Updating Value in Core Data - cocoa

I'm trying to write a simple stock check program, and I have a Table View binded to Core Data. The table has 3 columns: Model, Price and Quantity In Stock.
I have a NSTextField and a NSButton underneath this, so that the user can enter the quantity they wish to buy, and when they click "add to cart", the program should fetch the value in the "quantity in stock" column, in the selected row, and deduct the value entered into the NSTextField, obviously, it would return an error is there isn't enough in stock. At the same time, the whole row, model, price and quantity desired should be added to an "invoice".
My question is this: How would I go about retrieving the value in the quantity field at the selected row, manipulating it, and reinserting it into the table?
Or would I have to edit the Core Data directly? And how would I go about that?
Many thanks,

I assume the table is, in fact, bound to an NSArrayController instance. The controller's selectedObjects property is what you want.


Automatically displayed field in Oracle APEX

I have a master detail form in Oracle APEX. The table has items: ID, NAME, PRICE, VAT, TOTAL_COST. Is there a possible way in Oracle APEX to make some items automatically filled up. For example, when user in form enter PRICE, the VAT and TOTAL_COST field automatically are calculated and displayed. Not after the user submit the form.
Yes, create "Set value" dynamic action(s) on item(s) which is (are) changed.

Need to show "GRAND TOTAL" as a row header in OBIEE

I have a UNION report which contains 2 criteria. First Criteria contains all the individual values i.e. Student ID, Maths Mark, Science Marks. The 2nd criteria contains the TOTAL of Maths and Science Marks of all the students. In the 2nd criteria I need to show GRAND TOTAL as a ROW HEADER. How can be achieved?
You will need to create a pivot table:
Create a pivot table view, then Edit the pivot table view and move the attributes to the desired sections (Rows, Columns, and Measures). Drag and drop them until it looks like what you need.
In the pivot table view editor pane, next to the TOTAL column, change the Default Aggregation to Sum.
Next to the Student ID column (I presume it should be under the Rows section of the pivot table), click on the Sigma icon (Σ) icon.
Change the aggregation to display "Before" (I assume by Row header, you mean that you need the GRAND TOTAL to display to the left of the Student's marks.
Please let me know if this helps.

Reloading prices on product page when product option selected

On my product view page, I'm outputting the product price in a couple of places using the getPrice and getSpecialPrice methods.
Selecting a product option on a configurable product won't update these prices at the front end though, which saddens me.
Can anyone tell me how I do about making these values update when we select an option from the dropdown?
I would recommend that you do two separate methods binding them to a checklist box, one with the product price only (so that if the user selects it, it displays the face value of the product price) and the other one with example *x10% so that when the person checks it the product price will be decreased by 10% and store the temp new value so that you don't have it hard-coded.
Hope you get what I mean, my English is not so good
You should learn something about Servlets coupled with ajax.

Made to Measure - static block in product page

I need to create a way for the buyer to input his/her sizes so that the ordered product is made for his measures. How can I do that in Magento 1.9?
I was thinking that upon "made to measure" radio button is switched, a popup image and table emerges and the buyer fills some fields with dimensions that are sent in a text form with the order.
You can do this by creating Custom option on the Product.You shoule create custom option of text box so that user can enter his/her value.

NotApplicable marker with display pattern

Ok, so I'm pretty new to Cocoa, especially Bindings, but here's what I'm trying to do. I've got a Core Data model consisting of two entities: Category and Item. Category has a to-many relationship to Item called children, and Item has a relationship to Category called parent. Item has two attributes that Category does not have: quantity and desiredQuantity. What I'd like to do is display the tree in an NSOutlineView with two columns. One column is bound to the name of either the Category or the Item. I want to the second column to display something along the lines of
2 of 5
for the Item rows and nothing at all for the Category rows. When I use a display pattern, the Category rows end up showing
I noticed that if I don't use a display pattern for the second column, and instead just bind its Value to either the quantity or the desiredQuantity, the Category rows show nothing; its only if I try to use the display pattern.
How can I make it display nothing for the Category rows and still use the display pattern? Or can I?
I guess I didn't explain what the NotApplicable marker has to do with anything - Category does have properties for quantity and desiredQuantity, but they just return NSNotApplicableMarker.
This looks like a job for a custom NSFormatter or just a read-only NSString property called "paginationString" ...
