Web Hosting for OS Commerce [closed] - hosting

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am trying to get started with some SQL software. I would like to know the best webhosting provider to go with. The software is called "OS Commerce" its quite terrible but I am used to working with it from work. It needs C-Panel and so on. Any recomendations?

Pretty much any webhost which runs *AMP (Apache, Mysql and PHP) will be able to run osCommerce.
When choosing a webhost I'd reccomend you steer clear of any host that offers any kind of "unlimited" bandwidth / diskspace. If you read the small print you'll see that it's not actually unlimited, so chances are they're overselling their resources (Cramming as many people on to one server as possible).
When I'm looking for a host I always check to see if they have a public forum, and if they do have a look around to see the attitude of the community & how quickly (if at all) staff respond to support requests. As Stephane said, Webhostingtalk.com is also a good resource for finding out a host's reputation.
Another good technique is to google "COMPANY_NAME sucks" or "COMPANY_NAME downtime". The results can be very interesting.
I've personally had good experiences with Unitedhosting.co.uk & webfaction.com
Stay away from 1&1, Godaddy etc. 1&1 are notorious for their poor support and it's very hard to cancel a contract with them.
EDIT: osCommerce won't require cpanel - pretty much every host will provide you with some sort of interface for managing databases etc.
EDIT2: Also, from what I've heard the original osCommerce project is no longer maintained properly, you might be best going with the new osCommerce project

WebHostingTalk.com. It's the best discussion forum I've seen where people review and talk about the various web hosts

The requirements for OSCommerce are here http://www.oscommerce.info/kb/osCommerce/Installation_and_Upgrades/46 all that is needed is php and access to a mysql database.
right now im using http://www.justhost.com/, things seem to work fine.

osCommerce should run on any LAMP stack so pick whichever host you feel comfortable with.
You could run it on your own computer for private development (XAMPP is popular). If you still want to find a host, look for one local to you and keep regular backups!

I've used ASmallOrange in the past, give them a try if you want. Everything worked great when I used them.


what is a better tool for collaborating with others than email? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm a developer and need to collaborate with an UI designer and a project manager. so there are a lot of documents we need to share and the project manager will assign me tasks about the project. Instead of email and dropbox, what's the best way to do it?
You could look at varying other online collaboration tools out there. I use Clinked (http://clinked.com/) at work, and although we use a the paid version there is a free one for 5 users or less so maybe you could check that out?
My team and I have been using Wrike for almost a year now, and I have to say it’s pretty neat in terms of collaboration. We have to deal with lots of documentation and edit-approve iterations, and Wrike made it all really simple. Basically, each member of the team just opens a needed doc, edits it, saves, and it’s automatically uploaded as a new version, so no download and no multiple versions of the same doc. And every time there’s been a change it sends a notification to my e-mail, so it’s really easy to keep track on what’s going on with a task. It’s also integrated with Google docs, so you can choose whatever suits your needs better. I, personally, love its e-mail integration (it converts my e-mails into tasks, I just need to add Wrike into the e-mail’s CC and it will be transferred into the app) and Outlook add-in, as it helps to keep all our data in one place. It works perfectly for our task management needs, too. Especially with its Activity Stream that makes it really easy to stay updated with the tasks’ changes and discuss any coming issue.
Hope you’ll find it useful too! Let me know how it went afterwards.
You might find this list of 43 project management software alternatives useful:
My personal favorites are Basecamp, Time Doctor and Dropbox. These programs have helped my team in a lot of ways especially productivity. I'm sure you'll find yours there too. It's the most helpful and comprehensive list I was able to get.

Drupal versus Joomla: Which one has a better performance better? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have a project need to start in a week; Joomla and Drupal are both in my candidates list. Performance is the key to my project: Which one do you think is better for me?
Drupal is better supported for high load sites than Joomla. It is also much more flexible. I've built sites on both and I wouldn't touch Joomla again tbh. Companies like Turner Media run sites like "Cartoon Network" on Drupal, albeit highly customised and thoroughly beefed up.
If you're using Drupal 7 it has a lot of these customisations built into the core and so will absolutely fly along on all but the biggest projects.
Check out the Drupal High Performance Group if you have any specific questions.
http://groups.drupal.org/high-performance If you can't use D7 because it doesn't have the modules you need, then D6 is pretty well supported for large site now, would recommend looking at PressFlow as a distribution - it's coded from the ground up for high performance sites.
TBH your hardware setup will have more of an impact on performance. If you're running your site on some 2-bit shared hosting then it'll be a pig - if you're running on an array of dedicated servers with PressFlow, Varnish caching, dedicated database servers etc, it'll fly.
Well, others have spoke up for Drupal, I have to say I'm a big fan of Joomla.
If you're new to CMS Joomla has much less of a learning curve - and despite statements to the contrary - is just as capable as Drupal for running large/popular sites.
There are quite a few similarities between the two.
For more 'programmy' folks, they seem to really jump into Drupal and like it because it requires a bit more knowledge in that arena to use out of the box. Joomla can be very programmy oriented for the advanced users, or it can be simple to use out of the box (a bit unlike Drupal) for the average user who just wants a nice clean site up quickly.
Both of them have little things that make them unique, but both are completely capable and very similar 'under the hood'. If you do some research between them you'll find in very specific testing - each out performs the other for various specific tasks. If those tasks are important to you, then weigh those tests appropriately.
If you're just a general user looking to make a great site? Joomla has a much more simple/straightforward learning curve and Drupal is more 'programmer' oriented out of the box - but both are good solutions.
I personally choose Joomla - I'm familiar with the framework and can make any sort of custom template/site up and running in short order. Drupal seems to always make me invest more time in customizing modules, having to figure out exactly how to get modules to do what I want them to, etc. Joomla has a huge community (thousands of modules) that typically have a lot of parameters out of the box to get them to work as designed.
Just my $.02! Either way, you won't go wrong if you already have a bit of php knowledge.
That might be a question depending on several factors. Mainly which caching options are offered (usually by 3rd party plugins) Im not much of a fan of Joomla. By your question it sounds like you are new to building a CMS. Have you looked into Wordpress? Very easy to work with and tons of plugins. I would go with that or Drupal.
I realized in the end I didnt really answer your question that well either. To be honest I wouldnt focus on the performance of the CMS you decide to use. There are so many tweaks you can do to apache, IIS, lighttpd, nginx, etc... Also disabling modules and running a lean DB will help out greatly. But since we all like pictures links and quotes here is one that should help http://buytaert.net/drupal-vs-joomla-performance

When developing a website [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Very often, I just create a new folder and test things out in there. I use remote upload and then edit and refresh the page to see if it works. Now, one time when I was asked to work on a friend's website, he told me to change the IP for his domain in my HOSTS windows file. He had a clone of his website on another server, so I could edit everything and still visually see my work. Is it ideal to work like this? What's a good strategy for programming when developing websites? e.g. Back up before you begin working, working on the files in a separate directory, etc...
I know everyone has their own style and I understand there's no right way. I'm simply just interested in everyone's common practices and I hope to pick up a few tips here and there and incorporate it to my own style.
If you're not already doing it, start using a version control system like git or subversion for keeping track of changes. That way, you'll always be able to revert to an older version if new changes breaks something.
I develop and test changes on my workstation or a development server with a configuration that resembles the web server's config as closely as possible, so that I can be confident that things won't break when I deploy the new version on the web server. I commit my changes as I go, and when I'm satisfied with the new version I deploy it to the web server by checking out the new version on the server.
Fiddling with the /etc/hosts file is a quick and simple way to simulate a Web address for testing purposes - nothing wrong with that at first blush.
However, if decently done then working on the site shouldn't need that kind of trickery, because all links inside the site should be relative. i.e. if the original site had an address like http://true.app.com and you were testing on a server with address mock.app.com, then you should be able to point your browser at http://mock.app.com and once you're there all the links should work. If the links are absolute (i.e. the page is full of references to true.app.com) then there might be a problem with the design/architecture/structure.
If your friend doesn't have a domain name for his testing server, then the same applies to the numeric address; the links should still work if you start off browsing to
A valid reason for "faking" the address might be if your site does a lot of back-and-forth with another, and the other site's links send your browser back to your site.
To answer the question: A good strategy is to work with relative links as much as possible; that way, when your friend's business and software get sold to another company, or he goes out of business and has to re-surface under another name you'll have much less work adapting the links - ideally, none.
Pull the site down (if you're going to edit an existing) to your local development web and database server/workstation. Make it run and develop locally. Have the source (code, images, stylesheets, db scripts and so fourth) go into your own version control system.

Best Database With ColdFusion on OS X [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
ColdFusion 8 Standard Edition on OS X Leopard.
Developing a new website.
What is the best database to use in conjunction with ColdFusion?
Will be storing simple Credit Card operations, registration information, CRM info for an indie software company
I would look into MySQL and/or PostgreSQL.
I'm more familiar with MySQL. I rather like it a lot. It is solid, with good administration tools. I've used it on OSX servers (years ago) with PHP, and it delivered performance that was more than adequate for our small operation. Definitely worth looking in to.
I'd suggest MySQL since its already installed on OS X.
Its also widely supported by hosting companies so you should have no problem finding a good host (including CrystalTech whose logo I see on the bottom right of stackoverflow)
Simple answer: Neither Access nor CF's built-in solution. Either is fine for development, but not for real, live systems.
Better answer is: Whatever will run on your database server. It's a good idea to keep your web server and DB server separate.
Is the live site really going to run on Leopard? Then the answer is going to be whatever runs under Leopard that CF can use the drivers for. Is MySQL an option?
The answer depends on a number of factors:
How much load are you expecting? If this is an intranet solution to be used by 4 or 5 people on an infrequent basis, the built in SQLLite may be sufficient. If this is a public facing web application which is expected to receive hundreds of orders every day, you'll probably want to run a MySQL or PostgreSQL server alongside it on the same server. If you're looking at hundreds of thousands of orders, you'll most likely want MySQL or PostgreSQL running on a separate server.
If you've got coders with development expertise on Oracle, Sybase, etc.. it might be worthwhile investing in those. If you've got all coders who are just starting out, or who have experience with MySQL, or PostgreSQL, then obviously that makes more sense.
Also consider if there are any other systems which the application interfaces with. If you're going to be working with an order fulfillment system which requires Oracle, then you'll probably want Oracle.
Both PostgreSQL and MySql are good options, especially if you can use those in your production environment. That being said, Derby (the full version, not the embedded version that ships with cf) is being targeted at the enterprise. I'd really like to hear about someone that has pushed some of the limits of Derby with or without CF. The whole written in java thing is very appealing, but seems like it might have issues with performance because it isn't written in a lower level language.
If you go with MySQL, check out MAMP for your development environment. It will install Apache, MySQL and PHP on your machine. Then you can easily add Coldfusion on top if it. I did that on my Macbook and it works like a charm. I would guess that you could link in PostgreSQL to work as well.
MAMP Website: http://www.mamp.info/
For an EXTREMELY helpful video on getting CF8 working on WAMP, check out the following link:
(if you use windows, click the following link: http://www.wampserver.com/
FYI, I have never tried installing Coldfusion on WAMP, but I am sure it will work)

Best Linux Distro for Web Development? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to start learning HTML and AJAX using a Linux distribution.
Can anyone recommend a distribution that has these requirements:
Local Host Admin interface (like PHPmyAdmin)
IDE for Javascript... etc
There is no real best distro for web development.
All tools you need will run on any linux distro.
Pick something you have experience with.
If you don't have any experience I'd recommend one of the 'user friendly' distros like Ubuntu or SuSe.
First question - Why do you want to do this on Linux? You can do basic AJAX requests from any platform, simply drop in your JavaScript framework of choice (JQuery, Prototype, or even MooTools and you can be up and running on your existing development platform.
Get familiar with a decent editor, one that will provide basic syntax coloring for you. One tool you may want to look at is the Aptana web development IDE that is based on Eclipse. This will give you the capability to write and debug any AJAX work you do as well as provide you some documentation and access to other dynamic languages like PHP, Rails, Python as well as a basic HTML editor.
That should square you away more than enough for what you're looking to do.
I just setup my first linux hosting to do the same thing. I did a lot of looking around and was recommended by articles and friends to use Ubuntu. So I did and everything has been working just great.
I'm using slicehost They have lots of tutorials to get you going.
I can't think of many distributions that won't do what you need. I'd suggest something that has a good package manager, and, works well on your hardware. There will be plenty of choice for your requirements with all the major distributions.
What are you currently using ?
Ubuntu should get the job done but you might consider a slightly more server oriented distro. In my shop, we use CentOS 5 which is more of an enterprise-oriented distro.
It exists specialized distributions:
The best one for me: Noys
Other one is Excelixis:
HTML and AJAx don't need to be on any particular distribution, Ubuntu makes it pretty easy to install all the required features. I like fedora personally.
Try http://www.eclipse.org/webtools and http://www.zend.com/phpide although screem http://www.screem.org/ may well do what you need if it is purely html, javascript and css
