How do you create a custom themed NSButton? - cocoa

How do you create a custom themed NSButton? I don't mean in a small way like changing the background color or changing from rounded edges to square edges. I want to replace the entire look and feel of the button. Is that even possible to do in Cocoa? Obviously I would have to subclass the NSButton class and go from there. Any help would be much appreciated.

Actually, you need to subclass NSButtonCell. You should read Apple's documentation on this to gain a better understanding of how they interact. You probably will still want to subclass NSButton so that it will use your NSButtonCell subclass, too.
For a button, most of the work is done in drawBezelWithFrame:inView:. If you want to alter the way the text or image is drawn, you would override drawTitle:withFrame:inView: and drawImage:withFrame:inView:.


Replace IKImageBrowserView's Superclass with NSVisualEffectView

I looking to make my IKImageBrowserView's background have a blurred background. According to the Apple Documentation, the IKImageBrowserView is based upon NSView. Is it possible to make an IKImageBrowserView inherit from an NSVisualEffectView instead so that I can give the background a blurred look. I assume that to start I must subclass the IKImageView, but I am unsure of where to go next. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
Add the IKImageBrowserView as a subview for an NSVisualEffectsView and make sure the browser view doesn't draw it's background.
The visual effects views are intended to be used in this way, not through class inheritance.

Finder like coloured labels

OS X Finder has this nice feature to colour-label files. I'm thinking of using a similar feature in my app (that is: use this in an NSTableView/NSOutlineView, not looking to highlight items in Finder from my app). Is this ability somehow available through any of the default user interface classes or would it require a custom implementation?
I have experimented with setting NSTextFieldBezelStyle to NSTextFieldRoundedBezel but this seems to kill the ability to draw a background colour and also defaults to a grey border.
Have a look at the NSURL NSURLLabelColorKey, which is one of the attributes you can set for a URL. You can set these values with setResourceValues:error:
After Edit: Sorry, I misinterpreted the question. I think the easiest way is to use a view based table and put a borderless label inside an NSBox of the custom type. You can give the box rounded corners and a background color with no border, and that looks just like the finder label.
Download the Apple SourceView sample app. It's an NSOutlineView that uses a custom NSTextFieldCell for the drawing; tweak that to draw your custom colors.

Custom drawing selection in NSTextView

I've got a NSTextView where I'd like to control drawing of the highlight/selection. Anyone know which method I have to overwrite so I can control what to draw in the selection rect?
You do not specify what you want to draw, so it's not easy to give you a straight answer.
If it's just an attributed string (Font, Style, Color, Background), you do not need anything fancy, just look for NSAttributedString. There are methods like -setSelectedTextAttributes: and the delegate method -textViewDidChangeSelection:
Generally, you should not subclass NSTextView if you don't have a very good reason to do so. You can do almost anything by just utilizing the usual delegation mechanisms.
If it's something very customized, there is a variety of possibilities depending on if you want to customize the selection (-setSelectedRange:) draw an overlay view (get the frame of the selectedRange) or mess around with the low level layout engine (-layoutManager). It really depends.
If you don't want to use the standard attributes to highlight text, eg by using an CALayer, you can get the rects containing the selection from the layoutManager of the NSTextView.

Autosizing boxes and positioning in Cocoa

I'm creating an application, from which a part looks like this:
I all dragged them to a window in IB, but the problem is that the NSImageView, Action Buttons (Suggest, Send, Poke etc...), Information NSBox, and Friends NSTabView can all vary in height. They should always be placed below each other, with a margin of 8px. Just like on Facebook. I thought of a very modified NSSplitView, but maybe there are easier ways. Can anyone help me out?
Edit: I have placed the action buttons in a Custom View with class NSView.
You'll have to manually resize the views yourself. Cocoa does not provide Java-style LayoutManagers. However, I don't think it would be too hard to recreate one...

buttons in interface buider

has anyone an idea if it is possible to create ellipse or polygon buttons in IB?
Directly, not without a library.
You can, however, create an NSView subclass which performs your shape drawing for you. You will need to implement the mouse events to perform clicks correctly. Drop an NSView on your window, set its class in the inspector to your custom-drawn NSView subclass, and you're set. Check out this tutorial.
You could also create a custom control, derived from NSControl. Check out this documentation.
