Xcode Developer Documentation Link Hover Jumps To Top - xcode

I don't know how I got into this state, but the Xcode documentation window has been exhibiting this strange behavior of "jumping to top" whenever I hover over a link in one of the doc files.
For example, I'll be scrolling down to, say, the methods of a Class Reference, and as soon as I hover over one of them, the doc window jumps right back to the top.
Has anyone else encountered this? If so, is there a fix for within Xcode?
Meanwhile, opening up the doc in a browser works around the problem.

Thanks for the replies everyone!
Meanwhile, I have just stumbled upon a workaround.
To preface, I have to clarify/correct two things for my particular case:
The problem only occurs when hovering over the links in the Tasks section.
The jump doesn't necessarily go to the top-of-page. Rather, it goes to wherever the original landing spot was when you opened the doc. (In URL parlance this is the fragment, e.g. #//apple_ref...).
On to the workaround:
In the Xcode doc viewer (and even in Safari), there should be a "Jump To..." drop-down in the "developer-documentation" window located to the right (and as a peer) of the "table of contents" expander when this problem occurs. You only need click on it once, dismiss it, and then the jumping problem goes away!

I've encountered it (only when viewing the docs in Safari, not the doc viewer itself), and I believe it's a known bug fixed in Xcode 3.2 (for Snow Leopard).


Weird NSOutlineView crash

I'm experiencing weird crash in NSOutlineView: when i click "collapse" button, app crashes immediately and even "exception breakpoint" doesn't help to see where the problem is.
I've tried to run app without debugger, and reproduced the problem. Once app crashed, i've got OSX crash window and was able to extract crash message from there:
The window has been marked as needing another Update Constraints in Window pass, but it has already had more Update Constraints in Window passes than there are views in the window
there also call stack, but it won't help since crash happening inside libsystem_c.dylib, so i'm not posting it here.
It seems there is something wrong going with auto layout. Absolutely have no idea about next steps. Please give me an advice!
Also, one more thing, that began only after update to OSX Mojave.
After hours of debugging and testing, i noticed that that message is caused by "infinite layout loop".
Different code, related to outline view was causing NSSplitView to layout. And delegate method - (CGFloat) splitView:(NSSplitView*)sender constrainMinCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMinimumPosition ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)dividerIndex has been called about 200 times prior to crash.
It's hard to catch this bcs it's not actually infinite recursion, so just debugger doesnt help a lot.
I just added simple code that helped me to identify the issue:
static int a = 0;
NSLog(#"Layout: %d", a++);
Hope my experience will help somebody else!
For anyone who is having the problem in Xcode 14 and macOS using SwiftUI:
I just had the same crash by hiding a view with an animation. My main view contains two views, one view contained an empty ScrollView, which didn't cause a problem by itself, but by changing it's size it crashed. Just adding a basic Text within the ScrollView solved my problem and the app doesn't crash anymore.
I updated my build to IOS 14 and Mac OS 20.15.6 and the error went away.
try turning off 'Use Auto Layout' checkbox in nib (in File Inspector tab).
May have to disable it for each and every view.
Also, unrelated, but Mojave forces you to use Core Animation.
Most of my nibs have 'set wants layer' turned off.
However, in one of my nibs I had a stray setWantsLayer checkbox checked.
when I unchecked it, the view (NSSearchField) drew properly

missing alignment guides in xcode interface builder

I am new to programming on the Apple Mac. I have followed a programming guide supplied in the Mac Developer Library to program a basic GUI program called TrackMix. In this program you place a textbox, a vertical slider and a button control on the view window. Initially, on dragging the specific object, say the textbox, to the window, a set of alignment guides (dotted blue lines) would automatically appear on the canvas when the object is dragged over it. I dont know what has happened, but now those guides have disappeared when I execute the same action of dragging objects to the window. When the object being dragged is over the window a small green dot, with a plus sign in it, appears on the bottom of the object. I have carefully retraced my steps to be exactly the same as stated in the Developer Library, but still the problem persist. Have I, perhaps, involuntarily changed some Xcode settings or what? I am at the end of my wits! PS: I am using Xcode 7.
You have to toggle the menu item "Editor > Canvas > Snap To Guides" in Storyboard. I hope that helps
I am not sure whether this will be helpful, but I just had the same problem and the only thing which worked was re-installing Xcode (7.3) and trashing all of the Xcode preferences.
Good luck.

How to fix: disabling size classes in Xcode 6.2 trashes storyboard UI but keeps guides

[EDITED] After spending a couple of days on a iPad app (utility s/w for myself; not for release), I accidentally clicked on disabling size classes in Xcode (6.2). I only want to turn off Auto Layout temporarily so I could figure out why my popover scene was not rendering.
Now, all the UI elements are gone but the guidelines for both the main scene and the popover scene are still around. History seemingly shows nothing that will bring back the UI elements. I closed the Xcode project and opened it again, but only the red guidelines are visible.
Has anyone run into this? Any idea how to fix this? [EDIT] I'm referring specifically to the UI elements and getting them all back -- else I'm going to have to spend a couple of hours reconstructing and positioning them. I browsed StackOverflow and Google Search but I've not seen any relevant suggestions.
First, when disabling auto layout it will disable the size classes as well.
I would suggest that you update your Xcode to 6.3. Then that will probably be gone.
Hope that helps :)
regarding the comment
First off I would print the frames of the UIElements to see whether they are still on the screen. (Using `println("(button.frame)")
Then, if they are not there, change their frames / centres) to somewhere on the screen.
If they are in the bounds, check their sizes to make sure they are large enough to be visible. If they are then make sure they are not hidden and their alpha is 1.
In storyboard you can open the side-bar and then change the element's position in the Attributes inspector as shown here:

Not Displaying Normal Xcode View

First, the links are to screen shots of my "problem". Stackoverflow would not let me post images b/c I don't have at least a 10 reputation.
I am not sure what I did.
Shut down my computer, I think there was an OS X update pending that installed. When I went back to my Xcode project it presented the normal screen
But then when I went to open it up the following screen w/o the editor or any of the normal layout opened up.
I tried tinkering with the layout and view screens, but no real help. Not sure what happened. Any help would be most appreciated. Basically, it seems like I am missing the editor and utilities panes.
You see that little button with the left arrow and two vertical lines at the right upper end of the "Groups and files" view? Click and drag it left, see it this can help.

I see absolutely nothing under Size Inspector in Interface Builder. I want to be able to set the Auto

I see no settings at all under Size Inspector in Interface Builder, it is completely blank for my View, all labels and all buttons. I am using xcode 4.6 and have 'Use Autolayout' unchecked and the metrics (Size, Status Bar, Top Bar, Bottom Bar) are all 'None'. I need to be able to control the autoresizingmask, but why can't I see any size properties?
Once you switch to Size Inspector tab, directly under the icon there is a little header that says "View." If you hover over that some text appears that says "Show," because apparently that section can collapse down. Clicking the header should cause the options you expect to appear.
I wish they would make this more clear, because I completely missed it as well, and restarted Xcode several times.
I ran into this problem using Xcode 5.0 but upon further investigation, discovered the dysfunction ran to a higher degree - all Inspector views in Xcode were blank for every control, and the Navigator buttons didn't work either.
The culprit seems to have been a conflict in versioning. When I re-checked out trunk, Xcode returned to expected behavior.
Resizing the Xcode window made things right again for me - go figure.
This worked for me......
Clear Menu -> Recent Files
i cleared last open storyboard from Recent files
Restart Xcode
