Is it possible to remote debug Windows 8 with VS 2010? - visual-studio-2010

I am using VS 2010 and trying to remote debug a Window 8 machine. I can't find a VS 2010 remote debugger stub compatible with Window 8. Is it possible to remote debug Window 8 with VS 2010 or must I upgrade to VS 2012?

Windows 8 applications can only be created/debugged with Visual Studio 2012 or newer.
John Wiese
Microsoft - Sr. Technical Evangelist

Actually it is possible.
Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Remote Debugger Tools on the Windows 8 client
Each time you open msvsmon.exe, it tries to use Windows Authentication. You need to disable this when opening, with this command;
msvsmon.exe /noauth /nosecuritywarn
It's related to this issue;
Remote debugging in visual studio: remote debugger does not support this edition of windows
Here's a screenshot


How to debug a .net 4.0 program on Windows XP?

I have Windows 8 + Visual Studio 2013 and made a program that runs with .net 4.0 on Windows XP. I'd really like to debug it on Windows XP, but I have no idea how.
I guess I'd need Visual Studio 2010, but I can't find a legal download link for it.
Any other ideas what I could do?
You can download an .iso for Microsoft Visual Express 2010 for Windows XP and install it (for example) with virtual clone drive.
It works flawlessly, if you adapt your .sln file as explained here:
open visual studio 2012 projects in visual studio 2008

Install Visual Studio 2005 on Windows 8

I am currently working on a long-term project for which I need Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2012 (2010 not necessary). Right now I have Windows 7, but I would really like to upgrade. Is it possible to install all of those versions of Visual Studio on Windows 8?
2012 can obviously installed (and takes away the need for 2010). I already found reports that 2008 is also possible if the 3.5 framework is enabled through Windows Features, but I'm unsure about Visual Studio 2005.
Is it possible and does anybody have any experience with this?
PS: Do not come with solutions as "Why still use 2005, 2008, ...", I really need it.
After installing it on VMWare (Virtualbox gives errors) I've enabled framework 3.5 (which indeed contains 2.0 and 2.5). After that I've installed Visual Studio C# Express Edition. During installation and startup of VS it gives a lot of "This program has been known for comptability problems" warnings and they offer to search help online or to run it as usual. I've always opted to let it run as usual. It installed fine and I could compile and run a Visual C# Windows application.
Visual Studio 2005 Standard installed mostly fine for me. I installed it on Windows 8 on an x64 CPU. It complained a bunch about "known compatibility issues," but if I told it to carry on everything seemed to go fine. The only catch was that "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x64" failed to install. Also, I had to run Visual Studio as administrator the first time so it could finish its setup, but after that I've just run it with my normal account.
Download Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation and install to VMWare or Virtual Box. It's a 3 month trial and would allow you to test VS2005 plus the others. Once downloaded, it's a fast install. You can download from here:
For an install of Visual Studio 2005 on Windows 7 as well as Windows 8 I install three things: (1) Visual Studio 2005, (2) Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1, and (3) Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update for Windows Vista.
The Visual Studio 2005 service packs can be a bit difficult to locate on Microsoft's web site since everything is really about Visual Studio 2012 and later.
When installing Visual Studio 2005, there will be a number of Incompatible warnings displayed. I just click through them to get to the end.
Also I do a custom install and do not install some components: (1) Crystal Reports and (2) SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite Service Pack 1 which seems to be for all editions of Visual Studio 2005 including Professional Edition which I use.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update for Windows Vista is required to update Service Pack 1 to work with Windows Vista and later.
Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 won't install by default on Windows versions later than 7.
In Windows 8.1, go to:
Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off
Check the box labeled ".NET 3.5 (Includes 1.0 and 2.0)" and press OK / Apply.
My system has issues with trying to download the files for such programs, and thus there is a way to bypass this error by running a script which installs the files from a Windows installation disc.
Here is the script (for error 0x800F0906, at least):
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:D:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess
You can replace /Source:D: with whatever drive letter you may be using for your optical / virtual drive, if needed.

Windows Mobile & Windows Phone development on one box?

I've been developing for Windows Mobile/Pocket PC for a number of years without any issues. I recently started getting "Unable to start debugging" error messages after I installed Visual Studio 2010 and Windows Phone 7.1 SDK. The Visual Studio 2008 Remote tools would work, and Visual Studio could deploy the files, but "Start with Debugging" would not work while "Start without Debugging" would work.
I uninstalled the Windows Phone 7 SDK and am able to debug Windows Mobile applications again. Is there any way to allow the Windows Mobile 6.x and Windows Phone 7 SDKs to coexist on one computer?
With these Errors Double Check and make sure Service Pack one is installed for 2010.
Trevor, this issue has been reported as a bug with a known workaround by Jeffrey Walton on Microsoft Connect. The fix is summarized as follows:
Rename the directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\SmartDevices\Debugger\target\wce400\armv4i to armv4i_temp
Copy the directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\SmartDevices\Debugger\target\wce400\armv4i inside the Visual Studio 2010 path.
Reference: VS 2010 Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools breaks existing VS 2008 Windows Mobile Developer Tools
Visual Studio 2010 can not build (much less debug) a Windows Mobile application. It can develop for Windows Phone 7 (apparently - I certainly do not develop for it).
To develop (build/debug) for Windows Mobile, drop back to Visual Studio 2008. That's the last version of Visual Studio that offered support for Windows Mobile.
Right edm2.exe and other remote debugger Arm4i files versions must be deployed to device. Rename temporarily all folders containing edm3.exe and try VS2008 debug. If works, search edm*.exe in registry and repair related keys to VS2008only state.

Opening Window mobile 6 professional emulator

I make a window mobile application using ms visual studio 2005 professional.
Could I run this application in emulator without installing Visual
If I run this in visual studio 2008 or 2010, is there any
You can download the Microsoft Device Emulator 3.0 -- Standalone Release here. In fact, it is the same emulator that MS starts from within Visual Studio and attaches a debugger to the emulator, so there should not be any different behavior.

Visual Studio 2008 remote debugging disabled? (no "Remote" transport)

has anyone seen this happen before? I need to do remote debugging but don't seem to have the option to use it. When I load Visual Studio 2008 and go into the Tools > Attach to Process menu, the only Transport that is listed (first dropdown) is "Default". That means that I can't switch to the "Remote (Native Only)" transport I would use to do remote debugging.
Am I missing some permissions? Does my version not support remote debugging? I've spent an hour searching Google for any reason why it might not appear......
My version info:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Version 9.0.21022.8 RTM
- Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.5 SP1
- Installed Edition: Standard
Remote debugging is only available on the Pro and Team version of Visual Studio 2008.
More info here Remote debugging Setup
