How do I show/hide images in Enyo? - webos

I am using HP webOS 3.0 and the Enyo framework.
I have simple question that how can I show and hide images on click of a button. I have 2 images and I want to show images on click of one button and hide on click of another button.
I have two panes called left pane and right pane on a single view.
I have around 10 items on left pane.
On each of the item click appropriate view is called on right pane.
I am doing it with following code.
showTaskView: function(){
Now I want to know how can access the control's property in the main view containing both left pane and right pane.
For example,
I want to show / hide image in the taskView displayed on the right pane on click of the button that is neither in the left pane or right pane but on the header part of the view that contains both left and right pane.
It is not allowing me to access the control's image.setSrc method from the main view.
I have tried it with the following code.
editTask: function() {
editTask: function() {
It gives me the following error:
Cannot read property 'setSrc' of undefined

With VirtualList, your hash will only reference the currently "selected" row. "selected" being either the row receiving an event or one explicitly selected using prepareRow(). If you want to change every row, you should set a property and call refresh() on the list to cause it to rerender.
The below should work (I think ...)
setupRow: function(inSender, inIndex) {
var row =[inIndex];
if (row) {
this.$.caption1.setContent("Greet a " + row.task + ":");
if(this.hideStart) this.$.star.hide();
return true;
buttonClick: function(){
this.hideStar = true;


How to hide nav bar in Jqgrid and dynamically reload with new values

Is there any way to hide the nav-bar in jqgrid and reappear on selecting the row?
And how to reload the grid dynamically after selecting new value
To show or to hide the navigator bar one need to call show/hide jQuery-method on the div having "navtable" class. The div contains all buttons on the bar. If you use, for example, pager: "#mypager" then to hide the navigator bar one need do the following:
In more common case you can use the method
var visibilityNavBar = function (show) {
var pagerSelector = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "pager");
.find(".navtable")[show ? "show" : "hide"]();
and to call it inside of onSelectRow callback
onSelectRow: function (rowid, status) {, status);
To hide the navigator bar initially you can call$("#list")[0], status);
directly after calling of navGrid method.
The demo demonstrates the code. On selecting of a row the nav-bar will be displayed, on deselection it will be hidden.

How to run javascript only after the view has loaded in Odoo 10

I installed web hide menu on
I modified to use it on Odoo 10, but the form will be adjusted to full width IF we press the hide button, if we were to change to another view after we pressed hide button, the form page will remain same as original (not full width).
So i need to adjust class "o_form_sheet" on form view after the page has been rendered. May i know how can i do that using javascript? Which class & method do i need to extend?
I'm going to answer my own question.
After some researched, i found out the best option was to inherit ViewManager widget using load_views function.
var ViewManager = require('web.ViewManager');
load_views: function (load_fields) {
var self = this;
// Check if left menu visible
var root=self.$el.parents();
var visible=(root.find('.o_sub_menu').css('display') != 'none')
if (visible) {
// Show menu and resize form components to original values
root.find('.o_form_sheet_bg').css('padding', self.sheetbg_padding);
root.find('.o_form_sheet').css('max-width', self.sheetbg_maxwidth);
root.find('.o_form_view div.oe_chatter').css('max-width', self.chatter_maxwidth);
} else {
// Hide menu and save original values
root.find('.o_form_sheet_bg').css('padding', '16px');
root.find('.o_form_sheet').css('max-width', '100%');
self.chatter_maxwidth=root.find('.o_form_view div.oe_chatter').css('max-width');
root.find('.o_form_view div.oe_chatter').css('max-width','100%');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments, load_fields);

How to set focus on a section of my web page then scroll down click on an element and again scroll down to view the elements visible on opening

I am able to scroll to a section of the website, and click on the element. But my test fails as the elements opening on the click is not visible without scrolling again.
This is the code I used to scroll and click:
var filter = theSwitch.pageBar;
var scrollIntoView = function () {
browser.executeScript(scrollIntoView, filter);;

Slickgrid select row on right click before displaying context menu

Using this I can display a menu by right clicking a cell:
// right click context menu
grid.onContextMenu.subscribe(function (e) {
var cell = grid.getCellFromEvent(e);
.data("row", cell.row)
.css("top", e.pageY)
.css("left", e.pageX)
$("body").one("click", function () {
However I would like the row to be selected, both as visual confirmation that the correct row has been right-clicked, and because some of the menu items use the selected row for their functions.
doesn't work. What is the correct way?
It might be as simple as the fact that setSelectedRows takes an array of row indexes.

jQuery click event behaves differently with live function in Firefox

Using the event click with live function leads to strange behavior when using Firefox*.
With live in Firefox, click is triggered when right-clicking also! The same does not happen in Internet Explorer 7 neither in Google Chrome.
Without live, go to demo and try right clicking
the paragraphs. A dialog menu should
With live, go to demo and try right
clicking "Click me!". Now both dialog
menu and "Another paragraph" appear.
*tested with firefox 3.5.3
As far as I know, that is a known issue (bug?). You can easily work around it by testing which button was clicked as follows:
$('').live("click", function(e) {
if (e.button == 0) { // 0 = left, 1 = middle, 2 = right
//left button was clicked
} else {
//other button was clicked (do nothing?)
//return false or e.preventDefault()
you might prefer using a switch depending on your specific requirements, but generally you would probably just want to do nothing (or or simply return) if any button other than the left button is clicked, as above:
$('').live("click", function(e) {
switch(e.button) {
case 0 : alert('Left button was clicked');break;
default: return false;
I think it's a known "bug", you could potentially query the event object after attaching the click handler ( which gets attached to the document ) and see if its a right click, otherwise manually attach the click handler after you manipulate the DOM.
After looking it up, e.button is the property you want to query:
.live('click', function(e){
if ( e.button == 2 ) return false; // exit if right clicking
// normal action
See my answer here: if you don't mind changing the jQuery source a bit, adding a single line in the liveHandler() works around the problem entirely.
