Code Golf: Email Address Validation without Regular Expressions - code-golf

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(Edit: What is Code Golf: Code Golf are challenges to solve a specific problem with the shortest amount of code by character count in whichever language you prefer. More info here on Meta StackOverflow. )
Code Golfers, here's a challenge on string operations.
Email Address Validation, but without regular expressions (or similar parsing library) of course. It's not so much about the email addresses but how short you can write the different string operations and constraints given below.
The rules are the following (yes, I know, this is not RFC compliant, but these are going to be the 5 rules for this challenge):
At least 1 character out of this group before the #:
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, . (period), _ (underscore)
# has to exist, exactly one time
Period (.) has to exist exactly one time after the #
At least 1 only [A-Z, a-z] character between # and the following . (period)
At least 2 only [A-Z, a-z] characters after the final . period
Please post the method/function only, which would take a string (proposed email address) and then return a Boolean result (true/false) depending on the email address being valid (true) or invalid (false).
Samples: (valid/true) (invalid/false) (invalid/false) test#org (invalid/false) (invalid/false) (invalid/false) (invalid/false) (valid/true) (valid/true) (invalid/false)
Good luck!

C89 (166 characters)
#define B(c)isalnum(c)|c==46|c==95
#define C(x)if(!v|*i++-x)return!1;
#define D(x)for(v=0;x(*i);++i)++v;
Not re-entrant, but can be run multiple times. Test bed:

:[[/%^(:[[+-/^,&i|:[$[' ']^j+0__:k<3:]]

C89, 175 characters.
#define G &&*((a+=t+1)-1)==
#define H (t=strspn(a,A
t;e(char*a){char A[66]="_.0123456789Aa";short*s=A+12;for(;++s<A+64;)*s=s[-1]+257;return H))G 64&&H+12))G 46&&H+12))>1 G 0;}
I am using the standard library function strspn(), so I feel this answer isn't as "clean" as strager's answer which does without any library functions. (I also stole his idea of declaring a global variable without a type!)
One of the tricks here is that by putting . and _ at the start of the string A, it's possible to include or exclude them easily in a strspn() test: when you want to allow them, use strspn(something, A); when you don't, use strspn(something, A+12). Another is assuming that sizeof (short) == 2 * sizeof (char), and building up the array of valid characters 2 at a time from the "seed" pair Aa. The rest was just looking for a way to force subexpressions to look similar enough that they could be pulled out into #defined macros.
To make this code more "portable" (heh :-P) you can change the array-building code from
char A[66]="_.0123456789Aa";short*s=A+12;for(;++s<A+64;)*s=s[-1]+257;
for a cost of 5 additional characters.

Python (181 characters including newlines)
def v(E):
import string as t;a=t.ascii_letters;e=a+"1234567890_.";t=e,e,"#",e,".",a,a,a,a,a,"",a
for c in E:
if c in t[0]:t=t[2:]
elif not c in t[1]:return 0>1
Basically just a state machine using obfuscatingly short variable names.

C (166 characters)
#define F(t,u)for(r=s;t=(*s-64?*s-46?isalpha(*s)?3:isdigit(*s)|*s==95?4:0:2:1);++s);if(s-r-1 u)return 0;
V(char*s){char*r;F(2<,<0)F(1=)F(3=,<0)F(2=)F(3=,<1)return 1;}
The single newline is required, and I've counted it as one character.

Python, 149 chars (after putting the whole for loop into one semicolon-separated line, which I haven't done here for "readability" purposes):
def v(s,t=0,o=1):
for c in s:
Test cases, borrowed from strager's answer:
assert v("")
assert v("")
assert v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
assert not v("test#org")
assert not v("")
assert not v("")
print "Yeah!"
Explanation: When iterating over the string, two variables keep getting updated.
t keeps the current state:
t = 0: We're at the beginning.
t = 1: We where at the beginning and have found at least one legal character (letter, number, underscore, period)
t = 2: We have found the "#"
t = 3: We have found at least on legal character (i.e. letter) after the "#"
t = 4: We have found the period in the domain name
t = 5: We have found one legal character (letter) after the period
t = 6: We have found at least two legal characters after the period
o as in "okay" starts as 1, i.e. true, and is set to 0 as soon as a character is found that is illegal in the current state.
Legal characters are:
In state 0: letter, number, underscore, period (change state to 1 in any case)
In state 1: letter, number, underscore, period, at-sign (change state to 2 if "#" is found)
In state 2: letter (change state to 3)
In state 3: letter, period (change state to 4 if period found)
In states 4 thru 6: letter (increment state when in 4 or 5)
When we have gone all the way through the string, we return whether t==6 (t>5 is one char less) and o is 1.

Whatever version of C++ MSVC2008 supports.
Here's my humble submission. Now I know why they told me never to do the things I did in here:
#define N return 0
#define I(x) &&*x!='.'&&*x!='_'
bool p(char*a) {
for(int d=0,e=0;*p;p++){
else if(*p=='.'){if(d){e++;c=p;}}
else if(!isalnum(*p)I(p))N;
if (d>1||e>1)N;
return 1;

Not the greatest solution no doubt, and pretty darn verbose, but it is valid.
Fixed (All test cases pass now)
static bool ValidateEmail(string email)
var numbers = "1234567890";
var lowercase = uppercase.ToLower();
var arUppercase = uppercase.ToCharArray();
var arLowercase = lowercase.ToCharArray();
var arNumbers = numbers.ToCharArray();
var atPieces = email.Split(new string[] { "#"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (atPieces.Length != 2)
return false;
foreach (var c in atPieces[0])
if (!(arNumbers.Contains(c) || arLowercase.Contains(c) || arUppercase.Contains(c) || c == '.' || c == '_'))
return false;
return false;
var dotPieces = atPieces[1].Split('.');
if (dotPieces.Length != 2)
return false;
foreach (var c in dotPieces[0])
if (!(arLowercase.Contains(c) || arUppercase.Contains(c)))
return false;
var found = 0;
foreach (var c in dotPieces[1])
if ((arLowercase.Contains(c) || arUppercase.Contains(c)))
return false;
return found >= 2;

C89 character set agnostic (262 characters)
#include <stdio.h>
/* the 'const ' qualifiers should be removed when */
/* counting characters: I don't like warnings :) */
/* also the 'int ' should not be counted. */
/* it needs only 2 spaces (after the returns), should be only 2 lines */
/* that's a total of 262 characters (1 newline, 2 spaces) */
/* code golf starts here */
int v(const char*e){
const char*s="0123456789._abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
return 1;
return 0;
/* code golf ends here */
int main(void) {
const char *t;
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = "test#org"; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
t = ""; printf("%s ==> %d\n", t, v(t));
return 0;
Version 2
Still C89 character set agnostic, bugs hopefully corrected (303 chars; 284 without the #include)
#define Y strchr
#define X{while(Y
&&!Y(e,'.')&&strlen(e)>1){while(*e&&Y(s+12,*e++));if(!*e)return 1;}}}return 0;}
That #define X is absolutely disgusting!
Test as for my first (buggy) version.

VBA/VB6 - 484 chars
Explicit off
usage: VE("")
Function V(S, C)
V = True
For I = 1 To Len(S)
If InStr(C, Mid(S, I, 1)) = 0 Then
V = False: Exit For
End If
End Function
Function VE(E)
VE = False
C1 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHILKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
C2 = "0123456789._"
P = Split(E, "#")
If UBound(P) <> 1 Then GoTo X
If Len(P(0)) < 1 Or Not V(P(0), C1 & C2) Then GoTo X
E = P(1): P = Split(E, ".")
If UBound(P) <> 1 Then GoTo X
If Len(P(0)) < 1 Or Not V(P(0), C1) Or Len(P(1)) < 2 Or Not V(P(1), C1) Then GoTo X
VE = True
End Function

Java: 257 chars (not including the 3 end of lines for readability ;-)).
boolean q(char[]s){int a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0,e=0,f=0,g,y=-99;for(int i:s)
d:d:d;return d>1;}
Passes all the tests (my older version was incorrect).

Erlang 266 chars:
%%% golf code begin %%%
-define(E,when X>=$a,X=<$z;X>=$A,X=<$Z).
%%% golf code end %%%
test() ->
true = e(""),
false = e(""),
false = e(""),
false = e(""),
true = e(""),
false = e("test#org"),
false = e(""),
true = e(""),
false = e(""),

Ruby, 225 chars.
This is my first Ruby program, so it's probably not very Ruby-like :-)
def v z;r=!a=b=c=d=e=f=0;z.chars{|x|case x when'#';r||=b<1||!e;e=!1 when'.'
e ?b+=1:(a+=1;f=e);r||=a>1||(c<1&&!e)when'0'..'9';b+=1;r|=!e when'A'..'Z','a'..'z'
e ?b+=1:f ?c+=1:d+=1;else r=1 if x!='_'||!e|!b+=1;end};!r&&d>1 end

'Using no regex':
PHP 47 Chars.

Haskell (GHC 6.8.2), 165 161 144C Characters
Using pattern matching, elem, span and all:
f _=False
g _=False
The above was tested with the following code:
main :: IO ()
main = print $ and [
e "",
e "",
e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "",
not $ e "test#org",
not $ e "",
not $ e ""


8051 sentence and word counter

I found this code below on the internet which is suppose to count the sentences on an 8051 MCU.
Can someone please explain to me what is exactly happening where there are question marks.
Any kind of help would be highly appreciated.
char code *text=" what is a program? that has, a a lot of errors! When " ;
char code *text1=" you compile. this file, uVision. reports a number of? ";
char code *text2=" problems that you! may interactively correct. " ; //Null characters are also included in array!!!
void count ( char pdata* , char pdata*);
void main (void){
char pdata Nw,Ns;
char data TextNw[2],TextNs[2];
count(&Nw, &Ns); // call subroutine
TextNw[0]=Nw/10; //?????????????????????????????????
TextNw[1]=Nw%10; //?????????????????????????????????
TextNs[0]=Ns/10; //?????????????????????????????????
TextNs[1]=Ns%10; //?????????????????????????????????
void count ( char pdata *Nw, char pdata *Ns ){
unsigned char N, i, ch;
typedef enum {idle1, idle2} state; //?????????????????????????????????
state S; // begining state
P2=0x00; // pdata bank definition it must be performed first!!
*Ns=*Nw=0; // without proper start-up there is no initialisation, initialise now!!
S=idle1; // beginning state
N=strlen(text)+strlen(text1)+strlen(text2)+3; //????????????? + 3 to acount 3 Null characters!
P2=0x00; // pdata bank definition
ch=text[i]; // take a caharacter from the text
switch (S)
case (idle1):{
if (ch==0) break; // skip NULL terminating character!
if (ch!=' '){
if (ch==0) break; // skip NULL terminating character!
if((ch==' ')||(ch==','))S=idle1;
else if ((ch=='?')||(ch=='.')||(ch=='!')){
This program does 2 things in conjunction - counts number of sentences in the text and counts the number of words in the text. Once the counting is done, the results are stored in 2-char arrays. For example, for 57 words in 3 sentences the results will be stored as this: TextNw = {'5','7'} and TextNs = {'0','3'}.
The variable N contains the full length of the text with the addition of 3 null terminating characters (one per sentence).
The algorithm simultaneously counts words and sentences. In idle1 state the counting is in word-counting mode. In idle2 state the counting is in sentence-counting mode. The modes are interchanged according to current character being read - if delimiter is encountered, the appropriate counter is increased.

What's in xcode console with scanf ,when want a number but input a char?

xcode 5.0
when I run following code:
void guessNum(){
int answer = 0;
int guess = 0;
int turn = 0;
answer = arc4random() % 100 + 1;
while (guess != answer) {
NSLog(#"Guess #%i: Enter a number between 1 and 100", turn);
scanf("%i", &guess);
if (guess > answer) {
else if (guess < answer) {
else {
NSLog(#"Correct! The answer was %i", answer);
} // end of while loop
NSLog(#"It took you %i tries", turn);
when I type a character, just like a in xcode debug console, program run automatic and print:
2013-11-18 10:47:39.719 donglix[15115:303] Higher!
2013-11-18 10:47:39.719 donglix[15115:303] Guess #1932: Enter a number between 1 and 100
2013-11-18 10:47:39.719 donglix[15115:303] Higher!
2013-11-18 10:47:39.720 donglix[15115:303] Guess #1933: Enter a number between 1 and 100
what's the problem?
"scanf()" reads the input you've typed in and, because of your "%i" (integer) format string, is expecting to take that input and drop it into a number.
If you used "%s" as your format string, then you would take the input as a C-style character array (and have to convert those characters if you wanted to get the integer value out of that).
For example, you can replace this line:
scanf("%i", &guess);
with something like this:
char stringToConvert[256]; // if you type more than 256 characters, you'll crash
guess = atoi(stringToConvert); // this function converts the string into an integer
If you type in the character "a", scanf converts that to 97 in the ascii table.

Can a breakpoint display the contents of "const unsigned char* variable"?

I'm on the trail of why the contents of a TXT record in a Bonjour service discovery is sometimes being incompletely interpreted, and I've reached a point where it would be really useful to have a breakpoint print out the contents of an unsigned char in a callback (I've tried NSLog, but using NSLog in a threaded callback can get really tricky).
The callback function is defined this way:
static void resolveCallback(DNSServiceRef sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex, DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
const char* fullname, const char* hosttarget, uint16_t port, uint16_t txtLen,
const unsigned char* txtRecord, void* context) {
So I'm interested in the txtRecord
Right now my breakpoint is using:
memory read --size 4 --format x --count 4 `txtRecord`
But that's only because that was an example on the example page ;-) It's certainly showing data that I expect to be there, partially.
Do I have to apply informed knowledge of the length or can the breakpoint be coded such that it uses the length that is present? I'm thinking that instead of "hard coding" the two 4s in the example there ought to be a way to wrap in other read instructions inside back ticks like I did with the variable name.
Looking at I thought I'd try a format of C instead of x but that prints out series of dots which must mean I picked a wrong format or something.
I just tried
memory read `txtRecord`
and that's almost exactly what I wanted to see as it gives:
0x1c5dd884: 10 65 6e 30 3d 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 31 2e 33 .en0=
0x1c5dd894: 36 0a 70 6f 72 74 3d 35 30 32 37 38 00 00 00 00 6.port=50278....
This looks really close:
memory read `txtRecord` --format C
0x1d0c6974: .en0=
If that's the best I can get, I guess I can deal with the length bytes in front of each of the two strings in that txtRecord.
I'm asking this question because I'd like to display the actual and correct values... the bug is that sometimes the IP address comes back wrong, losing the frontmost 1, other times the port comes back "short" (in network byte order) with non-numeric characters at the end, like "502¿" instead of "50278" (in this example run).
My initial response to this question, while informative, was not complete. I originally thought the problem being reported was just about printing a c-string array of type unsigned char * where the default formatters (char *) weren't being used. That answer comes first. Then comes the answer about how to print this (somewhat unique) array of pascal strings data that the program is actually dealing with.
First answer: lldb knows how to handle the char * well; it's the unsigned char * bit that is making it behave a little worse than usual. e.g. if txtRecord were a const char *,
(lldb) p txtRecord
(const char *) $0 = 0x0000000100000f51 ".en0="
You can copy the type summary lldb has built in for char * for unsigned char *. type summary list lists all of the built in type summaries; copying lldb-179.5's summaries for char *:
(lldb) type summary add -p -C false -s ${var%s} 'unsigned char *'
(lldb) type summary add -p -C false -s ${var%s} 'const unsigned char *'
(lldb) fr va txtRecord
(const unsigned char *) txtRecord = 0x0000000100000f51 ".en0="
(lldb) p txtRecord
(const unsigned char *) $2 = 0x0000000100000f51 ".en0="
Of course you can put these in your ~/.lldbinit file and they'll be picked up by Xcode et al from now on.
Second answer: To print the array of pascal strings that this is actually using, you'll need to create a python function. It will take two arguments, the size of the pascal string buffer (txtLen) and the address of the start of the buffer (txtRecord). Create a python file like (I like to put these in a directory I made, ~/lldb) and load it into your lldb via the ~/.lldbinit file so you have the command available:
command script import ~/lldb/
The python script is a little long; I'm sure someone more familiar with python could express this more concisely. There's also a bunch of error handling which adds bulk. But the main idea is to take two parameters: the size of the buffer and the pointer to the buffer. The user will express these with variable names like pstrarray txtLen txtRecord, in which case you could look up the variables in the current frame, but they might also want to use an acutal expression like pstrarray sizeof(str) str. So we need to pass these parameters through the expression evaluation engine to get them down to an integer size and a pointer address. Then we read the memory out of the process and print the strings.
import lldb
import shlex
import optparse
def pstrarray(debugger, command, result, dict):
command_args = shlex.split(command)
parser = create_pstrarray_options()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
if debugger and debugger.GetSelectedTarget() and debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess():
process = debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess()
if len(args) < 2:
print "Usage: pstrarray size-of-buffer pointer-to-array-of-pascal-strings"
if process.GetSelectedThread() and process.GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame():
frame = process.GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
size_of_buffer_sbval = frame.EvaluateExpression (args[0])
if not size_of_buffer_sbval.IsValid() or size_of_buffer_sbval.GetValueAsUnsigned (lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) == lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS:
print 'Could not evaluate "%s" down to an integral value' % args[0]
size_of_buffer = size_of_buffer_sbval.GetValueAsUnsigned ()
address_of_buffer_sbval = frame.EvaluateExpression (args[1])
if not address_of_buffer_sbval.IsValid():
print 'could not evaluate "%s" down to a pointer value' % args[1]
address_of_buffer = address_of_buffer_sbval.GetValueAsUnsigned (lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
# If the expression eval didn't give us an integer value, try it again with an & prepended.
if address_of_buffer == lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS:
address_of_buffer_sbval = frame.EvaluateExpression ('&%s' % args[1])
if address_of_buffer_sbval.IsValid():
address_of_buffer = address_of_buffer_sbval.GetValueAsUnsigned (lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
if address_of_buffer == lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS:
print 'could not evaluate "%s" down to a pointer value' % args[1]
err = lldb.SBError()
pascal_string_buffer = process.ReadMemory (address_of_buffer, size_of_buffer, err)
if (err.Fail()):
print 'Failed to read memory at address 0x%x' % address_of_buffer
pascal_string_array = bytearray(pascal_string_buffer, 'ascii')
index = 0
while index < size_of_buffer:
length = ord(pascal_string_buffer[index])
print "%s" % pascal_string_array[index+1:index+1+length]
index = index + length + 1
def create_pstrarray_options():
usage = "usage: %prog"
description='''print an buffer which has an array of pascal strings in it'''
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='pstrarray',usage=usage)
return parser
def __lldb_init_module (debugger, dict):
parser = create_pstrarray_options()
pstrarray.__doc__ = parser.format_help()
debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f %s.pstrarray pstrarray' % __name__)
and an example program to run this on:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
unsigned char str[] = {16,'e','n','0','=','1','9','2','.','1','6','8','.','1','.','3','6',
uint8_t *p = str;
while (p < str + sizeof (str))
int len = *p++;
char buf[len + 1];
strlcpy (buf, (char*) p, len + 1);
puts (buf);
p += len;
puts ("done"); // break here
and in use:
(lldb) br s -p break
Breakpoint 1: where = a.out`main + 231 at a.c:17, address = 0x0000000100000ed7
(lldb) r
Process 74549 launched: '/private/tmp/a.out' (x86_64)
Process 74549 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x1c03, 0x0000000100000ed7 a.out`main + 231 at a.c:17, stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
#0: 0x0000000100000ed7 a.out`main + 231 at a.c:17
14 puts (buf);
15 p += len;
16 }
-> 17 puts ("done"); // break here
18 }
(lldb) pstrarray sizeof(str) str
While it's cool that it's possible to do this in lldb, it's not as smooth as we'd like to see. If the size of the buffer and the address of the buffer were contained in a single object, struct PStringArray {uint16_t size; uint8_t *addr;}, that would work much better. You could define a type summary formatter for all variables of type struct PStringArray and no special commands would be required. You'd still need to write a python function, but it could get all the information it needed out of the object directly so it would disappear into the lldb type format system. You could just write (lldb) p strs and the custom formatter function would be called on strs to print all the strings in there.

C++ srand function looping

I have the following method as part of a password generating program to generate a random password which is then validated.
My problem is that the srand function never meets the validation requirements and keeps looping back to create a new password.
Im posting the code below to ask if anyone has a more efficient way to create the random password so that it will meet validation requirements instead of looping back continously.Thanks.
static bool verifyThat(bool condition, const char* error) {
if(!condition) printf("%s", error);
return !condition;
//method to generate a random password for user following password guidelines.
void generatePass()
FILE *fptr;//file pointer
int iChar,iUpper,iLower,iSymbol,iNumber,iTotal;
printf("\n\n\t\tGenerate Password selected ");
printf("\n\n\t\tPassword creation in progress... ");
int i,iResult,iCount;
char password[10 + 1];
char strLower[59+1] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ!£$%^&*";
srand(time (0));
for(i = 0; i < 10;i++)
password[i] = strLower[(rand() % 52)];
password[i] = '\0';
iChar = countLetters(password,&iUpper,&iLower,&iSymbol,&iNumber,&iTotal);
//folowing statements used to validate password
iChar = countLetters(password,&iUpper,&iLower,&iSymbol,&iNumber,&iTotal);
iUpper = countLetters(password,&iUpper,&iLower,&iSymbol,&iNumber,&iTotal);
iLower =countLetters(password,&iUpper,&iLower,&iSymbol,&iNumber,&iTotal);
iSymbol =countLetters(password,&iUpper,&iLower,&iSymbol,&iNumber,&iTotal);
iNumber = countLetters(password,&iUpper,&iLower,&iSymbol,&iNumber,&iTotal);
iTotal = countLetters(password,&iUpper,&iLower,&iSymbol,&iNumber,&iTotal);
if(verifyThat(iUpper >= 2, "Not enough uppercase letters!!!\n")
|| verifyThat(iLower >= 2, "Not enough lowercase letters!!!\n")
|| verifyThat(iSymbol >= 1, "Not enough symbols!!!\n")
|| verifyThat(iNumber >= 2, "Not enough numbers!!!\n")
|| verifyThat(iTotal >= 9, "Not enough characters!!!\n")
|| verifyThat(iTotal <= 15, "Too many characters!!!\n"))
goto get_user_password;
iResult = checkWordInFile("dictionary.txt", password);
if(verifyThat(iResult != gC_FOUND, "Password contains small common 3 letter word/s."))
goto get_user_password;
iResult = checkWordInFile("passHistory.txt",password);
if(verifyThat(iResult != gC_FOUND, "Password contains previously used password."))
goto get_user_password;
printf("\n\n\n Your new password is verified ");
//writing password to passHistroy file.
fptr = fopen("passHistory.txt", "w"); // create or open the file
for( iCount = 0; iCount < 8; iCount++)
fprintf(fptr, "%s\n", password[iCount]);
}//end of generatePass method.
I looked at your code at glance and I think I have found the reasons inspite of which validation requirements aren`t meet.
I suggest you to pay attention to the following parts of your code:
1) char strLower[59+1] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ!£$%^&*";
here you should add numbers 0..9, this is one of the reasons why requirements could not be met, because how number can be picked if it isn`t in the set of numbers from which you pick?!
replace it for ex. with:
char strLower[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ!£$%^&*0123456789";
2) password[i] = strLower[(rand() % 52)]; - and in this part of the code, replace 52 with total number of symbols in string from which you randomly pick numbers.
I recommend you to replace it with the following code:
password[i] = strLower[(rand() % (sizeof(strLower) / sizeof(char) - 1))];
you could alter your algorithm.
choose at random a number of Upper characeters that is above 2.
choose at random a number of Lower character that is above 2.
choose at random a number of Sybmol character that is above 1.
choose at random a number of Number characters that is above 2.
and then recompose your password with the random items, re-ordered at random. Fill with whatever character you want to pas the verifyThat predicates: >=9 and <= 15.
And please: don't use goto. Make function calls instead.

Converting Decimal to ASCII Character

I am trying to convert an decimal number to it's character equivalent. For example:
int j = 65 // The character equivalent would be 'A'.
Sorry, forgot to specify the language. I thought I did. I am using the Cocoa/Object-C. It is really frustrating. I have tried the following but it is still not converting correctly.
char_num1 = [working_text characterAtIndex:i]; // value = 65
char_num2 = [working_text characterAtIndex:i+1]; // value = 75
char_num3 = char_num1 + char_num2; // value = 140
char_str1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c",char_num3]; // mapped value = 229
char_str2 = [char_str2 stringByAppendingString:char_str1];
When char_num1 and char_num2 are added, I get the new ascii decimal value. However, when I try to convert the new decimal value to a character, I do not get the character that is mapped to char_num3.
Convert a character to a number in C:
int j = 'A';
Convert a number to a character in C:
char ch = 65;
Convert a character to a number in python:
j = ord('A')
Convert a number to a character in Python:
ch = chr(65)
Most languages have a 'char' function, so it would be Char(j)
I'm not sure what language you're asking about. In Java, this works:
int a = 'a';
It's quite often done with "chr" or "char", but some indication of the language / platform would be useful :-)
string k = Chr(j);
