Joomla not showing page names in url bar - joomla

So for some reason Joomla is not showing the name of a page on my website.
For example:
My webpage is and if I go to contact page the url doesn't change to It stays on
Does anyone know how I can fix this irritating problem?

Please check Global Configuration and check SEO setting and turn on Search Engine Friendly URLs into YES
Here Screen shot


Magento 2 - Redirect to "My account" page when clicking "Addressbook"

We just launched a Magento 2.0.4 store, but we're experiencing the issue described below. Hopefully someone can help us fix this.
When a customer is logged in in our store and clicks on "Addressbook" on the "My account" page, he gets redirected back to the "My Account" page.
The redirect order is as follows and all redirects are 302's (Moved Temporarily):
/customer/account/ --> /customer/address/new (as expected because this customer has not created any address yet)
/customer/address/new --> /customer/account/login/ (herein lies the issue, we would like to see the "Add New Address" page)
/customer/account/login --> /customer/account (as expected)
Notes: Our store is running on HTTPS and a custom made theme which is based on the default Luma theme. We also have another Magento 2.0.4 store running on the same server with the same hosting provider and the issue is not present here. You can try it yourself here.
What we tried:
Disabling all custom modules
Removing all custom language files (i18n folder)
Disabling SEO URLs
Here is a screenshot which shows the redirect order in the Chrome Developer Toolbar
We have found the solution. Apparently a module was in fact still causing the problem: Mirasvit_Core. Disabling the module and deploying static content again fixed the issue.
Thanks for reading and I hope this helps anyone else having this problem.

Magento store home page missing

I am working on a magento store, i have done some change in the admin panel like scope change in store, and update some project using CSV file after that i am seeing a different as a default page on my store.
if i type correct page is coming, but if i type page is not correct and it is also without js and css, and not able to if the page in the cms/pages,
also tried system> configuration> design and web chages, but it vain, also tried categories > url rewtire but no luck.
can anybody help me on this.

Magento translation and url key

I have a Magento website with some pages linked to main navigation.
For example, in my default view (Italian) I have
Then I created another page for English view with url
So, when I am on the italian version of the page and try to switch to english version, this is the url that magento generate: and on click it gives me 404 page.
How can I fix it? I need that this 2 pages should be linked, also if url key is different.
Many thanks!
Out of the box Magento does not support URL Translation, both pages need the same URL key. Check instructions from the Magento Docs on how to translate CMS pages.
To translate a CMS page, you must create a new page that has the same
URL Key as the original, but assigned to the specific store view.
So you will either have to stick to one languages for your URLs or develop/acquire a module to do this for you. The magento-language-roots or CMSRewrites modules both look like they will achieve this for you.
You may also want to consider adding Hreflang tags to your head.phtml as you have a multi-lingual site.

How to forward all the 404 pages to the front page?

I have a simple question...I had an old store and people bookmarked specific product pages in their browsers as well as Google search points to some specific pages. I have now installed a new version of Magento (1.9.1) and some of these URLs will not longer work (they will show the standard 404 not found Magento page).
What would be the best way to forward all these hits to the front page?
Thank you for any suggestions!
Allysin :-*
Login to the admin, go to System>Configuration>Web and change the drop-down value for CMS No Route Page in the Default Pages section. You should be able to select your CMS Home Page.
Here is a reference with images
If manual setting doesnt help,you can try this.

Set up a cms page for Magento

I've been trying to set up a CMS page in magento to be the home page, and it's just killing me - how hard should this be? no matter what I set up, I get a 404.
Can somebody tell me basic steps to set up a CMS page as the home page for a Magento install, living at:
I can't have the url key for the CMS page be empty, but setting the default page in the System->Config->Default Pages->CMS Home Page (which seems like it should work), still gives me a 404.
thx for any help
Hours of head banging later .... I’ve changed the parameter “Use Web Server Rewrites” on System -> Configuration -> Web from Yes to No. And it worked! My provider set this by default, so had to change it. Only downside is that I now get the /index.php extension added.
Did you check to make sure that the page was enabled and visible in your store view?
Ok - figured it out. In the System->Config->Web, the Default Web URL needs to be 'cms' (no quotes) - I guess that tells Magento to use the cms page instead of a default url.
In csm - pages create some html in the page, eg start simple with My Homepage.
Give it a name and take care the url is "home" (without the quotes.
Now go to system - configuration - web and select your homepage (name) from the dropdown where in lets you choose the homepage.
That should do it.
Your CMS Page Identifier should be home
I was running into the same issue. No matter what I did, the home page came back as a 404. I had it working on a test server (with a different database) and compared the options side by side. Absolutely nothing worked, the home page, named 'home' and the 'cms' was properly set, mod_rewrite working, htaccess file just peachy...but wouldn't work. after a few hours I saw that did, though I swear it hadn't been.
Finally I wiped the blood off the keyboard where I'd been smashing my head against it and went into url rewrite management and set id path to '/', request path to '/' and target path to '/home/' and it works like it should have all along. Hope this helps someone else!
