setSiteRestriction not working on a specific website - google-api

On my search I want to filter results to my website, I tried the following:
But it doesn't work... If I set it to
It works.
Searching on Google's main page it works normally, e.g. orkut
Is it a bug? Is there a workaround?

I've created a custom search and added the id instead of the url


Folder metadata displaying ID instead of folder Name

I am new to Oracle UCM(already hate it) and I have this bug on the standart "Content information" page when displaying "Folder" meta - instead of DCOLLECTIONNAME I get DCOLLECTIONID from COLLECTIONS table. Now we have two versions of UCM installed on different servers, one with our custom module and one without it, you can guess which one works fine :-) I checked settings in admin aplet / Configuration manager and they are the same on both servers, so my next thought was there must be some problem with page template(I found some function named getCollectionPathFromID somewhere which does exactly what I need but dont know where to put it to make it work). Can anyone point me to the right direction? I found some template called std_page.htm but it contains realy huge amount of code... Any help would be appreciated.
What specific versions of WebCenter Content are you using? Are the two instances on the exact same version? You can find this information on the Configuration for instance name page.
How are you trying to view the data?
Are you calling &IsSoap=1 or &IsJava=1? Or are you meaning the display of the folder name/path on the page is showing dCollectionID?
I assume that based on dCollectionID you are using the Folders_g (Contribution Folders) component and not FrameworkFolders.
Can you provide a link to download your custom component? It sounds like this may be the culprate.

Change Wordpress Image URL

On my wordpress site all my images are showing up as broken links. They are also showing up as broken links in the media gallery in the wordpress backend.
I inspected the images using Google chrome and saw that they all show up like this:
<img src="">
there is a duplication of a file name in the path and to get the images to work I need the path to look like this:
<img src="">
I have searched through the database and cannot find where to change the path to my images, specifically I think there must be a field somewhere that is directing everything to where it should just be sending it to
Does anyone know where to change the path?
If your URL settings are correct under Settings > General, then you could try using a Search and Replace plugin to update every occurrence in your database.
Search for
Replace it with
Back up your site first :)
If you did just move your site from another location, I suggest using the Duplicator plugin, which handles all of the replacing.
Use the same solution I wrote for here:
It is as follows:
When you move a Wordpress install, you need to also edit two fields in the database. Run this against your database in order to find the values that need to be edited:
SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE option_name IN('siteurl', 'home');
If database access is not an option, another way to do this is by editing your wp-config.php file to include the following two lines:
Straight from
The "Home" setting is the address you want people to type in their browser to reach your WordPress blog.
The "Site URL" setting is the address where your WordPress core files reside.
I used the solution from this article:
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '', '') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, '','');
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '');
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'','');
After changing the Site URL and WP home in the admin panel.

Magento "Shop By" URLs use "#%21" instead of a "?"

I'm working with a new Magento installation and using the shop-by links give me
instead of
I'm not sure where I should look to begin fixing this.
we had this same problem and found that a plugin was changing the url with str replace
changing the ? for #%21
the plugin changes the url so that it can be identified by the javascript file and updated via ajax.
the plugin in our case was vingento there seemed to be some confilcts with other plugins. After disabling this plugin and code our filter and paging links work again, although not via ajax.
Hope this helps you

Some Page links are not working when i am not logged in Pyrocms

I have a strange issue when i am logged in and exploring the pages created from CP all goes well. But when i am logged out and go to the same page it says Page missing. What is the problem? Also this is only happening only on those pages where i am not using any tags to display data from database tables. It is happening on about use page etc
I have found the problem. Using Access options i change from default to live and now it is working fine.

Codeigniter URL routing

After searching a lot around, I decided to post this matter here.
I am working with codeigniter ( latest release). I need to have the URLs of my site working like below.
[username] / [controller] / [action] / [parameters]
as you can see the username is leading on the URL rest follows as normal. I need to fetch the username and get some data for the site so that that site could be customized according to his settings.
I tried to achieve this with .htaccess but had no luck. Then I checked with routing on code igniter, but I am not sure whether it's the right solid solution for me. can someone give me any leading on this. is this possible ?
I would advise to use the routing option from Codeigniter.
$route['(:any)/user/viewprofile/(:num)'] = controllername/functionname/$2";
This way you can build classes and functions in an nicely ordered way.And keep it in codeigniter.
$route['(:any)/controller'] = 'controller/users/$1';
This will pass the dynamic username to the controller
