I have a bookmarklet which gets current website TITLE and search for it on my website:
But now I would like to change this bookmarklet so it will search for current website title like now and if title is not found it should search for website host. So I guess I should use else option or something???? Is there any way to do this? I wonder what the bookmarklet should be...
Thank you for your help!
Replace document.title in your code with:
((document.title) ? document.title : document.location.host)
So for some reason Joomla is not showing the name of a page on my website.
For example:
My webpage is www.meteordesign.nl and if I go to contact page the url doesn't change to www.meteordesign.nl/contact. It stays on www.meteordesign.nl.
Does anyone know how I can fix this irritating problem?
Please check Global Configuration and check SEO setting and turn on Search Engine Friendly URLs into YES
Here Screen shot
I am facing this issue that the search results page shows all the modules that I only show in the homepage. This happen after I deleted most of the sample data that comes with joomla. Before I deleted here is the url I got from the search:
And now:
So somehow there is a link between any sample menu item or category and the search page, how can I get back or recreate the same behavior so the search results page don't show the homepage modules?
Thank you
Ok, I found it, i had to set itemID (menu id) in the search module.
How to add link to CMS from product description part with admin panel.
You can add relative a link in the product description like this:
Anchor text here
But in order for this to work you need to allow store (media and skin) directives in the description. This can be enabled from System->Configuration->Catalog->Frontend->Allow Dynamic Media URLs in Products and Categories. Set the field to yes and clear the cache.
Place the anchor tag with href as below:
href="{{store url='about-magento-demo-store'}}"
Replace "about-magento-demo-store" with cms page code.
You can normally place an anchor tag to give any link in the Product Description section or you can use the WYSIWYG editor also by clicking on the WYSIWYG editor button just below it.
About US
here about us is just example link you can add your cms page link with just replace with aboutus
hope this help you
I got the solution. Just this href="/faq#washable"
Thanks guys :)
How to remove the /en/ url in the website
by default site showing as like above.
please check the following url
it goes to http://www.plrebooksstore.com/en/
Please help me out
In the prestashop backend go to Tool>Languages and disable all the languages other then english.
See my answer here: How to remove the /en/ url in the website
On my search I want to filter results to my website, I tried the following:
But it doesn't work... If I set it to amazon.com
It works.
Searching on Google's main page it works normally, e.g. orkut site:orkutmanager.net
Is it a bug? Is there a workaround?
I've created a custom search and added the id instead of the url