Ajax Image gallery / Open, Close Window Effect - ajax

Can anyone point me in the direction of such a script? It should also be able to work when called into another ajax window. This is the type of gallery i am going for:
It should go on this page:
Portfolio section.
This script should be real simple to use with minimal extra files to make it work. I also should be able to just drop images in a gallery folder and it populates the gallery automatically with thumbnails....I shouldnt have to write code for each image in my html. Should be all dynamic.
I also would like to know how I could go about a window effect where every time I open up a new section via my navigation, the window shrinks closed with the old content, then expands open with the new content. the window effect should be vertical (top to bottom shrink into center, expand from center top to bottom)
Please Let me know. Thanks

JQuery is one of my personal favorite javascript libraries (along with 99% of this site apparently!)
But it will have a learning curve, as your requirements seem pretty specific, and you will have to read some documentation to pull it off.

Try Spry from Adobe. They have a very similar demo. Also, the other common frameworks for this would be prototype/scriptaculous, dojo, mootools, jquery. In many cases they have extensions that would provide the exact thing you are looking for. For example, try
shadowbox extension which is framework agnostic. Best of luck!

Imago looks promising:

Just discovered the very awesome-looking jQuery Tools library today. Meets your "simple and minimal" requirements and could probably pull off what you've sketched, with just the "tooltips" and "scrollable" components.
I also should be able to just drop images in a gallery folder and it populates the gallery automatically with thumbnails
My instinct is that you'd be better off writing server-side code to handle this part of your requirement.


How to add RichText editor to a page as component in HippoCMS?

I'm creating some project using HippoCMS 10 and I need to add RichText editor as part of the page, so that customer can use it and fill something there. This editor must act exactly the same way as in Document Editor (customer can click Image button in toolbar and select image from ImagePicker dialog box).
Can't find anything about it in HippoCMS official documentation. I learned how to create custom plugins and how to integrate CKEditor into page separately, but for image picking, I need default behaviour as in Hippo.
How can I achieve this? Any help will be appreciated!
I think your question was answered on the community group. The answer there was:
"it should be quite easy to have a CKEditor in the website.
However, it doesn't really make sense to me to have site visitors able to pick CMS documents and images from the site. The picker dialogs are designed to work inside the CMS only. You should be able to create your own picker dialog that can read from a REST service that exposes the images/documents.
I don't think it will be possible to reuse the CMS picker dialog in the site."
"your use case is fine, when I said "it doesn't really make sense", I was really referring to the technical limitations of the pickers. You should be able to achieve what you want with a custom dialog that plugs into a REST service though. Unfortunately there is no quick solution for this that I can think of."
Just adding this for future reference.

I can't get the first modal, in the series of modals, to open

Greeting and thanks for your generosity in providing this wonderful forum,
I'm using jQuery Orbit Slider and Reveal Modal. I setup the slider to include content and within the content are hotlinks to a series of modals.
I can't get the first modal, in the series of modals, to open. It appears the plugin is programmatically generating inline CSS that is overriding my CSS stylesheet. Mainly z-index selector is keeping the first modal hidden (or invisible). The subsequent modals in that series work as intended.
When viewed using Chrome Inspect Console shows the inconsistency please note at "featuredContent10" which is where the slide4 resides (it's actually a background image). The data-reveal-id="slide4-1" is the first one in the series of modals. I did not add the inline styles it's in the reveal.js file.
Unfortunately, I don't know enough about reveal and can't find any information regarding a solution. The information I came away with is to ask for assistance on stackoverflow.com. 99.9% of the time I find solution on my own, however, I'm at a lost and my client likes the features of both plugins. Any help you can give me would be very much appreciated.
If it helps here’s a link to the beta site: http://www.partnershipwithearth.com/thecooperationway-1/
Go to Slide 11 lower left link is the culprit. You'll notice the dialog box and close button do appear without the image (slide4-1).
Your expertise is greatly appreciated

Web Page Rendering Capture

I start with describing the problem itself. Rather than a problem I'm looking for a better solution. I have a asp.net page which has a bunch of images and a link underneath it, Each image is infact the latest rendering of the link underneath it.
I scheduled a bat script which runs every hour to fetch the images through IECapt a web page rendering capture utility. One thing am annoyed about this utility is it takes a lot of time for the 20 images I have and for few because of the flash content it misses to take the actual screenshot of the website.
Now I like to know can this rendering be done by traditional programming am not interested in using any utilities. I'm interested in trying this. The solution need not be necessarily a C# based am ready to try in any other language. Because it gives me a chance to learn.
Thank you.
You should probably look at moz-headless-screenshot
You should be able to embed the functionality you need.
he also provided a sample embedding client application called moz-headless-screenshot.
This is a simple command line tool that takes a URL, image size, and output filename
and generates a PNG screenshot of the webpage.
You should look into browser shots:
They do what you want to do for lots of different browsers. It is even open source.
There's no simple-simple solution for what you're asking to do. This is because rendering HTML, CSS, and Flash is actually a very sophisticated process.
If you're up for quite a bit of coding, you can use the Gecko engine (which powers firefox) or another open-source web-browser core (ie Dillo) to render the page onto a custom canvas. Then save that canvas to a file. Unless you implement support for browser plug-ins, you won't get Flash this way, though. You could try using Gnash or its like. Good luck with that.
I don't know of an open-source project that already does this. It would be neat, though :-). If you write something, please push it to the world; it would be really cool to have a "get a screencap of this URL" tool.
One way is to use IRobotSoft web scraper. You can design a robot to go to the URL every hour, and capture the whole web page as an image via a function CapturePage(imagefile).
I am not sure if it will be better than IECapt though.
We have used ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control (http://www.acasystems.com/en/web-thumb-activex/) quite successfully to capture parts or whole of a web page in the web server and then to write them to a file, just passing in the url. It performs fast enough for our need.
I am not familiar with IECapt, but this might be something you might want to have a look at.

Modal popup in Classic ASP?

I write in .NET and in classic ASP.
I want to create a modal popup in ASP, like in .NET how the parent page can be disabled and turned a different color.
Is this possible in ASP?
Or is there no easy solution to get this done?
If possible...how?
You're going to use Javascript to make something like that, I'd recommend you use jQuery. There is a lot of prebuilt libraries to help you do that.
For the modal box, you might start with the jQuery Dialog.
Just use a javascript library to do this. jQuery is a popular choice and there a number of plugins to do this.
Yes, of course, but if you are writing the Javascript yourself, you can just create a hidden DIV tag that has the same exact page rendered, but with a 15% gray - transparent .gif file that sits on top of what is displayed. Then you change that DIV tag to visable when the Modal dialog is launched, and change it back when it's closed. Simple.
There are some great JS libraries out there that can help you.
I like jQuery and YUI for their ease of use.
Try this link and look around at some of their Panel offerings.. all of which have a Modal setting that will grey out the background.
Good Luck~
" how the parent page can be disabled and turned a different color"
You can use the ibox javascript, I have used it with good results.
I'd put a vote in for stickywin from the clientcide site. Its all Mootools bases and very sweet to use.

Using pictures as buttons?

I talked to a friend of mine and he told me that it's possible to create an image in an image editor (gimp/photoshop) and then use it as a button . He said that's the way applications that have great GUIs do it.
He also said that there is a file describing which parts of the image make up the button.
Is this possible , or is he "crazy"? :)
This needs to be clarified with a language of choice, etc. In general, most languages (WinForms, Java AWT/SWT, etc) have an image or background image property that allows you to use images for buttons. There are even skinning frameworks that will let you use images for all controls in an easy-to-define manner.
If you are talking about HTML, there is a button input type that can allow an image to be used as a button for a form.
CodeProject is a good place to find lots of skinning libraries. I used this one a long time ago. Winamp is a great example of a skinned application, where users can actually create their own templates to completely change the look of the application without changing code whatsoever. Actually, most media players have some sort of skinning available.
You can do anything, especially since you have no constraints re language, environment, etc.
No he is not crazy, you can use images on almost all GUI tools instead of buttons, they are generally an image on the button, or in some cases you can put the image on the screen and have an onclick event assigned to it.
You haven't been very specific with your question so nobody is able to give you a definitive answer, but here's an attempt to do so without demeaning you:
It's quite common for graphics designers (using tools like photoshop, gimp, etc.) to participate alongside developers for both desktop and web based applications. Web based applications can easily capture information about when an image is clicked and frequently people will either design the button with the text in the image file itself, or use background pictures/borders with plain text on top. There is not standard, per se, on how this is accomplished on the web, but plenty of sites serve as an example (try using Firebug with FireFox to inspect other sites and see how they do things).
If the circumstance at hand is desktop oriented then the answer becomes much more complicated. Skinning is accomplished in many way and, depending on platforms and libraries being used, implementation specifics vary greatly. In it's most simple terms, most GUI frameworks (like GTK, QT, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation) include a basic picture control, and this control can usually process a "Click" event, which would allow it to function as a button, but if you want different states (pressed, disabled, etc.) you will have to invest more effort in such a thing; you also won't find this method suitable for replacing the rendering of all buttons in an application, but rather something you would do manually for each one, or write your own custom button control that uses your assets specifically.
In terms of a file describing different images that combine as described in the file to override the rendering of the button this would lead me to believe you are either working with an already existent application that is skinable (like Firefox or Winamp) or that he is speaking of some specific UI toolkit. I'm not aware of this functionality being generally available in most of the common system-level UI toolkits.
In the future you may wish to be more specific with your questions.
In HTML, you could do:
<input type="button" src="/path/to/image.png" />
Alternately, assigning an onclick event to an image causes that image to work similarly to a button:
<img src="/path/to/image.png" onclick="function(){doSomething();}" />
If you're talking HTML you can use <input type="image" src="myfile.png" />
Specifications here
Imagemaps I guess.
No seperate file describes the map, it is all part of the html document.
