How to disable contextmenu except in the grid of telerik FileExplorer? - telerik

I tried to disable unnecessary context menu when I set a grid with ContextMenus. By default, if you click the blank part of the grid, it disables the Delete menu.
However, after adding customized menu like Download, it shows in the context menu even there is no selected item (i.e., How can I download it?). So I want to disable the unnecessary menu or make it invisible except in the grid row context menu.
I'm using telerik ASP.NET AJAX contorl 2009 Q2.
Thanks in advance.

This piece of code should help - basically what you need to do is attach a handler to the menu showing event, check the target element (the element where you right-clicked) and if it is the grid area itself - disable the menu item.
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnClientLoad(explorer)
function disableItem(sender, args)
var target = args.get_targetElement();
if (target && target.className == "rgDataDiv")
var dlItem = sender.findItemByValue("download");
}</script><telerik:RadFileExplorer runat="server" ID="RadFileExplorer1" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad"></telerik:RadFileExplorer>


How to set focus on a section of my web page then scroll down click on an element and again scroll down to view the elements visible on opening

I am able to scroll to a section of the website, and click on the element. But my test fails as the elements opening on the click is not visible without scrolling again.
This is the code I used to scroll and click:
var filter = theSwitch.pageBar;
var scrollIntoView = function () {
browser.executeScript(scrollIntoView, filter);;

Change the visible sate of a link button inside a datalist

I want to change the visible state and enable state of a link button inside a data list when another button in the same data list is clicked.How can I do that?
Here is the code:
if (e.CommandName == "Save")
DataListItem item = (DataListItem)(((LinkButton)(e.CommandSource)).NamingContainer);
LinkButton lnk=(LinkButton)item.FindControl("LinkButton2");
This code is not working
Hello I am a bit late in answering this but for Linkbutton to change its visible state by using display:none
lnk.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none");

Is it possible to change labels of Kendo Grid Editor?

I am using kendo grid and its build-in functionality for creating and updating items.
I'm looking for a way to change Editor labels (title and buttons Update/Cancel).
I found an answer here (Change Button text in Kendo Ui Grid Popup Window) where OnaBei explains how to change title.
However, I still cannot figure out the way to change button names based on whether item is being added or being edited. The same with title, is it a way to change it based on "create"/"update" state?
I assume that it can be done with javascript, but it will probably be a hack and dirty solution.
This can be done in the edit event of the grid. The model event argument has a isNew method which will return true in "create" state. Here is some sample code:
edit: function(e) {
var title = "Edit mode";
if (e.model.isNew()) {
title = "Insert mode";
var wnd ="kendoWindow");
And a live demo:

Unable to deselect the selected node in KendoUI tree view

I have a tree-like structure using Kendo UI tree view. Each node is displayed as a hyperlink and on clicking each one, a new kendotabstrip will be opened. My problem is if I select one node, the results are displayed fine in a new tab but if I close the newly opened tab and then select the same node then no new tab is opened since the node has already been selected. If I have to choose the same node, then I have to access another node and then come back to node.
I tried to deselect the selected item once the new tab is opened using the following snippet:
var treeview=$(#grpTree).data("KendoTreeView");
but the node is not getting deselected. Is there any other way to do it or have I missed out anything?
I know this post is a bit dated, but as Telerik is continually upgrading its components, I thought I'd put this here so that people can be aware of this change moving forward.
You can deselect all selected nodes with the following syntax:
var treeView = $("#treeView").data("kendoTreeView");$());
Source: Kendo UI Treeview Documentation for Select
Yes this is by design. If you want to attach a click handler which will be triggered each time (no matter if the node is already selected). You can attach a delegate event like the following:
var clickedNode = $(this);
var treeViewClientObject = $(e.delegateTarget).data().kendoTreeView;
My code:
var treeview=$(#grpTree).data("KendoTreeView");;
This calls the change function always, so this can be another solution:
change: function () {
if (this.dataItem( {
var treeView = $("#calendar_tree").data("kendoTreeView");$());
change: function () {
if (this.dataItem( {
var treeView = $("#favorite_tree").data("kendoTreeView");$());

How do I show/hide images in Enyo?

I am using HP webOS 3.0 and the Enyo framework.
I have simple question that how can I show and hide images on click of a button. I have 2 images and I want to show images on click of one button and hide on click of another button.
I have two panes called left pane and right pane on a single view.
I have around 10 items on left pane.
On each of the item click appropriate view is called on right pane.
I am doing it with following code.
showTaskView: function(){
Now I want to know how can access the control's property in the main view containing both left pane and right pane.
For example,
I want to show / hide image in the taskView displayed on the right pane on click of the button that is neither in the left pane or right pane but on the header part of the view that contains both left and right pane.
It is not allowing me to access the control's image.setSrc method from the main view.
I have tried it with the following code.
editTask: function() {
editTask: function() {
It gives me the following error:
Cannot read property 'setSrc' of undefined
With VirtualList, your hash will only reference the currently "selected" row. "selected" being either the row receiving an event or one explicitly selected using prepareRow(). If you want to change every row, you should set a property and call refresh() on the list to cause it to rerender.
The below should work (I think ...)
setupRow: function(inSender, inIndex) {
var row =[inIndex];
if (row) {
this.$.caption1.setContent("Greet a " + row.task + ":");
if(this.hideStart) this.$.star.hide();
return true;
buttonClick: function(){
this.hideStar = true;
