Reloading prices on product page when product option selected - magento

On my product view page, I'm outputting the product price in a couple of places using the getPrice and getSpecialPrice methods.
Selecting a product option on a configurable product won't update these prices at the front end though, which saddens me.
Can anyone tell me how I do about making these values update when we select an option from the dropdown?

I would recommend that you do two separate methods binding them to a checklist box, one with the product price only (so that if the user selects it, it displays the face value of the product price) and the other one with example *x10% so that when the person checks it the product price will be decreased by 10% and store the temp new value so that you don't have it hard-coded.
Hope you get what I mean, my English is not so good

You should learn something about Servlets coupled with ajax.


Magento Configurable Product Page RRP Updating

We have a configurable product made up of simple products all with different prices and RRP's when on the product page you select the simple product from the drop down it updates the price however it doesnt update the RRP.
Is their a way to get the RRP to update as well as the price?
I am not sure what RRP (Recommended Retail Price?) is but I think you may want to look at Magento's event system and look for the product_save_before event.
You can create an extension that will inject code just before the product saves that can modify the product. In this case you want to change the RRP.
Hi yes RRP is RRP (Recommended Retail Price?) In terms of the product_save_before is that tied to the option drops downs generated from the simple products? I might have no mentioned but this is the front end of the site. When a users selects the simple product on the website it to change not just the sale price but the RRP as well thats shown (RRP is stored as an attribute along with the price)

Magento - only show special price

I have a problem with the special price in grid mode product view.
I want the special prices to show the way the sold out items show, with a little image saying SALE, but without the normal prices showing. heres the link to the product page.
Thanks for your answers!
Have you tried checking getSpecialPrice on the product model? If it returns an empty don't apply your image and show the normal prices, if it has a value apply your special class/image to get the sale ribbon and don't show the normal prices.

how to display few price fields for product in virtuemart

I need to add few price fields on product display in virtuemart, and check box near each price field
For example, when you buy this product, price depends on weight, and you need to select in check box
and near each checkbox, product price input field will be displayed.
How to realise this thing and is there any solution, that already done
Thanks, Ahmed.
You need to setup child (sub) products of your main product. This way you can have the description and images in the parent product and each child product will have an attribute and price associated with it. Have a google on "virtuemart setup child products" or something like that.

Magento grouped product options

I want to show a set of products as a table inside one product with these attributes.
Dimensions Width x Gusset x Height Code Price/Case Bags/Case Weight
So i chosen grouped product option but it does not match the requirement. How can i design a table like format from the grouped product option with radio button to choose only one product from it. So using grouped product or configurable product or by any way how can i achieve this.
Here am attaching the screen-shot which i actually wanted
I can think of two ways to represent this in code. If the dimensions tend to be from a limited set of choices, you could use a configurable product to represent this choice, simply displaying all possible sub-products in the table. This would let you reuse the existing catalog product page with a little retrofitting.
If they do not fit well, you could place the items in a category hidden from the public categories and loop through each of the products in the category to display the table. This would require more work to tie back to putting into the cart, etc.
Importantly, it looks like each of your options has an entirely uncorrelated price, so it seems to me that you need to have a simple product underpinning these options at some point. (I'm sure you could get more clever, I'm just not sure that's a good idea.)
You can easily solve this with a plugin for Magento. There is a plugin here which will do exactly what you want. It will display product options in a grid:

Please specify the product's option(s) in Magento

Actually i am using Elias_configurablebundle plugin for the configurable product as associated of the Bundle Product and to display GRID* for the configurable associated products i am using magento mechanics grid. here i have merged both of the extensions it showing GRID on bundle view page but showing Please specify the product's option(s)* on click of the **Add To Cart.
Although everything is fine, no required field left to fill out, i have applied any single custom options for any of the product.
so here i want to remove this validation so then it will directly redirect to shopping cart page.
Configurable products need to have their options chosen (say, color or size) in order to be added to the cart. Otherwise, there is no way to decide which simple product should be decremented from the inventory. So there is no way for you to "skip" selecting this information, other than hardcoding the selections for the configurable product.
If you do that, just use the simple products instead, and skip all the headache.
Another thing to check is that the options fields are actually inside the tags. Its fairly easy in Magento to move the option selects to a different column and not realize that you are moving them outside the add to cart form tags.
if the options are selected outside the form tags, then as far as the form is concerned no options have been selected.
Hope this helps someone down the road.
