Visual Studio 2008 remote debugging disabled? (no "Remote" transport) - visual-studio

has anyone seen this happen before? I need to do remote debugging but don't seem to have the option to use it. When I load Visual Studio 2008 and go into the Tools > Attach to Process menu, the only Transport that is listed (first dropdown) is "Default". That means that I can't switch to the "Remote (Native Only)" transport I would use to do remote debugging.
Am I missing some permissions? Does my version not support remote debugging? I've spent an hour searching Google for any reason why it might not appear......
My version info:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Version 9.0.21022.8 RTM
- Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.5 SP1
- Installed Edition: Standard

Remote debugging is only available on the Pro and Team version of Visual Studio 2008.
More info here Remote debugging Setup


Team server 2008 r2 connect to visual studio 2012 with extensions added

I want to be able to connect to Team Server 2008 r2 to the Visual 2012 that I installed on my workstation today. So far I am having problems.
I am making this change since I want to upgrade all my .net applications to using Visual Studio 2012.
Right now all my solution files have TFS attached to them since I loaded the solution files into TFS previously using Visual Studio 2010.
I have downloaded the plugin for Team server to install on my computer and I am advised that the plugin is installed on my computer. When I am in visual studio 2012 and I click on toos-->options-->source control and I get no options to select.
Thus can you tell me what you suggest that I do to solve my problem?

Connecting to TFS2012 from Win2003 SP2

Anyone who knows how to connect to TFS2012 from an image running Win2003R2 64bit SP2 and VS2005?
Looking at the "Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2012 MSSCCI Provider 64-bit" provider, it states that the Win2003SP1 should be supported, but I'm getting the error:
"Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Team Explorer or its tool are not registered. Please install or repair your Team Foundation Client Installation".
I didn't succeed in installing the VS2012 Team Explorer because it does not support the OS.
Any hints?
Best regards
[EDIT] Wrong Post! sorry... I intended to write somewhere else.
Okay, to answer my own question the solution is to install:
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer 2010
TFS 2010 MSSCCI provider
From within VS2005 add source control (File->Source Control). It will launch a VS2010 shell where you can configure the connection to TFS2012. Pretty straight forward.
Beware that you can only use source control functionality (check in/out).

Is it possible to remote debug Windows 8 with VS 2010?

I am using VS 2010 and trying to remote debug a Window 8 machine. I can't find a VS 2010 remote debugger stub compatible with Window 8. Is it possible to remote debug Window 8 with VS 2010 or must I upgrade to VS 2012?
Windows 8 applications can only be created/debugged with Visual Studio 2012 or newer.
John Wiese
Microsoft - Sr. Technical Evangelist
Actually it is possible.
Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Remote Debugger Tools on the Windows 8 client
Each time you open msvsmon.exe, it tries to use Windows Authentication. You need to disable this when opening, with this command;
msvsmon.exe /noauth /nosecuritywarn
It's related to this issue;
Remote debugging in visual studio: remote debugger does not support this edition of windows
Here's a screenshot

Remote debug manage application (c#)

Is it possible to remote debug a C# application? Which VS versions allow it?
Yes, it is possible.
I have done this with VS 2003, 2005, 2008 and am certain 2010 also has this feature.
Attaching to a remote process is only available to the Pro editions and above.
See the product comparison sheet for VS 2008, from MS.

Can Visual Studio 2008 work with Team System 2005?

I would like to upgrade my team from VS2005 to VS2008 without touching the version of Team Server which is 2005.
Is that possible?
And if so, how do I tell VS to recognize TFS?
Currently in my VS2008 options menu, I don't have any source control to choose from.
VS 2008 works fine with TFS 2005. There are a couple of exceptions in the Team Build area (which changed massively between 2005 and 2008) but otherwise you will be able to do everything you need to do from the Visual Studio 2008 client.
You need to ensure that you have the 2008 version of the Team Explorer installed to add TFS functionality into Visual Studio. The 2005 version only installs into Visual Studio 2005. To download the 2008 version see the following link
Note that if you have previously applied SP1 of Visual Studio 2008, then you will need to run it again once installing Team Explorer.
For what it is worth, I would encourage you to upgrade to TFS 2008 on the server side as soon as you can. TFS 2008 works fine with client connecting from Visual Studio 2005 machine but it has some significant performance improvements and the Team Build functionality is much improved.
Yes, you can... (We're doing that here too)
Tools -> Connect To Team Foundation Server
Enter IP / hostname
Yes, that works fine. If you install the Team Foundation Client from the TFS 2008 DVD on your VS machine, you can connect to both TFS 2005 and TFS 2008 servers. If you don't have access to a TFS 2008 DVD (note that the trial should be fine), installing the 2005 client on VS 2008 should also work, but I've never personally tried that.
Do you have the Team Foundation Client installed?
If you have the Team Version it should be residing in the TFC folder on your installation DVD. (I don't know why it isn't an option in the installer)
It is also possible to download the TFC from Microsoft (for free), there is an SP1 version on Microsoft Downloads.
