host dotnetnuke application and database - hosting

Is there any special steps to host the dotnetnuke application and database on ftp server, if any then provide the steps to be follow to host dotnetnuke application..

You cannot host DNN on an FTP server.
You require an IIS Server and you must have access to configure that server to properly run the DNN application.


How to setup the chat server online not local?

I've completed programming my site with Ratchet locally and I usually run the server file by
php server.php
now Idk how to actually make it work on the host?
I have Vps too but cant even fighre out how to connect it with the host , etc? what is the idea actually
In your VPS you should install a webserver for example Apache or Nginx and config them to serve requests, but actually is far more easier to use preconfigured servers with server software management like Cpanel or directadmin that most of web hostings offer now days,
Then copy local files to remote server and adjust a database in server using a ftp client and config php web server settings, in general your webserver should point to your index.php file and thats it. You can learn other settings by exploring directadmin or Cpanel...

http://hostname:5000/ runs on the machine but not remotely?

I created a console application (Asp.Net core Kestrel) which host a web site and copied it to a Windows Server. Browsing http://hostname:5000/ locally on the server works. However, it got This site can’t be reachedu _hostname_ refused to connect. when browsing the site on another machine.
I already created an inbound firewall rule.
I tried create a website in IIS on the server with port 5009. And the website can be remotely accessed.

PHP Server Proxy to use in Windows Server Plesk Hosting without command access

Im searching for some time for a php proxy application to run in my hosting running Plesk over Windows Server.
What I really need is a personal proxy server using my hosting services that allows me to use a server:port configuration on my applications. I dont want a online proxy page, because I need a proxy to setup server:port on my application.
its a "light proxy", obviously I dont wanna burn the ip used for my hosted website.
I tryed search for squid, tinyproxy, 3proxy, miniproxys and even Glype, but some are just for linux and other provide just a online proxy page, not a port config.
I don't have command prompt access that is why Im looking for a PHP solution, but it could be any solution than PHP to.
Thanks in advance guys!

How to assign FTP URL

I got an AMI of Windows Server 2012 running on Amazon, and use it as website container for all my web sites. I recently created an app in WinForms, I need to publish it. In the moment that I use the publish option it asks for an FTP site. I already use FileZilla Server. I created an user and account. The matter here is that it asks for an FTP URL ( and I only got ( I try to do this with IIS but only can do it with HTTP. How can I create an FTP URL for the site that will contains my ClickOnce app ?.
Check Public DNS column on Instances page of Amazon EC2 console.
Note that the public DNS may change when the instance is restarted.
So your FTP URL would be like:
Though, you need to configure the instance firewall to allow the FTP traffic, what is not easy in general. But that's out of scope of your question.

Configure Visual Studio 2010 web application project to run on localhost:8080

I am using local IIS instead of the VS Web Server but instead of a virtual directory on the Default Web Site, I want to configure my web application project to run in its own IIS Web Site on port 8080. How can I do this?
Setup a website on IIS, using port 8080.
Point the home directory of this site to the web application project directory.
To debug on IIS, attach to the worker process (w3wp.exe).
Take a look into your Web Application project properties. Under the tab "Web" you can select "Use Local IIS Web server" and create from this point a virtual directory for your app. The only part you have to configure on the iis side is the port number for your website.
