what to do when windows goes in dreaded 100% cpu usage zombie mode - windows

happens to me occasionally:
I start my program in visual studio and due to some bug my program goes into 100% cpu usage and basically freezes windows completely.
Only by utter patience requesting the task manager (takes forever to come up and paint itself) I can kill my process.
Do others encounter this too sometimes? Is there a clever trick to get this process down (other than pulling the plug and possible ruining files on the HD)? It now takes 5-10 minutes to kill it properly if the task manager is not accidentally present and I have to request this first
p.s. weird that a 'multitasking os' can still allow processes to eat up so much time that nothing else can be done anymore. My program doesn't even bump up it's thread priorities or anything

Check out Process Lasso
"Process Lasso is a unique new technology that will, amongst other things, improve your PC's responsiveness and stability. Windows, by design, allows programs to monopolize your CPU without restraint -- leading to freezes and hangs. Process Lasso's ProBalance (Process Balance) technology intelligently adjusts the priority of running programs so that badly behaved or overly active processes won't interfere with your ability to use the computer!"
I am not affiliated with Bitsum, just a user of their product, and it helps me solve this type of problems.

For what it's worth, I've never see this on either XP 64 or Vista 64, developing C++ apps in Visual Studio. Perhaps an OS upgrade is in order?
Edit: I use Process Explorer as a replacement Task Manager - it wouldn't surprise me if it did a better job of appearing in good time even when there's a rogue process running. And you can use it to boost its own priority.

I usually hit ctrl-alt-delete start the task manager sort by cpu find the offending process and right click and end the process..
task manager usually has enough priority to do this although it may be slow.

I think a shotgun to the head is the only way to be sure.

I generally don't see anything like this happen strictly as a function of an app that's eating 100% CPU. As part of stability / performance testing, I've gotten apps to cause Windows to get very slow, but this is usually done by writing heavily threaded apps (thus causing the O/S scheduler to thrash), or by writing apps that consume all available system memory or resources (much more impactful to the GUI apps than simply one thread that consumes its full share of processor time during its slices).

You say you get this behavior under Visual Studio? VS has a "Pause" button...


Windows 8/10 API Detect suspended process

UWP (or "Metro") apps in Windows 8/10 are frequently suspended when they are not in the foreground. Apps in this state continue to exist but no longer consume CPU time. This change seems to have been introduced to improve performance on low-power/storage devices like tablets and phones.
Please can I ask, what is the most elegant and simple method to detect an app in this state?
I can see 2 possible solutions at the moment:
Call NtQuerySystemInformation() and the enumerate each process and each thread. A process is "suspended" if all threads are in the suspended state. This approach will require a lot of code and critically NtQuerySystemInformation() is only semi-documented and could be removed in a future OS. NtQueryInformationProcess() may also offer a solution with the same problem.
Call GetProcessTimes() and record the counters for each process. Wait some time (minutes) and check these again. If the process counters haven't changed then assume the process is suspended. This is a hack and I may get shot down for even thinking of it.
The second one (GetProcessTimes() … wait … and check these again. 
If the process counters haven’t changed then assume the process is suspended)
is less reliable. 
If a process is waiting for input (e.g., keyboard, mouse, or network)
and not getting any, it will use very little CPU time
and will appear to be suspended by this approach.

Windows 7: poor GUI response in my program while downloading data; is there some way to improve this?

I've written a program that (among other things) downloads multiple large files from a server on the LAN, using TCP. This program runs fine under Linux, MacOS/X, and generally under Windows as well (it uses Qt for the GUI and straight sockets calls for networking), but on certain Windows machines the download appears to be too much for the machine to handle, and I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas as to why that is and what can be done about it.
When downloading files, my program spawns a separate I/O thread that basically just sits in a loop, downloading data over TCP and writing it to a file, writing 128KB per call to QFile:write(). Each file is typically several hundred megabytes long, and a typical download session writes out several dozen of these files. Note that the I/O thread runs independently of the GUI thread, so I wouldn't expect it to affect GUI's performance much if at all -- especially not when running on a multicore PC.
The PC in question is a Core-2Duo Quad Q6600 running at 2.40GHz, with 4GB of RAM. It's running Windows 7 Ultimate SP1, 32-bit. It is receiving data over a Gigabit Ethernet connection and writing it to files on the NTFS-formatted boot partition of the 232GB internal Hitachi ATA drive.
The symptom is that sometimes during a download (seemingly at random) the program's GUI will become non-responsive for 10 to 30 seconds at a time, and often the title bar of the window will have "(not responding)" appended to it. The symptom will then clear up again and the download will proceed normally again. Another symptom is that the desktop is extremely sluggish during the download... for example, if I click on the "Start" button, the Start menu will take ~30 seconds to populate, instead of being populated near-instantaneously as I would expect.
Note that Task Manager shows plenty of free memory, but it does show short spikes of CPU usage to 100% one one of the 4 cores, at the same time the problems are seen.
The data is arriving over Gigabit Ethernet, and if I have my program just receive the data and throw it away (without writing it to the hard drive), the machine can maintain a constant download rate of about 96MB/sec without breaking a sweat. If I write the received data to a file, however, the download rate decreases to about 37MB/sec, and the symptoms described above start to appear.
The interesting thing is that just for curiosity's sake I added this call to my I/O thread's entry function, just before the beginning of its event loop:
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL);
When I did that, the "(not responding)" symptoms cleared, but then download speed was reduced to only ~25MB/sec.
So my questions are:
Does anyone know what might be causing the sporadic hangups of the GUI when the hard drive is under a heavy write-load?
Why does lowering the I/O thread's priority cause the download rate to drop so much, given that there are three idle cores on the machine? I would think that even a lower-priority thread would have plenty of CPU available in this situation.
Is there any way to get a maximum download rate without causing Windows' desktop responsiveness and/or my app's GUI responsiveness to suffer problems?
Without seeing any code is hard to answer but this seems to be something related to processors and the fact that your download thread is not leaving any space for other threads to performs other operations.
It seems it never waits and that the driver of the network card is not well written.
Are you sure your thread is entering in an idle state when there is no data incoming?
In OS with a single processor a for (;;) {} will consume 100% cpu and if it talks continuously with the kernel it may stops other processes or other threads for doing that, especially if there is a bug or a very bad behaviour in some network card driver in your case.
Probably putting the thread priority below normal you are asking the OS to use your thread less often, this gives by a magical combination of things that allow things to not hang too much.
Check the code, maybe you are forgetting something?
Check if adding a sleep(0) to force the OS to yield to another thread sometime will make things better, but this is a temporary fix, you should find why your thread is consuming 100% cpu, if it is.

Will a task be completed faster if it is the active window?

I have heard a myth that a job will finish faster if it is kept as the active window, and not in the background or minimized.
Is there any truth to this? Does the CPU put precedence to tasks where this happens?
On Windows the foreground application gets a priority boost. This is to help it maintain responsiveness to the user and makes sure that when it's ready to run after waiting for some I/O event, it'll get to run next, ahead of most other applications that might be waiting to run.
There is also a potential for a longer quantum for foreground applications.
I don't know how much faster an application would complete if it's run in the foreground instead of the background - there are so many factors that would go into this (particularly I/O). The intent is to make the application more responsive.
This is all configurable to some extent (maybe only on server SKUs):
It depends on your setup. On a default Windows desktop operating system, this is true. On a Windows server operating system (like Windows 2003) this is not true.
You can change the setting by going into System Properties and clicking on the Performance tab. The exact layout differs depending on Windows version, but you should see (or be able to see by clicking an Advanced sub tab or finding "Scheduler") either a radio/combo choice between "Workstation" and "Server" configuration, or a choice between prioritizing Programs or Background Services. In both cases these are the same thing (just different language - the Server/Workstation language is from Windows 2000, while Programs/Services was created for the more consumer oriented XP) - they determine if the scheduler gives extra importance to the thread of the top most window, or if all threads are treated equally (based on the thread prioritity property).
Windows allows you to give the "foreground" task a priority advantage, so it may be no myth. You can also set it the other way, to give "service" tasks the priority advantage instead, so it depends on the install.
Note that this only affects the priority... if there are no other tasks running, it won't run noticeably different in either case. It's only when there is another application that needs CPU time that you might notice the difference.
That's partially true on Windows. Windows would assign a GUI application that has its window on-top slightly higher priority. So if there're other tasks with normal or lower priority the program could really run a bit faster at the expense of other programs running a bit slower.
There's catch however. When you start compilation in Visual Studio IDE the IDE will spawn a separate process for the compilation and only redirect its output to its own window. Since the compilation process now has no own windows it will not gain acceleration.

Win32 console processes in VISTA - 10% CPU, but VERY SLOW

I have a Win32 console application which is doing some computations, compiled in Compaq Visual Fortran (which probably doesn't matter).
I need to run a lot of them simultaneously.
In XP, they take around 90-100% CPU together, work very fast.
In Vista, no matter how many of them I run, they take no more than 10% of CPU (together), and work very slow respectively.
There is quite a bit of console output going on, but now VERY much.
I can minimize all the windows, it does not help. CPU is basically doing nothing...
Any ideas?
No, these are different machines, but they run relatively the same hardware. 2. Threads are not used, this is a VERY OLD (20 yrs) plain app for DOS, compiled in win32. It is supposed to compute iterations until they meet, consume all it has. My impression - VISTA just does NOT GIVE IT MORE CPU
Have you tried redirecting the console output to a file?
If your applications are being held up writing to the console (this happens sometimes unfortunately) then redirecting the output should help, as it's much quicker to write to a simple file than write to the console.
You do this like so
c:\temp> dir > output.log
If you really don't care about the output at all, you can throw it away, by redirecting to nul. eg:
c:\temp> dir > nul
There was a known "feature" in Vista that limits certain console applications to 32MB of RAM. I don't know if those compiled by Compaq Visual Fortran are affected by this "feature."
This article appears to have been updated as recently as October 2008, so the problem still exists.
To expound on Daok's post - your XP machine might be CPU bound for this process, whereas the vista machine is bound by some other resource.
To clarify:
output to stdout (or other) can be slowing down the processing. (as can context switching or file access, etc)
As Tim hinted, console output (stdout) is EXTREMELY expensive.
I suggest rerunning your test while redirecting the console output to a separate log file for each process. If possible, tune down the verbosity of the output in another test run.
Beyond that, there are other obvious possibilities: is the hardware significantly different, are there other major processes running, is there a shared resource that is under contention?
Other than the obvious, look for a nonobvious resource contention such as a shared file.
But the main area where I would look is whether there is a significant difference in how your code is compiled for the two OS environments--I wonder if your Fortran code is incurring some kind of special penalty when running on Vista, such as a compatibility mode. Look to see how well Vista is supported and whether you can target your compile for Vista specifically. Also look for anyone reporting similar issues, such as in bug reports, feature requests, etc.
Your loops are obviously not simple computations. There is a blocking system call in there somewhere. Just because it worked on XP doesn't mean the app is bug free.
Since you can minimize the console windows and see no improvement, I would not consider that an issue. In my experience console output slows a program down only if the console window is drawing text, not when it's minimized.
Is it the same machine hardware on your Vista and XP? It might use just 10% of the Vista because it doesn't require more. Are you using Thread? I think it requires more information about your project to have a better idea. Have you try to use a profiler to see what's going on?

What causes the MS Windows 'System' Process to go nuts when compiling?

A couple of times recently I have noticed that 'something' is causing the Windows System Process to sit at 50+% and it will not quit until the PC is rebooted. Happening on Win2k and Win XP so far.
This is particularly troublesome because it currently appears to be triggered by MSVC 2005/Incredibuild and rebooting the build servers is not a nice thing.
At the same time the 'System Idle Process' process is holding the rest of the CPU and the build steps themselves seem to be starved. ie. a module that normally takes <5 minutes to compile is currently taking 20+.
I'd take a few guesses at maybe being virus checker or tortoise svn but would desperatly like some other suggestions.
I've been experiencing this as something that is triggered, and the culprit may not be ongoing. Thats not to say that some other ongoing process hasn't done something 'stupid' and is managing an active lock up of System while appearing to be idle itself.
System (100% of 1 core), and System Idle Process are sharing 98-100% of the total CPU.
Occasionaly mt.exe, link.exe, buildservice would get a look in at 1-2%.
I'm running VNC to view the machine, so it's getting a look in on occasion.
Edit 2:
When left the previous evening the build process seemed to be progressing all be it slowly, but after waiting another 13 hours the 1 hour build process hasn't completed. System is still hogging the 1 core.
My understanding is that the "System" process is the time spent in the kernel (so performing disk I/O, network I/O (you did mention Incredibuild) and the like) -- I'd check for disk fragmentation, virus checkers and possibly look at these on other machines in your Incredibuild cluster.
As the System Idle process runs at "Low" priority, it's a red herring that it'd be "taking up CPU time" -- if anything it's just showing that there is available CPU time available. The fact the processing is stuck to a single processor shows that the process is doing something that is not multi-core aware, or someone has set it's thread affinity to 1.
I've noticed the virus checking software that I use can radically slow down compilation but it does not extend beyond the end of the build. Turning off advanced and heuristic checking improves this to the extent that I do not have to disable the scanner entirely. I have changed my scanning strategy such that I use scheduled full scans now more than advanced on the fly scanning, as it hurts the perfromance of a number of apps. (n.b. I am using the latest cut of Kaspersky). I'm also using an automated backup tool (AJCBackup) that also needs to be restrained when compiling.
You may also want to consider disableing the Windows Indexing service on drives that are be used to create a lot of temporary and object files, as it doesn't provide much value in this context for the amount of performance it draws.
Edit: Have checked which processes are actually hogging the CPU core and traced them back to a given app?
We've encountered issues with Kaspersky and Incredibuild in our offices - compiles and sometimes links will just hang and never finish.
Only seems to affect some machines though which is wierd, and only Windows XP (Vista seems immune from what I've seen).
Only solution I've found so far is to turn Kaspersky off entirely - so if you find a solution then let me know!
RE: smacl, work from the Windows Search/Indexing Service (WSearch) won't be attributed to the System process's CPU time, it should come from the SearchIndexer.exe/SearchFilterHost.exe services (Vista+).
The majority of activity from System you will see will be in disk activity from the lazy writer and other disk accesses. CPU activity from System will be because of kernel activity such as drivers (ISRs/DPCs) and other kernel-level filters (which could include AV file and process filters).
Process Explorer (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx) can aid in viewing CPU usage across processes, including System. You can use the public Microsoft Symbol Server and this resource to get you started.
If you can take a trace with Xperf (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/performance/cc825801.aspx), I can help you analyze where the CPU time is being spent in the System (kernel) context. Xperf isn't officially supported on XP, but you can take a trace on XP and analyze it on other systems.
Xperf and Process Explorer should be able to shine a spotlight on exactly the module(s) that are causing the runaway CPU usage. Symbols may not even be necessary to diagnose the problem; simply the module name can often point to the component in question that is slowing down your system. For example, high CPU usage from ndis.sys can point to network interrupts, or activity from modules such as aavmker4.sys can point to AV software (Avast! in this case).
And as always, check if there are any updated drivers and AV software for your system.
In my office, a conflict between Incredibuild and Spyware Doctor's Immunize feature caused similar issues. Turning off Immunize solved it for us.
What anti-virus/malware do you use?
I'm having same hangs when compiling using IncrediBuild in VS2003, on clean Windows 7 without any anti-virus. It worked fine on same box in XP and Vista.
