how to display a html page inside dynamically created silverlight child window - windows

I want to a html page inside a dynamically created silverlight child window without telerik control.

The telerik control isn't doing anything you can't do yourself with enough effort - it's all just transparent user code.
So, you could create <div> and position it carefully just like the telerik control does - but of course this can be a lot of work (that's why folks would want to pay for their control).
This also only works when the plugin is windowless, which has lots of trade-offs (see MSDN - for example, accessibility support is greatly reduced or gone entirely, I can't recall which).
In out-of-browser mode, you can use the WebBrowser control, in case that helps should you wish to make your app available OOB later.

try one of these links:
1. or
It can help


Joomla articles and modules not showing on small screens

I'm really quite new to Joomla and I've encountered a problem. On my homepage the article is showing just fine, but all the other modules (except for the menu bar) disappear when I switch to a smaller screen size. On my other pages the article doesn't even show anymore, just the menu bar. I'm using the purity III template. I have no idea what's going on since the settings in the layout of the template indicate that all modules that are showing on a desktop should also be displayed on a mobile device, and I've found no difference in settings in the articles itself. My site.
Thanks for your help!
It sounds like the responsive design hides them on purpose.
Just from a quick peek at your code using inspect element I can see that the class "slideshow hidden-xs" gets a display:none on smaller screen sizes and all of your main content is wrapped in that element. If all of your content is not supposed to be wrapped in that element (which I'm guessing it's not) you're most likely missing a closing tag on a div or something.
Find the missing closing tag (ie: /div, /a, etc) and it will probably solve your problem.
You can update the latest version of Joomla and check again that some problem is coming or not. I yes then download new theme for your website which is compatible with your theme.

Using a Telerik control inside a repeater

I am using the Repeater control. (My company is heavily invested in that, so I can't change it.)
I need a way to create a poup edit window, specific to the row the user clicked on in the repeater, so the user can edit the data in that record.
We have the Telerik controls to use, but I don't know which one. I saw the radwindow, but can find no examples of using it in a repeater. Frankly, Telerik documentation is confusing.
I prefer to use client-side code, ajax and web-services. I'd like to prevent post-backs.
1) Please give me a reference to a specific example of using the Telerik radwindow inside a repeater for this purpose.
2) Clue me in to a better idea.
Thank you.
I don't think there are explicit examples with an asp Repeater, but I found this one with a GridView. The approach should be the same, as it is just another databound control - it shows an easy way to open a RadWindow on the client by passing some parameters (it is actually not possible to open it on the server, it is a client-side object).
Some more complex examples I found on their site here and here. They both update a grid, yet they show a nice way to use AJAX to prevent a full postback.

MS Access 2007 Load Image to Ribbon

I'm trying to get to grips with customising a Ribbon Bar for a converted A2003 app. I'm trying to work out how to use my own custom images on button controls in the ribbon. Can anyone point me to an example for Access 2007 that can do this pls?
Please check this MSDN article (Adding Custom Dynamic Menus to the Office Fluent User Interface) and see if it helps you. Furthermore I would point you to the specifying image resource MSDN article, because you need different sized images for different sized buttons - read the bottom of my post to make it easier on you.
I believe there was also custom images within the official MS example on ribbon extensibility with Access 2007 - I hope this example is sufficient, it helped me a great lot.
My personal favorite is just using a graphical UI editor, such as the "Custom UI Editor Tool". With it you just click a button to insert an image and it works (as explained in this tutorial). Even better as the Custom UI Editor is the IDBE Ribbon Creatror - my personal tool of choice. A shareware version is available from the website.
I have a working example class object you can use that makes this a good deal less code.
The above lets you use a very much like previous style code approach. So, to set a picture for a ribbon, you can go:
meRib("Button1").Picture = "HappyFace.png"
The same download has a working form in which some images in the ribbon change from choices made on the form.

How to AJAXify ASP:Wizard Control

Happy Friday All,
I have an 2.0 website that I'm updating to .Net 3.5. The site uses a master page and I've placed asp:UpdatePanel in it.
One of the pages has a 3-step wizard control that I'd like to "Ajaxify" in some way. Are there better controls in the AJAX control toolkit that provide an improved user experience over the asp:Wizard control?
Please share with me your efforts to improve upon the asp:Wizard control. Did you move to a different control? Stay with asp:Wizard and add effects to it?
Kind of late, but I'll answer. I used the Telerik RadAjaxManager control to ajaxify my Wizard control, and I regretted it because of performance issues.
If I were you, I'd pursue setting up divs and use JQuery to selectively show/hide them to emulate a wizard.

Ajax Image gallery / Open, Close Window Effect

Can anyone point me in the direction of such a script? It should also be able to work when called into another ajax window. This is the type of gallery i am going for:
It should go on this page:
Portfolio section.
This script should be real simple to use with minimal extra files to make it work. I also should be able to just drop images in a gallery folder and it populates the gallery automatically with thumbnails....I shouldnt have to write code for each image in my html. Should be all dynamic.
I also would like to know how I could go about a window effect where every time I open up a new section via my navigation, the window shrinks closed with the old content, then expands open with the new content. the window effect should be vertical (top to bottom shrink into center, expand from center top to bottom)
Please Let me know. Thanks
JQuery is one of my personal favorite javascript libraries (along with 99% of this site apparently!)
But it will have a learning curve, as your requirements seem pretty specific, and you will have to read some documentation to pull it off.
Try Spry from Adobe. They have a very similar demo. Also, the other common frameworks for this would be prototype/scriptaculous, dojo, mootools, jquery. In many cases they have extensions that would provide the exact thing you are looking for. For example, try
shadowbox extension which is framework agnostic. Best of luck!
Imago looks promising:
Just discovered the very awesome-looking jQuery Tools library today. Meets your "simple and minimal" requirements and could probably pull off what you've sketched, with just the "tooltips" and "scrollable" components.
I also should be able to just drop images in a gallery folder and it populates the gallery automatically with thumbnails
My instinct is that you'd be better off writing server-side code to handle this part of your requirement.
