The Art of Hashing.
For doing "normal" hash table lookups on basically any kind of data - this one by Paul Hsieh is the best I've ever used.
If you care about cryptographically secure or anything else more advanced, then YMMV. If you just want a kick ass general purpose hash function for a hash table lookup, then this is what you're looking for.
There are two major purposes of hashing functions:
to disperse data points uniformly into n bits.
to securely identify the input data.
It's impossible to recommend a hash without knowing what you're using it for.
If you're just making a hash table in a program, then you don't need to worry about how reversible or hackable the algorithm is... SHA-1 or AES is completely unnecessary for this, you'd be better off using a variation of FNV. FNV achieves better dispersion (and thus fewer collisions) than a simple prime mod like you mentioned, and it's more adaptable to varying input sizes.
If you're using the hashes to hide and authenticate public information (such as hashing a password, or a document), then you should use one of the major hashing algorithms vetted by public scrutiny. The Hash Function Lounge is a good place to start.
This is an example of a good one and also an example of why you would never want to write one.
It is a Fowler / Noll / Vo (FNV) Hash which is equal parts computer science genius and pure voodoo:
unsigned fnv_hash_1a_32 ( void *key, int len ) {
unsigned char *p = key;
unsigned h = 0x811c9dc5;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
h = ( h ^ p[i] ) * 0x01000193;
return h;
unsigned long long fnv_hash_1a_64 ( void *key, int len ) {
unsigned char *p = key;
unsigned long long h = 0xcbf29ce484222325ULL;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
h = ( h ^ p[i] ) * 0x100000001b3ULL;
return h;
Landon Curt Noll recommends on his site the FVN-1A algorithm over the original FVN-1 algorithm: The improved algorithm better disperses the last byte in the hash. I adjusted the algorithm accordingly.
I'd say that the main rule of thumb is not to roll your own. Try to use something that has been thoroughly tested, e.g., SHA-1 or something along those lines.
A good hash function has the following properties:
Given a hash of a message it is computationally infeasible for an attacker to find another message such that their hashes are identical.
Given a pair of message, m' and m, it is computationally infeasible to find two such that that h(m) = h(m')
The two cases are not the same. In the first case, there is a pre-existing hash that you're trying to find a collision for. In the second case, you're trying to find any two messages that collide. The second task is significantly easier due to the birthday "paradox."
Where performance is not that great an issue, you should always use a secure hash function. There are very clever attacks that can be performed by forcing collisions in a hash. If you use something strong from the outset, you'll secure yourself against these.
Don't use MD5 or SHA-1 in new designs. Most cryptographers, me included, would consider them broken. The principle source of weakness in both of these designs is that the second property, which I outlined above, does not hold for these constructions. If an attacker can generate two messages, m and m', that both hash to the same value they can use these messages against you. SHA-1 and MD5 also suffer from message extension attacks, which can fatally weaken your application if you're not careful.
A more modern hash such as Whirpool is a better choice. It does not suffer from these message extension attacks and uses the same mathematics as AES uses to prove security against a variety of attacks.
Hope that helps!
What you're saying here is you want to have one that uses has collision resistance. Try using SHA-2. Or try using a (good) block cipher in a one way compression function (never tried that before), like AES in Miyaguchi-Preenel mode. The problem with that is that you need to:
1) have an IV. Try using the first 256 bits of the fractional parts of Khinchin's constant or something like that.
2) have a padding scheme. Easy. Barrow it from a hash like MD5 or SHA-3 (Keccak [pronounced 'ket-chak']).
If you don't care about the security (a few others said this), look at FNV or lookup2 by Bob Jenkins (actually I'm the first one who reccomends lookup2) Also try MurmurHash, it's fast (check this: .16 cpb).
A good hash function should
be bijective to not loose information, where possible, and have the least collisions
cascade as much and as evenly as possible, i.e. each input bit should flip every output bit with probability 0.5 and without obvious patterns.
if used in a cryptographic context there should not exist an efficient way to invert it.
A prime number modulus does not satisfy any of these points. It is simply insufficient. It is often better than nothing, but it's not even fast. Multiplying with an unsigned integer and taking a power-of-two modulus distributes the values just as well, that is not well at all, but with only about 2 cpu cycles it is much faster than the 15 to 40 a prime modulus will take (yes integer division really is that slow).
To create a hash function that is fast and distributes the values well the best option is to compose it from fast permutations with lesser qualities like they did with PCG for random number generation.
Useful permutations, among others, are:
multiplication with an uneven integer
binary rotations
Following this recipe we can create our own hash function or we take splitmix which is tested and well accepted.
If cryptographic qualities are needed I would highly recommend to use a function of the sha family, which is well tested and standardised, but for educational purposes this is how you would make one:
First you take a good non-cryptographic hash function, then you apply a one-way function like exponentiation on a prime field or k many applications of (n*(n+1)/2) mod 2^k interspersed with an xorshift when k is the number of bits in the resulting hash.
I highly recommend the SMhasher GitHub project which is a test suite for hash functions. The fastest state-of-the-art non-cryptographic hash functions without known quality problems are listed here:
Different application scenarios have different design requirements for hash algorithms, but a good hash function should have the following three points:
Collision Resistance: try to avoid conflicts. If it is difficult to find two inputs that are hashed to the same output, the hash function is anti-collision
Tamper Resistant: As long as one byte is changed, its hash value will be very different.
Computational Efficiency: Hash table is an algorithm that can make a trade-off between time consumption and space consumption.
In 2022, we can choose the SHA-2 family to use in secure encryption, SHA-3 it is safer but has greater performance loss. A safer approach is to add salt and mix encryption., we can choose the SHA-2 family to use in secure encryption, SHA-3 it is safer but has greater performance loss. A safer approach is to add salt and mix encryption.
