Best Database With ColdFusion on OS X [closed] - macos

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Closed 11 years ago.
ColdFusion 8 Standard Edition on OS X Leopard.
Developing a new website.
What is the best database to use in conjunction with ColdFusion?
Will be storing simple Credit Card operations, registration information, CRM info for an indie software company

I would look into MySQL and/or PostgreSQL.
I'm more familiar with MySQL. I rather like it a lot. It is solid, with good administration tools. I've used it on OSX servers (years ago) with PHP, and it delivered performance that was more than adequate for our small operation. Definitely worth looking in to.

I'd suggest MySQL since its already installed on OS X.
Its also widely supported by hosting companies so you should have no problem finding a good host (including CrystalTech whose logo I see on the bottom right of stackoverflow)

Simple answer: Neither Access nor CF's built-in solution. Either is fine for development, but not for real, live systems.
Better answer is: Whatever will run on your database server. It's a good idea to keep your web server and DB server separate.
Is the live site really going to run on Leopard? Then the answer is going to be whatever runs under Leopard that CF can use the drivers for. Is MySQL an option?

The answer depends on a number of factors:
How much load are you expecting? If this is an intranet solution to be used by 4 or 5 people on an infrequent basis, the built in SQLLite may be sufficient. If this is a public facing web application which is expected to receive hundreds of orders every day, you'll probably want to run a MySQL or PostgreSQL server alongside it on the same server. If you're looking at hundreds of thousands of orders, you'll most likely want MySQL or PostgreSQL running on a separate server.
If you've got coders with development expertise on Oracle, Sybase, etc.. it might be worthwhile investing in those. If you've got all coders who are just starting out, or who have experience with MySQL, or PostgreSQL, then obviously that makes more sense.
Also consider if there are any other systems which the application interfaces with. If you're going to be working with an order fulfillment system which requires Oracle, then you'll probably want Oracle.

Both PostgreSQL and MySql are good options, especially if you can use those in your production environment. That being said, Derby (the full version, not the embedded version that ships with cf) is being targeted at the enterprise. I'd really like to hear about someone that has pushed some of the limits of Derby with or without CF. The whole written in java thing is very appealing, but seems like it might have issues with performance because it isn't written in a lower level language.

If you go with MySQL, check out MAMP for your development environment. It will install Apache, MySQL and PHP on your machine. Then you can easily add Coldfusion on top if it. I did that on my Macbook and it works like a charm. I would guess that you could link in PostgreSQL to work as well.
MAMP Website:
For an EXTREMELY helpful video on getting CF8 working on WAMP, check out the following link:
(if you use windows, click the following link:
FYI, I have never tried installing Coldfusion on WAMP, but I am sure it will work)


Is there another tool out there for building oracle reports other then oracle reports builder? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I cant stand oracle reports builder. Its constantly crashing and sucking in general. Copying and pasting stuff only sometimes works. Elements visualy look selected after you unselect them. AARRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I need another tool. Are their any alternatives for designing the report jsps?
This is an old thread but here my take on it. For experienced developers (I should point out that I am one), Oracle Reports is unbelievably productive tool. For new developers, it can be baffling and frustrating. I have been in the "market" for an Oracle Reports alternative for some time now and have yet to find a tool that can do what Oracle Reports can do for me. The tools I have looked at:
Oracle BI Publisher: Officially, this is the successor to Oracle Reports. One day it will be as good as Oracle Reports...right now it primarily uses MS Word as the report designer. Its not fun to to wrestle with Word (nested) tables (which replaces frames). I would prefer Reports Frames any day.
Pentaho: I looked at this with minor interest, it's commercial open source and I thought did a pretty good job. Not sure how it scales and like all open source projects, is at the mercy of an active community.
MicroStrategy: This is again a very seasoned product. BI is their bread and butter and so I would expect that its pretty good. I had a vendor do a POC and they replicated one of my most complex "Form" type reports (a business document, bill-of-lading). The price however it at enterprise level (read: very pricy). Although for departmental deployments they have a 'free' version.
Microsoft Reporting: This one has good promise but it is sold primarily with MS SQL Server and I being an Oracle-guy has felt internal resistance to this tool. One of these days I will overcome it when the Reports Builder has crashed one too many times.
There are scores of others like JasperReports, Actuate, Business Objects (Crystal), Information Builders etc.
Don't bother switching tools, you'll probably only be disappointed. I've used many reporting tools and all of them have significant issues. No matter which tool you use you'll probably end up fighting it and gradually move more and more of your logic into the database. The more SQL tricks you learn the less you'll have to rely on poorly designed reporting tools.
Microstrategy or Business Objects.
You may develop a custom software as erbsock has told, like a lightweight BO, create views from the selected fields by users, name them as reports and schedule a job to send them as a CSV file or in a jsp file , whatever the view part is.
Also in Oracle Reports Builder, if you are not mentioning the old 6i interfaced tool, try to build one big query and try to build the XML using the publisher. I am outdated about it , but remember something like that.
I will ask about it to an expert friend of mine.
Best Regards,
Use SQL and understand your data model and plug it into an excel spreadsheet using ODBC?
After using the tool for a year, we are familiar than past. We still have challenges that implementations worked fine in TOAD, but the code does not work in Oracle Report.
After crashing several time, we have done CTR+S before run the project. Plus, we save every hours as a previous draft.
It help us to lost our works but we need more space for them.

What are the advantages / disadvantages of a Cloud-based / Web-based IDE? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm writing this as DevConnections in Las Vegas is happening. Visual Studio 2010 has been released and I now have this 3GB beast installed to my machine. (I'll admit, it has some nice features.)
However, while the install was monopolizing my computer's resources I began to wish that my IDE worked more like Google Documents (instantly available, available anywhere, easy to share, easy to collaborate, naturally versioned).
A few Google (and StackOverflow) searches led me to :
I'm well aware that these IDE's are missing a lot of what exists in VS 2010. However, that isn't my question. Instead, I'm wondering what benefits a web-based IDE might have? Assuming a company invests the time to create the missing features, what is the downside?
Code available anywhere an internet connection is available
Simple sharing mechanisms
Simplified build mechanism
Many modern IDE features available (Autocomplete, syntax highlighting, etc...)
Requires a modern browser
Code is only available where an internet connection is available
Requires a modern browser (this might be an issue in some corporate settings)
Simplified build mechanism
At the mercy of the latency gods
No native debugger
No choice of revision-control
No clear backup solution
No clear way to fully remove source code from the provider's servers
No support available
No choice over maintenance schedule of servers
No control over IDE or environment features and tools
Must trust provider's security and privacy controls
As you can see, many of its benefits are also potential drawbacks. So I think the use of a browser-based IDE is very project dependent.
However, IMHO, I don't think browser-based IDEs have enough features or provide enough necessary services to replace desktop IDEs in most modern enterprises.
Just being devils advocate here and listing the disadvantages:
The fact that you don't really own any software - if you stop paying the monthly bills you can't access it any more but you can keep using offline installed products after the initial payment.
Big / valuable projects may be uncomfortable not having their source code tucked away inside a network they control - one hacked account and their main IP is out on the net.
Limited extension ecosystem - with online services there is generally a control over it like facebook for example, but nobody tells resharper what features they can include
Forced upgrade - big corporations are still running .net 2.0 (.net 4 just came out). They can be slow to move and being forced to use the latest and greatest version of the app could be a too fast a pace for them.
Exposed to bugs - some people have wierd personal rules like they dont touch v1 software. If you always have the latest version you are exposing yourself to being hit by productivity consuming errors (security updates are a different category to feature updates but still if you are running desktop software you can isolate your security exposure and decide your own reasons to upgrade)
Interoperability - perhaps your app works with another app - they might not be able to keep up with the release pace of the main app and the interoperability functionality might lag while the other developers play catch up.
Centralised point of failure - no control over backups, redundancy, etc - its in the hands of the developers of the service.
Personally I find cloud based services very convenient and as time goes on now that I have a laptop and a desktop and a work computer and my friends have computers it becomes a chore to sync data between the lot. At the current stage we are still dealing with toy apps on the web but hopefully in a few years Silverlight will put a big dent in that.
The web is inheritly less featureful than a native application. Also, how do you compile and test out your code? No sane web host will let strangers compile, run, and test their code on their servers.
Besides "ubiquitous" availability (note the quotes), you get the "benefit" of editing code on the server. So, you get to skip many of the deployment steps that are necessary for many server side apps today. There's a simplicity of editing code like you'd edit a blog, but it can also be a curse as well. You still need a way to separate development from production.
But that said, if you use the Blog or many CMS applications, millions of folks use "Web based IDES" every day, so there's obviously applicability for specific application areas. I can tell you there are times I wish fixing a quick bug on a deployed app were as simply as clicking an "edit" button.

Web Hosting for OS Commerce [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am trying to get started with some SQL software. I would like to know the best webhosting provider to go with. The software is called "OS Commerce" its quite terrible but I am used to working with it from work. It needs C-Panel and so on. Any recomendations?
Pretty much any webhost which runs *AMP (Apache, Mysql and PHP) will be able to run osCommerce.
When choosing a webhost I'd reccomend you steer clear of any host that offers any kind of "unlimited" bandwidth / diskspace. If you read the small print you'll see that it's not actually unlimited, so chances are they're overselling their resources (Cramming as many people on to one server as possible).
When I'm looking for a host I always check to see if they have a public forum, and if they do have a look around to see the attitude of the community & how quickly (if at all) staff respond to support requests. As Stephane said, is also a good resource for finding out a host's reputation.
Another good technique is to google "COMPANY_NAME sucks" or "COMPANY_NAME downtime". The results can be very interesting.
I've personally had good experiences with &
Stay away from 1&1, Godaddy etc. 1&1 are notorious for their poor support and it's very hard to cancel a contract with them.
EDIT: osCommerce won't require cpanel - pretty much every host will provide you with some sort of interface for managing databases etc.
EDIT2: Also, from what I've heard the original osCommerce project is no longer maintained properly, you might be best going with the new osCommerce project It's the best discussion forum I've seen where people review and talk about the various web hosts
The requirements for OSCommerce are here all that is needed is php and access to a mysql database.
right now im using, things seem to work fine.
osCommerce should run on any LAMP stack so pick whichever host you feel comfortable with.
You could run it on your own computer for private development (XAMPP is popular). If you still want to find a host, look for one local to you and keep regular backups!
I've used ASmallOrange in the past, give them a try if you want. Everything worked great when I used them.

Best Linux Distro for Web Development? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to start learning HTML and AJAX using a Linux distribution.
Can anyone recommend a distribution that has these requirements:
Local Host Admin interface (like PHPmyAdmin)
IDE for Javascript... etc
There is no real best distro for web development.
All tools you need will run on any linux distro.
Pick something you have experience with.
If you don't have any experience I'd recommend one of the 'user friendly' distros like Ubuntu or SuSe.
First question - Why do you want to do this on Linux? You can do basic AJAX requests from any platform, simply drop in your JavaScript framework of choice (JQuery, Prototype, or even MooTools and you can be up and running on your existing development platform.
Get familiar with a decent editor, one that will provide basic syntax coloring for you. One tool you may want to look at is the Aptana web development IDE that is based on Eclipse. This will give you the capability to write and debug any AJAX work you do as well as provide you some documentation and access to other dynamic languages like PHP, Rails, Python as well as a basic HTML editor.
That should square you away more than enough for what you're looking to do.
I just setup my first linux hosting to do the same thing. I did a lot of looking around and was recommended by articles and friends to use Ubuntu. So I did and everything has been working just great.
I'm using slicehost They have lots of tutorials to get you going.
I can't think of many distributions that won't do what you need. I'd suggest something that has a good package manager, and, works well on your hardware. There will be plenty of choice for your requirements with all the major distributions.
What are you currently using ?
Ubuntu should get the job done but you might consider a slightly more server oriented distro. In my shop, we use CentOS 5 which is more of an enterprise-oriented distro.
It exists specialized distributions:
The best one for me: Noys
Other one is Excelixis:
HTML and AJAx don't need to be on any particular distribution, Ubuntu makes it pretty easy to install all the required features. I like fedora personally.
Try and although screem may well do what you need if it is purely html, javascript and css

SQL Compare-Like tool for Oracle? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
We're a .NET team which uses the Oracle DB for a lot of reasons that I won't get into. But deployment has been a bitch. We are manually keeping track of all the changes to the schema in each version, by keeping a record of all the scripts that we run during development.
Now, if a developer forgets to check-in his script to the source control after he ran it - which is not that rare - at the end of the iteration we get a great big headache.
I hear that SQL Compare by Red-Gate might solve these kind of issues, but it only has SQL Server support. Anybody knows of a similar tool for Oracle? I've been unable to find one.
Red Gate Schema Compare for Oracle has now been released!
There is a 28-day fully functional free trial. Please give it a go and let us know your feedback!
TOAD is a great generic tool for Oracle development and i think a similar feature is in the basic version. You can download a trial version (make sure you don't get the old free version of TOAD, that is about 4 years old)
If you don't want to buy a tool, and you need something less flash you could roll your own quite easily. I just found Schema Compare Tool for Oracle which looks very simple, and has a nice baseline concept. This is very handy if you want to track changes since the last code check-in. This way you discover changes that may have been made to multiple DBs by hand, but not documented.
PS: The "SQL Compare by Red-Gate" demo looked very nice indeed... however the voice over cracked me up... sounded like a BBC documentary.
OraPowerTools will do the job.
There is also a "Diff Wizard" in Oracle SQL Developer, but I haven't used it yet.
If you're willing to spend some money, TOAD has "compare schemas" functionality which should do what you're after. It'll report the differences and produce a migration script to bring one into line with the other.
I've never used the script, so I can't vouch for it, but I have used it to make sure our build scripts are complete.
Mark - I would like to be able to easily synchronize two database schemas. Specifically, this demo looks like heaven to me.
Check out Oracle Enterprise Manager Change Management Pack, its an Oracle tool for this:
You can try it there:
There are various tools out there that you can use, I haven't used any of them myself though so I've got no comments to make about them, but another "trick" that you can use is to create a trigger on DDL events, so you can basically capture (to a table, or log file or whatver) any changes done between deployments.
DDL Triggers
