Autosizing boxes and positioning in Cocoa - cocoa

I'm creating an application, from which a part looks like this:
I all dragged them to a window in IB, but the problem is that the NSImageView, Action Buttons (Suggest, Send, Poke etc...), Information NSBox, and Friends NSTabView can all vary in height. They should always be placed below each other, with a margin of 8px. Just like on Facebook. I thought of a very modified NSSplitView, but maybe there are easier ways. Can anyone help me out?
Edit: I have placed the action buttons in a Custom View with class NSView.

You'll have to manually resize the views yourself. Cocoa does not provide Java-style LayoutManagers. However, I don't think it would be too hard to recreate one...


Add an NSView around cursor?

Simple question, starting out with macOS stuff – I’d like to create a small radial menu around my cursor, top-most, above whatever application is currently active, whenever a specific mouse button is pressed.
I have the specific mouse button over all application down, but I’m wondering where I need to draw that NSView, i.e. “topmost”. I guess on iOS this would be at the UIWindow level, but would NSWindow be the wrong approach here?
this is purely an opinion-based question, but basically if you want to present any custom content on the desktop, that should use NSWindow, and you can customise the window's content for your wish.
NOTE: you can find more information about the NSWindow class in Apple's Class Reference Docs.

Is NSTextView appropriate for a chat text view?

I need to develop a chat window kind of view, with the following requirements:
Be able to display an image
have custom control like a progress bar
scrollable, and finally,
copy and paste
I want to know which class should I use. Can I achieved all the above using NSTextView or should I go with a NSView and keep ScrollView inside it (drawing the text and other custom controls manually)
I appreciate your valuable comment
Thanks in advance
Just drag a nstextfield in your window in the interface builder. It will be much easier

Switch XIB Views - Cocoa Mac

I am pretty new to coding and would like to know how to switch XIB views on a button click. IS there also anyway to add animation when switching?
this is totally possible, but there are a few things you'll need to do. I imagine you are already familiar with connecting outlets to objects in your XIB, so the first thing you need to do is create the custom views in your XIB and connect them to outlets in your appDelegate. I suggest that one of the views be dragged into the window and one one be outside the window. That way, when the window loads, it already has one of your custom views as a subview. This just makes it easier to get started.
Then you're going to write an IBAction in the appDelegate and connect it to your button. Assuming that one of the custom views is already being hosted by the window, the IBAction should send a replaceSubviewWith message to the window's contentView animator like this [[window.contentView animator] replaceSubview:firstView with:secondView]; where firstView and secondView are the pointer/outlets that you declared and connected to the views in your XIB.
This is sending the animator proxy of the window's content view a message which tells it to replace the old subview with the new one. The reason for sending the message to the view's animator proxy (and not the view itself) is that the transition will be carried out with the deafult CATransitionAnimation. Because you want it to be animated, right?
The reason why you shouldn't remove one subview and then add another is because animating the removal of a subview is actually quite tricky and requires the implementation of the delegate method animationDidEnd. This is because executing an animation on a view that has been removed from the view heirarchy does not make sense. I don't know why Apple hasn't changed this, but for now it will be one of the enduring quirks of CoreAnimation.
Let me know if that helps. I am happy to clarify! And welcome to Cocoa!
An easy way to do this is to use a tabless NSTabView- you can lay everything out in IB so the pain is minimal.

Forcing Interface Builder to change class of objects(UIButton->UIControl)

I have a UIView filled with buttons that are all nicely hooked up to actions and outlets. However, in my infinite wisdom, I decided that I really would rather have the button behavior to be different and subclassed a UIControl.
My plan was to hop into Interface Builder, change the class of the buttons to my new UIControl subclass, and then be up and running. This would preserve all of outlet and action connections.
In IB (View Identity Inspector) when I type in my UIControl subclass into the class field, it reverts back to UIButton when I tab out. Any UIButton subclass works, but not a UIControl. I can go down the inheritance tree but not up....
The first plan was to go to XCode and change the superclass of my new control temporarily to UIButton, change the 'class' of my IB buttons, and then change the XCode code superclass back to UIControl. IB accepted and changed the class, but running the app gives me non-visible buttons. The IB Attributes inspector still shows it as a button.
Creating the control from scratch and rewiring works, but I was hoping to not rewire all the buttons if it could be avoided. (This is a change I was hoping to roll across multiple apps, so it is a bit more painful that it sounds)
Anyone know any way around this?
many thanks!
I'm a year late on this, but maybe it will help someone in the future. Perhaps you could open the .xib in a text editor and figure out what text you would have to change to get it to work (try it on a sample project first), then use find and replace to fix all of them at once.

How do you create a custom themed NSButton?

How do you create a custom themed NSButton? I don't mean in a small way like changing the background color or changing from rounded edges to square edges. I want to replace the entire look and feel of the button. Is that even possible to do in Cocoa? Obviously I would have to subclass the NSButton class and go from there. Any help would be much appreciated.
Actually, you need to subclass NSButtonCell. You should read Apple's documentation on this to gain a better understanding of how they interact. You probably will still want to subclass NSButton so that it will use your NSButtonCell subclass, too.
For a button, most of the work is done in drawBezelWithFrame:inView:. If you want to alter the way the text or image is drawn, you would override drawTitle:withFrame:inView: and drawImage:withFrame:inView:.
