Will a task be completed faster if it is the active window? - performance

I have heard a myth that a job will finish faster if it is kept as the active window, and not in the background or minimized.
Is there any truth to this? Does the CPU put precedence to tasks where this happens?

On Windows the foreground application gets a priority boost. This is to help it maintain responsiveness to the user and makes sure that when it's ready to run after waiting for some I/O event, it'll get to run next, ahead of most other applications that might be waiting to run.
There is also a potential for a longer quantum for foreground applications.
I don't know how much faster an application would complete if it's run in the foreground instead of the background - there are so many factors that would go into this (particularly I/O). The intent is to make the application more responsive.
This is all configurable to some extent (maybe only on server SKUs):

It depends on your setup. On a default Windows desktop operating system, this is true. On a Windows server operating system (like Windows 2003) this is not true.
You can change the setting by going into System Properties and clicking on the Performance tab. The exact layout differs depending on Windows version, but you should see (or be able to see by clicking an Advanced sub tab or finding "Scheduler") either a radio/combo choice between "Workstation" and "Server" configuration, or a choice between prioritizing Programs or Background Services. In both cases these are the same thing (just different language - the Server/Workstation language is from Windows 2000, while Programs/Services was created for the more consumer oriented XP) - they determine if the scheduler gives extra importance to the thread of the top most window, or if all threads are treated equally (based on the thread prioritity property).

Windows allows you to give the "foreground" task a priority advantage, so it may be no myth. You can also set it the other way, to give "service" tasks the priority advantage instead, so it depends on the install.
Note that this only affects the priority... if there are no other tasks running, it won't run noticeably different in either case. It's only when there is another application that needs CPU time that you might notice the difference.

That's partially true on Windows. Windows would assign a GUI application that has its window on-top slightly higher priority. So if there're other tasks with normal or lower priority the program could really run a bit faster at the expense of other programs running a bit slower.
There's catch however. When you start compilation in Visual Studio IDE the IDE will spawn a separate process for the compilation and only redirect its output to its own window. Since the compilation process now has no own windows it will not gain acceleration.


Delphi Application Hangs

I have a working application that needs to clear and setup very large buffers from time to time. Sometimes the operation takes longer than 5 seconds to complete and then Desktop Window Manager times out and declares the application to be hung.
Is there any technique to cause DWM to allow more time before this happens?
Delphi Seattle, Windows 10, 64-bit application
The right solution is to put the long running task in a thread so that it does not block your UI thread. You should do that.
If you cannot bring yourself to take that task one, and it can be quite tricky, you can always disable ghosting by calling DisableProcessWindowsGhosting. But you really ought not to do that. You really ought to put the work in a thread.

what to do when windows goes in dreaded 100% cpu usage zombie mode

happens to me occasionally:
I start my program in visual studio and due to some bug my program goes into 100% cpu usage and basically freezes windows completely.
Only by utter patience requesting the task manager (takes forever to come up and paint itself) I can kill my process.
Do others encounter this too sometimes? Is there a clever trick to get this process down (other than pulling the plug and possible ruining files on the HD)? It now takes 5-10 minutes to kill it properly if the task manager is not accidentally present and I have to request this first
p.s. weird that a 'multitasking os' can still allow processes to eat up so much time that nothing else can be done anymore. My program doesn't even bump up it's thread priorities or anything
Check out Process Lasso
"Process Lasso is a unique new technology that will, amongst other things, improve your PC's responsiveness and stability. Windows, by design, allows programs to monopolize your CPU without restraint -- leading to freezes and hangs. Process Lasso's ProBalance (Process Balance) technology intelligently adjusts the priority of running programs so that badly behaved or overly active processes won't interfere with your ability to use the computer!"
I am not affiliated with Bitsum, just a user of their product, and it helps me solve this type of problems.
For what it's worth, I've never see this on either XP 64 or Vista 64, developing C++ apps in Visual Studio. Perhaps an OS upgrade is in order?
Edit: I use Process Explorer as a replacement Task Manager - it wouldn't surprise me if it did a better job of appearing in good time even when there's a rogue process running. And you can use it to boost its own priority.
I usually hit ctrl-alt-delete start the task manager sort by cpu find the offending process and right click and end the process..
task manager usually has enough priority to do this although it may be slow.
I think a shotgun to the head is the only way to be sure.
I generally don't see anything like this happen strictly as a function of an app that's eating 100% CPU. As part of stability / performance testing, I've gotten apps to cause Windows to get very slow, but this is usually done by writing heavily threaded apps (thus causing the O/S scheduler to thrash), or by writing apps that consume all available system memory or resources (much more impactful to the GUI apps than simply one thread that consumes its full share of processor time during its slices).
You say you get this behavior under Visual Studio? VS has a "Pause" button...

how to controls the CPU usage of an app on OS X?

I'm running an application right now which seems to be running at full throttle, but even though the fan seems to be spinning at it's max and the activity monitor reports that the application is using 100% of the processor, I'm suspecting that at the most it is using 100% only of a single of the two cores on my machine.
How can I tell OS X to allow an application use 100%, or as much as the OS can allow, of the processing power of my computer? I have tried some terminal commands like "nice" and "renice" to set up the priority of this process but still can't get it to run at full throttle.
I also would like to know how to do the opposite, set a limit of the processor usage of an app, example set app X to run at 20%.
Is this possible to do without modifying the code of the app?
The answer to this depends upon whether your application is multi-threaded or not. If this is a single-threaded application, which it is unless you have specifically made it multi-threaded then the process will run on one core of your multi-core hardware. There is nothing you can do about this it's a function of the underlying operating system.
If your program is multi-threaded then it is possible to have different threads executing on separate cores. This will increase the overall usage of the process and allow figures greater than 100%.
You can not however force the machine to use 'all' of the processing power available, but you can influence it with nice.
In order to reduce the amount of processor used then you can use nice to lower the priority of the process. If you are root you can also use nice to increase the priority of your process

Win32 console processes in VISTA - 10% CPU, but VERY SLOW

I have a Win32 console application which is doing some computations, compiled in Compaq Visual Fortran (which probably doesn't matter).
I need to run a lot of them simultaneously.
In XP, they take around 90-100% CPU together, work very fast.
In Vista, no matter how many of them I run, they take no more than 10% of CPU (together), and work very slow respectively.
There is quite a bit of console output going on, but now VERY much.
I can minimize all the windows, it does not help. CPU is basically doing nothing...
Any ideas?
No, these are different machines, but they run relatively the same hardware. 2. Threads are not used, this is a VERY OLD (20 yrs) plain app for DOS, compiled in win32. It is supposed to compute iterations until they meet, consume all it has. My impression - VISTA just does NOT GIVE IT MORE CPU
Have you tried redirecting the console output to a file?
If your applications are being held up writing to the console (this happens sometimes unfortunately) then redirecting the output should help, as it's much quicker to write to a simple file than write to the console.
You do this like so
c:\temp> dir > output.log
If you really don't care about the output at all, you can throw it away, by redirecting to nul. eg:
c:\temp> dir > nul
There was a known "feature" in Vista that limits certain console applications to 32MB of RAM. I don't know if those compiled by Compaq Visual Fortran are affected by this "feature."
This article appears to have been updated as recently as October 2008, so the problem still exists.
To expound on Daok's post - your XP machine might be CPU bound for this process, whereas the vista machine is bound by some other resource.
To clarify:
output to stdout (or other) can be slowing down the processing. (as can context switching or file access, etc)
As Tim hinted, console output (stdout) is EXTREMELY expensive.
I suggest rerunning your test while redirecting the console output to a separate log file for each process. If possible, tune down the verbosity of the output in another test run.
Beyond that, there are other obvious possibilities: is the hardware significantly different, are there other major processes running, is there a shared resource that is under contention?
Other than the obvious, look for a nonobvious resource contention such as a shared file.
But the main area where I would look is whether there is a significant difference in how your code is compiled for the two OS environments--I wonder if your Fortran code is incurring some kind of special penalty when running on Vista, such as a compatibility mode. Look to see how well Vista is supported and whether you can target your compile for Vista specifically. Also look for anyone reporting similar issues, such as in bug reports, feature requests, etc.
Your loops are obviously not simple computations. There is a blocking system call in there somewhere. Just because it worked on XP doesn't mean the app is bug free.
Since you can minimize the console windows and see no improvement, I would not consider that an issue. In my experience console output slows a program down only if the console window is drawing text, not when it's minimized.
Is it the same machine hardware on your Vista and XP? It might use just 10% of the Vista because it doesn't require more. Are you using Thread? I think it requires more information about your project to have a better idea. Have you try to use a profiler to see what's going on?

Why are my auto-run applications acting weird on Vista?

The product we are working on allows the user to easily set it up to run automatically whenever the computer is started. This is helpful because the product is part of the basic work environment of most of our users.
This feature was implemented not so long ago and for a while all was well, but when we started testing this feature on Vista the product started behaving really weird on startup. Specifically, our product makes use of another product (lets call it X) that it launches whenever it needs its services. The actual problem is that whenever X is launched immediately after log-on, it crashes or reports critical errors related to disk access (this happens even when X is launched directly - not through our product).
This happens whenever we run our product by registering it in the "Run" key in the registry or place a shortcut to it in the "Startup" folder inside the "Start Menu", even when we put a delay of ~20 seconds before actually starting to run. When we changed the delay to 70 seconds, all is well.
We tried to reproduce the problem by launching our product manually immediately after logon (by double-clicking on a shortcut placed on the desktop) but to no avail.
Now how is it possible that applications that run normally a minute after logon report such hard errors when starting immediately after logon?
This is the effect of a new feature in Vista called "Boxing":
Windows has several mechanisms that allow the user/admin to set up applications to automatically run when windows starts. This feature is mostly used for one of these purposes:
1. Programs that are part of the basic work environment of the user, such that the first action the user would usually take when starting the computer is to start them.
2. All sorts of background "agents" - skype, messenger, winamp etc.
When too many (or too heavy) programs are registered to run on startup the end result is that the user can't actually do anything for the first few seconds/minutes after login, which can be really annoying. In comes Vista's "Boxing" feature:
Briefly, Vista forces all programs invoked through the Run key to operate at low priority for the first 60 seconds after login. This affects both I/O priority (which is set to Very Low) and CPU priority. Very Low priority I/O requests do not pass through the file cache, but go directly to disk. Thus, they are much slower than regular I/O.
The length of the boxing period is set by the registry value:
For a more detailed explanation see here and here
The program probably needs some more info put into its properties. It needs to "Run As", instead of just running.
Maybe this application should be developed as a service, instead of a program to be launched, or you could have service that launches the program when its determined the best window of opportunity.
