Converting Decimal to ASCII Character - ascii

I am trying to convert an decimal number to it's character equivalent. For example:
int j = 65 // The character equivalent would be 'A'.
Sorry, forgot to specify the language. I thought I did. I am using the Cocoa/Object-C. It is really frustrating. I have tried the following but it is still not converting correctly.
char_num1 = [working_text characterAtIndex:i]; // value = 65
char_num2 = [working_text characterAtIndex:i+1]; // value = 75
char_num3 = char_num1 + char_num2; // value = 140
char_str1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c",char_num3]; // mapped value = 229
char_str2 = [char_str2 stringByAppendingString:char_str1];
When char_num1 and char_num2 are added, I get the new ascii decimal value. However, when I try to convert the new decimal value to a character, I do not get the character that is mapped to char_num3.

Convert a character to a number in C:
int j = 'A';
Convert a number to a character in C:
char ch = 65;
Convert a character to a number in python:
j = ord('A')
Convert a number to a character in Python:
ch = chr(65)

Most languages have a 'char' function, so it would be Char(j)

I'm not sure what language you're asking about. In Java, this works:
int a = 'a';

It's quite often done with "chr" or "char", but some indication of the language / platform would be useful :-)
string k = Chr(j);


how to decode an hexacidemal values to decimal ones with springboot?

i don't know how to decode hexacidemal values to decimal ones with springboot
Is There a default fonctions That can help me or should i develop functions by myself
thank You
You just need JAVA APIs,
From Hexadecimal to Decimal
String hexNumber = ...
int decimal = Integer.parseInt(hexNumber, 16);
System.out.println("Hex value is " + decimal);
From Decimal to Hex
If you have the value that you want to convert in an int variable, then you can simply call:
int i = ...
String hex = Integer.toHexString(i);
System.out.println("Hex value is " + hex);
If you have the decimal number in a String, then you first call Integer.parseInt() but this time you don't need any second parameter— decimal is the default:
String string = ...
int no = Integer.parseInt(string);
String hex = Integer.toHexString(no);
System.out.println("Hex value is " + hex);
Check out the full paper here.

Golang string end character

I'm a newbie in Golang, so I'm playing with some algorithms and i have a little problem.
In java for insert an end string in char array I can do like this:
String str = "Mr John Smith ";
char[] arr = str.toCharArray();
arr[12] = '\0';
But in Golang I'm trying like this:
str := []byte("Mr John Smith ")
str[12] = '\0'
But this code didn't work
That's not a valid syntax for a rune literal with a 0 value. You can use the hex escape sequence
str[12] = '\x00'
If you really need an octal value, it requires 3 digits
str[12] = '\000'
Or just assign a literal 0
str[12] = 0
You can see the valid rune literal escape sequences in the specification:

What's in xcode console with scanf ,when want a number but input a char?

xcode 5.0
when I run following code:
void guessNum(){
int answer = 0;
int guess = 0;
int turn = 0;
answer = arc4random() % 100 + 1;
while (guess != answer) {
NSLog(#"Guess #%i: Enter a number between 1 and 100", turn);
scanf("%i", &guess);
if (guess > answer) {
else if (guess < answer) {
else {
NSLog(#"Correct! The answer was %i", answer);
} // end of while loop
NSLog(#"It took you %i tries", turn);
when I type a character, just like a in xcode debug console, program run automatic and print:
2013-11-18 10:47:39.719 donglix[15115:303] Higher!
2013-11-18 10:47:39.719 donglix[15115:303] Guess #1932: Enter a number between 1 and 100
2013-11-18 10:47:39.719 donglix[15115:303] Higher!
2013-11-18 10:47:39.720 donglix[15115:303] Guess #1933: Enter a number between 1 and 100
what's the problem?
"scanf()" reads the input you've typed in and, because of your "%i" (integer) format string, is expecting to take that input and drop it into a number.
If you used "%s" as your format string, then you would take the input as a C-style character array (and have to convert those characters if you wanted to get the integer value out of that).
For example, you can replace this line:
scanf("%i", &guess);
with something like this:
char stringToConvert[256]; // if you type more than 256 characters, you'll crash
guess = atoi(stringToConvert); // this function converts the string into an integer
If you type in the character "a", scanf converts that to 97 in the ascii table.

VB ASCB in LotusScript?

Working on converting a Visual Basic SHA-256 encryption routine to work in LotusScript.
Is going well except for the VB's AscB command.
Found: "Use the AscB function to return the first byte of a string containing byte data."
Not finding way to do same in LotusScript.
See the LS CByte command comes close: "CByte returns an expression that has been converted to Byte."
Don't see way to have it return just the first Byte of the expression.
Any suggestions?
AscB is only appropriate for strings in single-byte character encoding. All LotusScript string data is Unicode represented in UTF16 double-byte encoding.
The LotusScript Uni() function returns a Long containing the integer value of the Unicode character. Since the input is a double byte character, the value returned by Uni() ranges from 0 to 65535. If you want to get the values of each of the two bytes, code like this will do the trick:
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim s1 As String
Dim u1 As Long
Dim u2 As Long
Dim lowbyte As Integer
Dim highbyte As Integer
Dim b1 As Byte
Dim b2 as Byte
s1 = "Ʃ"
u1 = Uni(s1)
lowbyte = u1 Mod 256
highbyte = (u1 - lowbyte) / 256
b1 = Cbyte(lowbyte)
b2 = Cbyte(highbyte)
Call ws.Prompt(prompt_ok,"test",s1 + " " + Cstr(Cint(b1)) + " " + Cstr(Cint(b2)))
Would Asc, LeftB and RightB do what you need?
In my testing...
Lenb("A") = 2
Leftb("A", 1) = "A"
Asc(Leftb("A", 1)) = 65
Leftb("A", 2) = "A"
Asc(Leftb("A", 2)) = 65
Asc(Rightb(Leftb("A", 2), 1)) = 0

Code Golf: Email Address Validation without Regular Expressions

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
(Edit: What is Code Golf: Code Golf are challenges to solve a specific problem with the shortest amount of code by character count in whichever language you prefer. More info here on Meta StackOverflow. )
Code Golfers, here's a challenge on string operations.
Email Address Validation, but without regular expressions (or similar parsing library) of course. It's not so much about the email addresses but how short you can write the different string operations and constraints given below.
The rules are the following (yes, I know, this is not RFC compliant, but these are going to be the 5 rules for this challenge):
At least 1 character out of this group before the #:
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, . (period), _ (underscore)
# has to exist, exactly one time
Period (.) has to exist exactly one time after the #
At least 1 only [A-Z, a-z] character between # and the following . (period)
At least 2 only [A-Z, a-z] characters after the final . period
Please post the method/function only, which would take a string (proposed email address) and then return a Boolean result (true/false) depending on the email address being valid (true) or invalid (false).
Samples: (valid/true) (invalid/false) (invalid/false) test#org (invalid/false) (invalid/false) (invalid/false) (invalid/false) (valid/true) (valid/true) (invalid/false)
Good luck!
C89 (166 characters)
#define B(c)isalnum(c)|c==46|c==95
#define C(x)if(!v|*i++-x)return!1;
#define D(x)for(v=0;x(*i);++i)++v;
Not re-entrant, but can be run multiple times. Test bed:
:[[/%^(:[[+-/^,&i|:[$[' ']^j+0__:k<3:]]
C89, 175 characters.
#define G &&*((a+=t+1)-1)==
#define H (t=strspn(a,A
t;e(char*a){char A[66]="_.0123456789Aa";short*s=A+12;for(;++s<A+64;)*s=s[-1]+257;return H))G 64&&H+12))G 46&&H+12))>1 G 0;}
I am using the standard library function strspn(), so I feel this answer isn't as "clean" as strager's answer which does without any library functions. (I also stole his idea of declaring a global variable without a type!)
One of the tricks here is that by putting . and _ at the start of the string A, it's possible to include or exclude them easily in a strspn() test: when you want to allow them, use strspn(something, A); when you don't, use strspn(something, A+12). Another is assuming that sizeof (short) == 2 * sizeof (char), and building up the array of valid characters 2 at a time from the "seed" pair Aa. The rest was just looking for a way to force subexpressions to look similar enough that they could be pulled out into #defined macros.
To make this code more "portable" (heh :-P) you can change the array-building code from
char A[66]="_.0123456789Aa";short*s=A+12;for(;++s<A+64;)*s=s[-1]+257;
for a cost of 5 additional characters.
Python (181 characters including newlines)
def v(E):
import string as t;a=t.ascii_letters;e=a+"1234567890_.";t=e,e,"#",e,".",a,a,a,a,a,"",a
for c in E:
if c in t[0]:t=t[2:]
elif not c in t[1]:return 0>1
Basically just a state machine using obfuscatingly short variable names.
C (166 characters)
#define F(t,u)for(r=s;t=(*s-64?*s-46?isalpha(*s)?3:isdigit(*s)|*s==95?4:0:2:1);++s);if(s-r-1 u)return 0;
V(char*s){char*r;F(2<,<0)F(1=)F(3=,<0)F(2=)F(3=,<1)return 1;}
The single newline is required, and I've counted it as one character.
Python, 149 chars (after putting the whole for loop into one semicolon-separated line, which I haven't done here for "readability" purposes):
def v(s,t=0,o=1):
for c in s:
Test cases, borrowed from strager's answer:
assert v("")
assert v("")
assert v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("test#org")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
print "Yeah!"
Explanation: When iterating over the string, two variables keep getting updated.
t keeps the current state:
t = 0: We're at the beginning.
t = 1: We where at the beginning and have found at least one legal character (letter, number, underscore, period)
t = 2: We have found the "#"
t = 3: We have found at least on legal character (i.e. letter) after the "#"
t = 4: We have found the period in the domain name
t = 5: We have found one legal character (letter) after the period
t = 6: We have found at least two legal characters after the period
o as in "okay" starts as 1, i.e. true, and is set to 0 as soon as a character is found that is illegal in the current state.
Legal characters are:
In state 0: letter, number, underscore, period (change state to 1 in any case)
In state 1: letter, number, underscore, period, at-sign (change state to 2 if "#" is found)
In state 2: letter (change state to 3)
In state 3: letter, period (change state to 4 if period found)
In states 4 thru 6: letter (increment state when in 4 or 5)
When we have gone all the way through the string, we return whether t==6 (t>5 is one char less) and o is 1.
Whatever version of C++ MSVC2008 supports.
Here's my humble submission. Now I know why they told me never to do the things I did in here:
#define N return 0
#define I(x) &&*x!='.'&&*x!='_'
bool p(char*a) {
for(int d=0,e=0;*p;p++){
else if(*p=='.'){if(d){e++;c=p;}}
else if(!isalnum(*p)I(p))N;
if (d>1||e>1)N;
return 1;
Not the greatest solution no doubt, and pretty darn verbose, but it is valid.
Fixed (All test cases pass now)
static bool ValidateEmail(string email)
var numbers = "1234567890";
var lowercase = uppercase.ToLower();
var arUppercase = uppercase.ToCharArray();
var arLowercase = lowercase.ToCharArray();
var arNumbers = numbers.ToCharArray();
var atPieces = email.Split(new string[] { "#"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (atPieces.Length != 2)
return false;
foreach (var c in atPieces[0])
if (!(arNumbers.Contains(c) || arLowercase.Contains(c) || arUppercase.Contains(c) || c == '.' || c == '_'))
return false;
return false;
var dotPieces = atPieces[1].Split('.');
if (dotPieces.Length != 2)
return false;
foreach (var c in dotPieces[0])
if (!(arLowercase.Contains(c) || arUppercase.Contains(c)))
return false;
var found = 0;
foreach (var c in dotPieces[1])
if ((arLowercase.Contains(c) || arUppercase.Contains(c)))
return false;
return found >= 2;
C89 character set agnostic (262 characters)
#include <stdio.h>
/* the 'const ' qualifiers should be removed when */
/* counting characters: I don't like warnings :) */
/* also the 'int ' should not be counted. */
/* it needs only 2 spaces (after the returns), should be only 2 lines */
/* that's a total of 262 characters (1 newline, 2 spaces) */
/* code golf starts here */
int v(const char*e){
const char*s="0123456789._abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
return 1;
return 0;
/* code golf ends here */
int main(void) {
const char *t;
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = "test#org"; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
return 0;
Version 2
Still C89 character set agnostic, bugs hopefully corrected (303 chars; 284 without the #include)
#define Y strchr
#define X{while(Y
&&!Y(e,'.')&&strlen(e)>1){while(*e&&Y(s+12,*e++));if(!*e)return 1;}}}return 0;}
That #define X is absolutely disgusting!
Test as for my first (buggy) version.
VBA/VB6 - 484 chars
Explicit off
usage: VE("")
Function V(S, C)
V = True
For I = 1 To Len(S)
If InStr(C, Mid(S, I, 1)) = 0 Then
V = False: Exit For
End If
End Function
Function VE(E)
VE = False
C1 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHILKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
C2 = "0123456789._"
P = Split(E, "#")
If UBound(P) <> 1 Then GoTo X
If Len(P(0)) < 1 Or Not V(P(0), C1 & C2) Then GoTo X
E = P(1): P = Split(E, ".")
If UBound(P) <> 1 Then GoTo X
If Len(P(0)) < 1 Or Not V(P(0), C1) Or Len(P(1)) < 2 Or Not V(P(1), C1) Then GoTo X
VE = True
End Function
Java: 257 chars (not including the 3 end of lines for readability ;-)).
boolean q(char[]s){int a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0,e=0,f=0,g,y=-99;for(int i:s)
d:d:d;return d>1;}
Passes all the tests (my older version was incorrect).
Erlang 266 chars:
%%% golf code begin %%%
-define(E,when X>=$a,X=<$z;X>=$A,X=<$Z).
%%% golf code end %%%
test() ->
true = e(""),
false = e(""),
false = e(""),
false = e(""),
true = e(""),
false = e("test#org"),
false = e(""),
true = e(""),
false = e(""),
Ruby, 225 chars.
This is my first Ruby program, so it's probably not very Ruby-like :-)
def v z;r=!a=b=c=d=e=f=0;z.chars{|x|case x when'#';r||=b<1||!e;e=!1 when'.'
e ?b+=1:(a+=1;f=e);r||=a>1||(c<1&&!e)when'0'..'9';b+=1;r|=!e when'A'..'Z','a'..'z'
e ?b+=1:f ?c+=1:d+=1;else r=1 if x!='_'||!e|!b+=1;end};!r&&d>1 end
'Using no regex':
PHP 47 Chars.
Haskell (GHC 6.8.2), 165 161 144C Characters
Using pattern matching, elem, span and all:
f _=False
g _=False
The above was tested with the following code:
main :: IO ()
main = print $ and [
e "",
e "",
e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "test#org",
not $ e "",
not $ e ""
