How to fix: disabling size classes in Xcode 6.2 trashes storyboard UI but keeps guides - ios8

[EDITED] After spending a couple of days on a iPad app (utility s/w for myself; not for release), I accidentally clicked on disabling size classes in Xcode (6.2). I only want to turn off Auto Layout temporarily so I could figure out why my popover scene was not rendering.
Now, all the UI elements are gone but the guidelines for both the main scene and the popover scene are still around. History seemingly shows nothing that will bring back the UI elements. I closed the Xcode project and opened it again, but only the red guidelines are visible.
Has anyone run into this? Any idea how to fix this? [EDIT] I'm referring specifically to the UI elements and getting them all back -- else I'm going to have to spend a couple of hours reconstructing and positioning them. I browsed StackOverflow and Google Search but I've not seen any relevant suggestions.

First, when disabling auto layout it will disable the size classes as well.
I would suggest that you update your Xcode to 6.3. Then that will probably be gone.
Hope that helps :)
regarding the comment
First off I would print the frames of the UIElements to see whether they are still on the screen. (Using `println("(button.frame)")
Then, if they are not there, change their frames / centres) to somewhere on the screen.
If they are in the bounds, check their sizes to make sure they are large enough to be visible. If they are then make sure they are not hidden and their alpha is 1.
In storyboard you can open the side-bar and then change the element's position in the Attributes inspector as shown here:


Struggles with side-by-side NSTableView and Contraint layout, part 2

Previously, I asked about using constraint layout to put two NSTableView side-by-side. Side-by-side NSTableView using StackView and Constraints Thanks to Willeke's help, I was able to achieve this using only constraints, and no StackView.
The recommendation there was:
[...] Xcode is buggy. Avoid resizing the window and/or solve layout issues by updating the frames (in Xcode 9: menu Editor -> Resolve Layout Issues -> Update Frames).
I'm still having trouble with that, unfortunately. When I run my app, it now looks fine. However, in Interface Builder, clicking "Update Frames" actually makes the layout progressively worse, such that I have to Git reset to get back to a reasonable layout. I'm worried that later, when I actually need to update my view, I will be in trouble because I am unable to touch it without breaking it.
I've tried to illustrate the issue:
I'm unsure if it's helpful, but here is my list of constraints:
What could be wrong here? Have I forgotten some obvious constraint?

xcode storyboard mirroring effect

Am using Xcode 9.1 and my Xcode error while dragging objects from object panel in storyboard its mirroring automatically as shown in picture .need help in solving this !
Very odd. At first I thought it was simply rendering for a RtL locale but I don't imagine the chrome around the rendered view should be mirrored as well. Out of curiosity are you testing a Right-to-Left locale? If so, does this persist when that preference is disabled?
Otherwise I'd try cleaning the project, restarting Xcode, and removing your .xcuserdatad file, in that order.

missing alignment guides in xcode interface builder

I am new to programming on the Apple Mac. I have followed a programming guide supplied in the Mac Developer Library to program a basic GUI program called TrackMix. In this program you place a textbox, a vertical slider and a button control on the view window. Initially, on dragging the specific object, say the textbox, to the window, a set of alignment guides (dotted blue lines) would automatically appear on the canvas when the object is dragged over it. I dont know what has happened, but now those guides have disappeared when I execute the same action of dragging objects to the window. When the object being dragged is over the window a small green dot, with a plus sign in it, appears on the bottom of the object. I have carefully retraced my steps to be exactly the same as stated in the Developer Library, but still the problem persist. Have I, perhaps, involuntarily changed some Xcode settings or what? I am at the end of my wits! PS: I am using Xcode 7.
You have to toggle the menu item "Editor > Canvas > Snap To Guides" in Storyboard. I hope that helps
I am not sure whether this will be helpful, but I just had the same problem and the only thing which worked was re-installing Xcode (7.3) and trashing all of the Xcode preferences.
Good luck.

Constraints keep going haywire every time I reopen an XCode project

Every time I close and reopen XCode 6 beta 6, my previously-happy constraints are messed up and I have to click on the yellow dot to get to the "Misplaced Views" thingy, then click on each yellow triangle, choose Update Frame, and click Fix Misplacement to correct the problem. Is this a bug in the beta or have I done something wrong, perhaps? Constraints in XCode (to me, at least) are horrible things to tame at the best of times, so maybe it's not a bug?
Once fixed, and XCode neither complains about nor renders the widgets badly, it's fine. But as soon as I close then reopen the project, they're messed up again.
I have experienced the same thing on a project I'm working on. What I've observed is a circular connection among the views in the storyboard in question, so that it's possible to segue around and around a particular path or paths. The views are all embedded in a TabBarController, and each tab has its own NavigationController.
So for instance:
Activity View (programmatically selected tab), segue to ...
Detail View, segue to ...
Profile View (programmatically selected tab), segue to ...
Item View, segue to ...
Detail view
... and so on
This seems to introduce random screwups to the views.
What I have not yet done is test this by removing the circular segue paths. I'm not sure I ever will, since the circular segue paths are part of the functionality of the app. But I'm pretty sure that was about where this weird behavior got introduced. I'll be interested to hear whether the same is true of your project.

Changes not taken effect on device, but on simulator

after reading here for a long time and finding a lot of hints which helped me, I'm actually stucked with the development of my app.
I'm using Xcode 4.5 and have a tabbed application with four views.
Everything went fine since a few days ago.
I'm taking changes for example the icon of one tab.
I run simulator and eveything is OK.
When running the app on an iDevice the change of the image does not take effect. The old image and even name of the tab will be displayed.
Even leaving the old image and just changing in the tabbar controller in the storyboard the order of the tabs(instaead of tab 1, 2, 3, 4 for example 1, 2, 4, 3) it will not take effect on the device.
Deleting the app on the device does not effect.
Cleaning the project also does not helps.
What else can I try?
Also, for example, in my four views I'm using four web views.
If I resize on web view in e.g. 50x50, on the simulator it will be resized, but not on the device.
It's still centered and in full view (420x311)
I'm really looking forward to get some hints. I really don't know what else I can do
Hello eiko,
finally I found the error.
Has been my fault.
Simple as it is it was the storyboard, or to be more specific the localization (German and English).
In simulator(as it was set to English) I saw all the changes.
When I plugged an iDevice(set to German) it took only the storyboard in german, where most of the changes hasn't been take effect.
I deleted now one and work only with one.
My fault.
Thanks to eiko for asking the right questions!
