Made to Measure - static block in product page - magento

I need to create a way for the buyer to input his/her sizes so that the ordered product is made for his measures. How can I do that in Magento 1.9?
I was thinking that upon "made to measure" radio button is switched, a popup image and table emerges and the buyer fills some fields with dimensions that are sent in a text form with the order.

You can do this by creating Custom option on the Product.You shoule create custom option of text box so that user can enter his/her value.


How to hide rows in a Grid in The Master Page Header based on data returned and displayed on the page

I have a requirement to show a different header based on the content.
The header is a combination of logos and accompanying text that goes with the logo.
I need to display Company A logo or Company B Logo based on the data on the page.
The actuall content is a simple letter to the employee withe a few dynamic fields. There is a page break for every employee. The dataset contains the company name which drive the determination of the logo.
I tried a few things and was unsuccessful.
Any suggestions?
Probably the best idea is to not display the logo in the master page.
Instead, make the logo part of a group header with "repeat header" selected.

Add custom text to each product in cart - Magento 1.9X

how can I attach a custom text to a product which will be added into the cart along with the product itself when adding it to cart and furthermore being passed through the whole order process like in order page in back office or on pdf invoices and so on??
Ex :
When customer is on my product page he has the opportunity to
"customize" the product with the help of a configuration wizard I
have built with javascript/jquery.
List item At the end of this process customer can add customized
product to cart which now has a custom price and a custom
"order text" for me as the shop-owner to get all the customization
When clicking on add-to-cart-button
product is added to cart with new custom price and custom text
Please note that my custom text is not entered by customer. Instead it's gonna be generated by programmatically.
1- make a text or textarea in custom options according to your need.
2- hide it by title
3- put your calculated information into that text field or text area using client side script before adding product into cart.
4- then you will be able to get that information in cart order overview and order details in frontend/backend.

Hide and show field after attribute change in Magento

I'm building a Magento Store which sells doorhandles with different sizes. There are some standard sizes for which I made simple products, connected to a configurable product. Our client also wants to give customers the option to manually fill out a size. I made a simple product with the name 'custom doorhandle' and an attribute option in the attribute 'size' which says 'Other size'.
What I want is: when a customer selects the attribute option 'Other size' an extra field shows up where they can fill out the size of their needs. How can I do this? Many thanks in advance!
I actually found a solution myself: using the SCP (simple configurable product) Plugin, you can choose to display custom options withing a simple product. So I added the custom option as a textfield where customers can fill out 'other size' manually. If people select an existing size, the custom option field is not being displayed.

Custom Fields in Virtuemart allowing user to enter amounts

my question is probably simple for most but its troubling me and ive been googling for sometime now.
Im trying to create a product on this following website for a client
I want to create another Voucher called $100+ Gift Voucher with that voucher set at $100.00 obviously. when the viewer clicks on this I want to have a "Enter Amount" box where the viewer can enter the amount they want to pay for a Gift Voucher. for example if they wanted a $210.00 Gift Voucher, they simply enter $210.00
I managed to do this with custom fields but it then adds the amount entered (eg. $210.00) onto the $100.00 which I dont want. If it is possible I would like the $100+ Gift Voucher set to $0 dollars and whenever the viewer types in the value they want (eg. $210.00) and then go to the Shopping Cart the Total amount will be $210.00
Any help would be AMAZING
I think you can't exactly do this with current VM without any core files modification especially cart helper and related files.
But i think you can achieve this in another way .like you are planning to provide a text box for entering the amount in front end . instead of that you can provide a list box with predefined values.This you can achieve by using the VM custom fields options .
There is one option for making a list of values for custom fields.
Hope this may help you..

Allowing For Multiple Images in Product Gallery for One Attribute

If you edit a product and browse to the media gallery, you will notice that each type of image (Base, small, thumbnail) is a radio button. Furthermore, if you create your own product attribute and assign it to the product, it too is a radio button.
The intended functionality I would like is to upload many images and assign it to that attribute. I am creating a gallery on product view pages, and each product has an arbitrary amount of images.
I would like to know if there is an easy way to do it, and if not, what the best solution would be. I am running Magento 1.6.0 for this project.
If you upload images and do not assign them as base/small/thumb, then Magento will automatically create an image gallery for you on the product page. you could also extend the catalog/product/list.phtml to display a gallery on the category and search results listing if you wanted.
So, AFAIK, there's no need for you to change the application functionality in the way that you describe.
