Modal popup in Classic ASP? - ajax

I write in .NET and in classic ASP.
I want to create a modal popup in ASP, like in .NET how the parent page can be disabled and turned a different color.
Is this possible in ASP?
Or is there no easy solution to get this done?

You're going to use Javascript to make something like that, I'd recommend you use jQuery. There is a lot of prebuilt libraries to help you do that.
For the modal box, you might start with the jQuery Dialog.

Just use a javascript library to do this. jQuery is a popular choice and there a number of plugins to do this.

Yes, of course, but if you are writing the Javascript yourself, you can just create a hidden DIV tag that has the same exact page rendered, but with a 15% gray - transparent .gif file that sits on top of what is displayed. Then you change that DIV tag to visable when the Modal dialog is launched, and change it back when it's closed. Simple.

There are some great JS libraries out there that can help you.
I like jQuery and YUI for their ease of use.
Try this link and look around at some of their Panel offerings.. all of which have a Modal setting that will grey out the background.
Good Luck~

" how the parent page can be disabled and turned a different color"
You can use the ibox javascript, I have used it with good results.

I'd put a vote in for stickywin from the clientcide site. Its all Mootools bases and very sweet to use.


Ajax requests in jquery mobile dialog

I have a problem...
I'm working on a dialog in which there're two buttons that are linked with two different actions.
I'd like to have two Ajax requests when the buttons are clicked.
I tried every kind of javascript scripts but it dosn't work...
I premise that in the page of the dialog I haven't included jquery mobile scripts (in the guide is said that dialogs don't need links to the script if they're called as dialogs through a link [data-rel])
It seems that inside dialog external javascript code isn't loaded...
This is a problem...
Do you think it's better to call the dialog with a simple link (without data-rel and with data-ajax=false) and replace data-role=page with data-role=dialog (I mean inside the dialog page).
Thank you
Best regards
I found the solution through Jquery mobile forum...
The problem is that for dialogs the javascript code must be wrote inside the page div and not at the end of the body (the classical position of javascript code).
So your code will be loaded and will work...

Using a Telerik control inside a repeater

I am using the Repeater control. (My company is heavily invested in that, so I can't change it.)
I need a way to create a poup edit window, specific to the row the user clicked on in the repeater, so the user can edit the data in that record.
We have the Telerik controls to use, but I don't know which one. I saw the radwindow, but can find no examples of using it in a repeater. Frankly, Telerik documentation is confusing.
I prefer to use client-side code, ajax and web-services. I'd like to prevent post-backs.
1) Please give me a reference to a specific example of using the Telerik radwindow inside a repeater for this purpose.
2) Clue me in to a better idea.
Thank you.
I don't think there are explicit examples with an asp Repeater, but I found this one with a GridView. The approach should be the same, as it is just another databound control - it shows an easy way to open a RadWindow on the client by passing some parameters (it is actually not possible to open it on the server, it is a client-side object).
Some more complex examples I found on their site here and here. They both update a grid, yet they show a nice way to use AJAX to prevent a full postback.

full screen fancybox(iframe)

I use fancybox plugin on my website and I want to display an iframe in fullscreen.
I use this This goes to iframe, and the problem is that the iframe is not displayed full screen.
Check this and click on details to see what I'm talking about.
Why is not working ?
I believe the link is incorrect, here's one that I'm using now and it works.
<p><a class="fancy fancybox.iframe" href="">Link name</a></p>
In your case "fancy" might need to be changed to fancybox fancybox.iframe. Haven't quite figured out the full screen. It looks like it needs to be done using javascript.

how to display a html page inside dynamically created silverlight child window

I want to a html page inside a dynamically created silverlight child window without telerik control.
The telerik control isn't doing anything you can't do yourself with enough effort - it's all just transparent user code.
So, you could create <div> and position it carefully just like the telerik control does - but of course this can be a lot of work (that's why folks would want to pay for their control).
This also only works when the plugin is windowless, which has lots of trade-offs (see MSDN - for example, accessibility support is greatly reduced or gone entirely, I can't recall which).
In out-of-browser mode, you can use the WebBrowser control, in case that helps should you wish to make your app available OOB later.
try one of these links:
1. or
It can help

Ajax Image gallery / Open, Close Window Effect

Can anyone point me in the direction of such a script? It should also be able to work when called into another ajax window. This is the type of gallery i am going for:
It should go on this page:
Portfolio section.
This script should be real simple to use with minimal extra files to make it work. I also should be able to just drop images in a gallery folder and it populates the gallery automatically with thumbnails....I shouldnt have to write code for each image in my html. Should be all dynamic.
I also would like to know how I could go about a window effect where every time I open up a new section via my navigation, the window shrinks closed with the old content, then expands open with the new content. the window effect should be vertical (top to bottom shrink into center, expand from center top to bottom)
Please Let me know. Thanks
JQuery is one of my personal favorite javascript libraries (along with 99% of this site apparently!)
But it will have a learning curve, as your requirements seem pretty specific, and you will have to read some documentation to pull it off.
Try Spry from Adobe. They have a very similar demo. Also, the other common frameworks for this would be prototype/scriptaculous, dojo, mootools, jquery. In many cases they have extensions that would provide the exact thing you are looking for. For example, try
shadowbox extension which is framework agnostic. Best of luck!
Imago looks promising:
Just discovered the very awesome-looking jQuery Tools library today. Meets your "simple and minimal" requirements and could probably pull off what you've sketched, with just the "tooltips" and "scrollable" components.
I also should be able to just drop images in a gallery folder and it populates the gallery automatically with thumbnails
My instinct is that you'd be better off writing server-side code to handle this part of your requirement.
