http://hostname:5000/ runs on the machine but not remotely? - windows

I created a console application (Asp.Net core Kestrel) which host a web site and copied it to a Windows Server. Browsing http://hostname:5000/ locally on the server works. However, it got This site can’t be reachedu _hostname_ refused to connect. when browsing the site on another machine.
I already created an inbound firewall rule.
I tried create a website in IIS on the server with port 5009. And the website can be remotely accessed.


IIS hosted Web Application cannot accessible through Internet

I have hosted Flask Web application on Windows Server on AWS, I have done followings
hosted it on IIS and add new bindings(port 8090) to web site
Created inbound rule for the port(8090) given in bindings
And it works fine on the server, but when i'm trying to access it on my PC's web browser says
it cannot reach took too long to respond
What else i need to do ?
In your vm, different provider has their security policy. For aws even you have set inbound port rule, it will not work. You also need to set inbound rules in their potal.
πŸ‘‰(1) Open Windows firewall, Create an Inbound Port Rule.
πŸ‘‰(2) Directly in Amazon Web Service console, exactly in security groups/inbound.

500 - Internal Server Error ASP.NET (IIS 7.5)

I am now in the process of transferring my servers to windows azure. I created a virtual machine (2008 R2) and installed IIS 7.5. I then transferred one of the site (DNN) and configured it to with it's own apppool (4.0) and granted permission for this app pool to read and write.
I have two domains: one internal, which I defined in the HOST file, and one public ( The internal domain works fine however with the external domain I'm getting:
500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you
are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
Perhaps, you haven't set up endpoints for the server on the portal to allow HTTP traffic? In other words, did you open up port 80 on the Azure portal for this VM?
Check out how to do that here -

IIS 7 Access Denied for local IP but not Localhost

I've just started to experience this error. I'm developing MVC apps and using visual studio to deploy to my inetpub/wwwroot directory.
When i publish and hit the site at http://localhost the site works as expected.
When i hit the site using my IP address i get the following error
Unable to display page It has not been possible to display the page
you requested for the following reason: Access Denied Contact your
system administrator if you continue to experience difficulties.
I get this error on all browsers. I'm running IIS7 on Windows 7.
Any suggestions?
As I pointed out in my comment above:
Using your network IP means you'll be going out and back in again. Is your router configured to allow access to your machine on port 80?
It's likely that your company router isn't allowing access to your machine on port 80.

host dotnetnuke application and database

Is there any special steps to host the dotnetnuke application and database on ftp server, if any then provide the steps to be follow to host dotnetnuke application..
You cannot host DNN on an FTP server.
You require an IIS Server and you must have access to configure that server to properly run the DNN application.

IIS 7 and ASP.Net MVC issue

This is a bit complex - so here we go.
I am developing a mobile web application using mvc and I need to test it locally on my iPhone. So far I have the first iteritaion of the site running on my local dev laptop. I created a virtual dir for the site under IIS 7 on the same machine. I deployed the site to that folder from VS2008. I open a browser and entered "" and the site cam up just fine. I am runnig a home network with locked down WIFI and both the laptip and my iPhone are on the network. So now I want to test with the iPhone but the site won't come up when browsing to "". I have another machine that is also on the network and I get this error message when attempting to browse to the site:
"Website (laptopname) is online but isn't responding to connection attempts"
I have a feeling that this has something to do with IIS setting and \ or application pools but have not been able to find anything relavent goolging. Any help appreciated.
There are some possibilities:
iPhone is not able to resolve your laptop by name. Try using the IP address of your computer in the URL instead.
The firewall on the laptop is blocking inbound connections from other machines. Check your firewall.
The IIS Website is configured with a host header localhost so it won't respond to requests to other hostnames. Check the binding for the Web site in the IIS Manager.
To eliminate possible network issues, you can create an ad hoc WiFi network on your PC and connect to that network to test.
Check that Allow Anonymous Access is set for the site
I suspect you are not alone, as I had this exact problem. I developed a small port opener I called "SharpProxy" that may make your local testing much easier.
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