How do I find out if a goroutine is done, without blocking? - go

All the examples I've seen so far involve blocking to get the result (via the <-chan operator).
My current approach involves passing a pointer to a struct:
type goresult struct {
result resultType;
finished bool;
which the goroutine writes upon completion. Then it's a simple matter of checking finished whenever convenient. Do you have better alternatives?
What I'm really aiming for is a Qt-style signal-slot system. I have a hunch the solution will look almost trivial (chans have lots of unexplored potential), but I'm not yet familiar enough with the language to figure it out.

You can use the "comma, ok" pattern (see their page on "effective go"):
foo := <- ch; // This blocks.
foo, ok := <- ch; // This returns immediately.

Select statements allows you to check multiple channels at once, taking a random branch (of the ones where communication is waiting):
func main () {
for {
select {
case w := <- workchan:
go do_work(w)
case <- signalchan:
// default works here if no communication is available
// do idle work
For all the send and receive
expressions in the "select" statement,
the channel expressions are evaluated,
along with any expressions that appear
on the right hand side of send
expressions, in top-to-bottom order.
If any of the resulting operations can
proceed, one is chosen and the
corresponding communication and
statements are evaluated. Otherwise,
if there is a default case, that
executes; if not, the statement blocks
until one of the communications can

You can also peek at the channel buffer to see if it contains anything by using len:
if len(channel) > 0 {
// has data to receive
This won't touch the channel buffer, unlike foo, gotValue := <- ch which removes a value when gotValue == true.


Why is select on two channel much slower than 2x of the time to select on single channel?

This benchmark with single channel only take 2.545 ns/op:
func BenchmarkSingleSelect(b *testing.B) {
ch := make(chan interface{}, 1)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
select {
case <-ch:
But this benchmark with two channel takes 35.85 ns/op:
func BenchmarkMultiSelect(b *testing.B) {
ch := make(chan interface{}, 1)
ch2 := make(chan interface{}, 1)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
select {
case <-ch:
case <-ch2:
Why is it non-linear?
Usually the difference between one and multiple is a big jump. Your first construct may involve optimizations that are only possible when only a single channel is monitored. You'll see this if you add further benchmarks for 3 and 4 channels involved: benchmark time will roughly go linear, but having a single channel is special.
This is really an implementation detail, for specifics, you must check / analyze Go's source code. One thing from the Spec: Select statements:
Execution of a "select" statement proceeds in several steps:
For all the cases in the statement, the channel operands of receive operations and the channel and right-hand-side expressions of send statements are evaluated exactly once, in source order, upon entering the "select" statement. The result is a set of channels to receive from or send to, and the corresponding values to send. Any side effects in that evaluation will occur irrespective of which (if any) communication operation is selected to proceed. Expressions on the left-hand side of a RecvStmt with a short variable declaration or assignment are not yet evaluated.
Channels of each cases are evaluated, and the result is a set of channels to receive from or send to. Since there is a default case, the compiler has to check if any of the communication ops are ready to proceed. In the general case when there are multiple channels involved, this requires a loop, and some data structure (e.g. a slice or a bitmap) that gathers the ready cases. In case of a single channel, the compiler may generate a more efficient code that doesn't involve a loop, and doesn't need a set to gather the ready cases, the generated code just has to check a single channel.

What happens when reading or writing concurrently without a mutex

In Go, a sync.Mutex or chan is used to prevent concurrent access of shared objects. However, in some cases I am just interested in the "latest" value of a variable or field of an object.
Or I like to write a value and do not care if another go-routine overwrites it later or has just overwritten it before.
Update: TLDR; Just don't do this. It is not safe. Read the answers, comments, and linked documents!
Update 2021: The Go memory model is going to be specified more thoroughly and there are three great articles by Russ Cox that will teach you more about the surprising effects of unsynchronized memory access. These articles summarize a lot of the below discussions and learnings.
Here are two variants good and bad of an example program, where both seem to produce "correct" output using the current Go runtime:
package main
import (
var bogus = flag.Bool("bogus", false, "use bogus code")
func pause() {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Uint32()%100) * time.Millisecond)
func bad() {
stop := time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
var name string
// start some producers doing concurrent writes (DANGER!)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func(i int) {
name = fmt.Sprintf("name = %d", i)
// start consumer that shows the current value every 10ms
go func() {
tick := time.Tick(10 * time.Millisecond)
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case <-tick:
fmt.Println("read:", name)
func good() {
stop := time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
names := make(chan string, 10)
// start some producers concurrently writing to a channel (GOOD!)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func(i int) {
names <- fmt.Sprintf("name = %d", i)
// start consumer that shows the current value every 10ms
go func() {
tick := time.Tick(10 * time.Millisecond)
var name string
for {
select {
case name = <-names:
case <-stop:
case <-tick:
fmt.Println("read:", name)
func main() {
if *bogus {
} else {
The expected output is as follows:
read: name = 3
read: name = 3
read: name = 5
read: name = 4
Any combination of read: and read: name=[0-9] is correct output for this program. Receiving any other string as output would be an error.
When running this program with go run --race bogus.go it is safe.
However, go run --race bogus.go -bogus warns of the concurrent reads and writes.
For map types and when appending to slices I always need a mutex or a similar method of protection to avoid segfaults or unexpected behavior. However, reading and writing literals (atomic values) to variables or field values seems to be safe.
Question: Which Go data types can I safely read and safely write concurrently without a mutext and without producing segfaults and without reading garbage from memory?
Please explain why something is safe or unsafe in Go in your answer.
Update: I rewrote the example to better reflect the original code, where I had the the concurrent writes issue. The important leanings are already in the comments. I will accept an answer that summarizes these learnings with enough detail (esp. on the Go-runtime).
However, in some cases I am just interested in the latest value of a variable or field of an object.
Here is the fundamental problem: What does the word "latest" mean?
Suppoose that, mathematically speaking, we have a sequence of values Xi, with 0 <= i < N. Then obviously Xj is "later than" Xi if j > i. That's a nice simple definition of "latest" and is probably the one you want.
But when two separate CPUs within a single machine—including two goroutines in a Go program—are working at the same time, time itself loses meaning. We cannot say whether i < j, i == j, or i > j. So there is no correct definition for the word latest.
To solve this kind of problem, modern CPU hardware, and Go as a programming language, gives us certain synchronization primitives. If CPUs A and B execute memory fence instructions, or synchronization instructions, or use whatever other hardware provisions exist, the CPUs (and/or some external hardware) will insert whatever is required for the notion of "time" to regain its meaning. That is, if the CPU uses barrier instructions, we can say that a memory load or store that was executed before the barrier is a "before" and a memory load or store that is executed after the barrier is an "after".
(The actual implementation, in some modern hardware, consists of load and store buffers that can rearrange the order in which loads and stores go to memory. The barrier instruction either synchronizes the buffers, or places an actual barrier in them, so that loads and stores cannot move across the barrier. This particular concrete implementation gives an easy way to think about the problem, but isn't complete: you should think of time as simply not existing outside the hardware-provided synchronization, i.e., all loads from, and stores to, some location are happening simultaneously, rather than in some sequential order, except for these barriers.)
In any case, Go's sync package gives you a simple high level access method to these kinds of barriers. Compiled code that executes before a mutex Lock call really does complete before the lock function returns, and the code that executes after the call really does not start until after the lock function returns.
Go's channels provide the same kinds of before/after time guarantees.
Go's sync/atomic package provides much lower level guarantees. In general you should avoid this in favor of the higher level channel or sync.Mutex style guarantees. (Edit to add note: You could use sync/atomic's Pointer operations here, but not with the string type directly, as Go strings are actually implemented as a header containing two separate values: a pointer, and a length. You could solve this with another layer of indirection, by updating a pointer that points to the string object. But before you even consider doing that, you should benchmark the use of the language's preferred methods and verify that these are a problem, because code that works at the sync/atomic level is hard to write and hard to debug.)
Which Go data types can I safely read and safely write concurrently without a mutext and without producing segfaults and without reading garbage from memory?
It really is that simple: You cannot, under no circumstance whatsoever, read and write concurrently to anything in Go.
(Btw: Your "correct" program is not correct, it is racy and even if you get rid of the race condition it would not deterministically produce the output.)
Why can't you use channels
package main
import (
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup // wait group to close channel
var buffer int = 1 // buffer of the channel
// channel to get the share data
cName := make(chan string, buffer)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
wg.Add(1) // add to wait group
go func(i int) {
cName <- fmt.Sprintf("name = %d", i)
wg.Done() // decrease wait group.
go func() {
wg.Wait() // wait of wait group to be 0
close(cName) // close the channel
// process all the data
for n := range cName {
println("read:", n)
The above code returns the following output
read: name = 0
read: name = 5
read: name = 1
read: name = 2
read: name = 3
read: name = 4
read: name = 7
read: name = 6
read: name = 8
read: name = 9
Article about channels

Goroutine only works when fmt.Println is executed

For some reason, when I remove the fmt.Printlns then the code is blocking.
I've got no idea why it happens. All I want to do is to implement a simple concurrency limiter...
I've never experienced such a weird thing. It's like that fmt flushes the variables or something and makes it work.
Also, when I use a regular function instead of a goroutine then it works too.
Here's the following code -
package main
import "fmt"
type ConcurrencyLimit struct {
active int
Limit int
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Block() {
for {
fmt.Println(, c.Limit)
// If should block
if == c.Limit {
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Decrease() int {
if > 0 {
func main() {
c := ConcurrencyLimit{Limit: 1}
go func() {
Clarification: Even though I've accepted #kaedys 's answer(here) a solution was answered by #Kaveh Shahbazian (here)
You're not giving c.Decrease() a chance to run. c.Block() runs an infinite for loop, but it never blocks in that for loop, just calling continue over and over on every iteration. The main thread spins at 100% usage endlessly.
However, when you add an fmt.Print() call, that makes a syscall, which allows the other goroutine to run.
This post has details on how exactly goroutines yield or are pre-empted. Note, however, that it's slightly out of date, as entering a function now has a random chance to yield that thread to another goroutine, to prevent similar style flooding of threads.
As others have pointed out, Block() will never yield; a goroutine is not a thread. You could use Gosched() in the runtime package to force a yield -- but note that spinning this way in Block() is a pretty terrible idea.
There are much better ways to do concurrency limiting. See for one example
What you are looking for is called a semaphore. You can apply this pattern using channels
The idea is that you create a buffered channel of a desired length. Then you make callers acquire the resource by putting a value into the channel and reading it back out when they want to free the resource. Doing so creates proper synchronization points in your program so that the Go scheduler runs correctly.
What you are doing now is spinning the cpu and blocking the Go scheduler. It depends on how many cpus you have available, the version of Go, and the value of GOMAXPROCS. Given the right combination, there may not be another available thread to service other goroutines while you infinitely spin that particular thread.
While other answers pretty much covered the reason (not giving a chance for the goroutine to run) - and I'm not sure what you intend to achieve here - you are mutating a value concurrently without proper synchronization. A rewrite of above code with synchronization considered; would be:
type ConcurrencyLimit struct {
active int
Limit int
cond *sync.Cond
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Block() {
for == c.Limit {
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Decrease() int {
defer c.cond.Signal()
defer c.cond.L.Unlock()
if > 0 {
func main() {
c := ConcurrencyLimit{
Limit: 1,
cond: &sync.Cond{L: &sync.Mutex{}},
go func() {
fmt.Println(, c.Limit)
sync.Cond is a synchronization utility designed for times that you want to check if a condition is met, concurrently; while other workers are mutating the data of the condition.
The Lock and Unlock functions work as we expect from a lock. When we are done with checking or mutating, we can call Signal to awake one goroutine (or call Broadcast to awake more than one), so the goroutine knows that is free to act upon the data (or check a condition).
The only part that may seem unusual is the Wait function. It is actually very simple. It is like calling Unlock and instantly call Lock again - with the exception that Wait would not try to lock again, unless triggered by Signal (or Broadcast) in other goroutines; like the workers that are mutating the data (of the condition).

Writing Sleep function based on time.After

EDIT: My question is different from How to write my own Sleep function using just time.After? It has a different variant of the code that's not working for a separate reason and I needed explanation as to why.
I'm trying to solve the homework problem here: (Write your own Sleep function using time.After).
Here's my attempt so far based on the examples discussed in that chapter:
package main
import (
func myOwnSleep(duration int) {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second * time.Duration(duration)):
func main() {
go myOwnSleep(3)
var input string
My thought process is that the infinite for will keep executing the select statement's default until the time.After function's returned channel talks. Problem with the current code being, the latter does not happen, while the default statement is called infinitely.
What am I doing wrong?
In each iteration of your for loop the select statement is executed which involves evaluating the channel operands.
In each iteration time.After() will be called and a new channel will be created!
And if duration is more than 0, this channel is not ready to receive from, so the default case will be executed. This channel will not be tested/checked again, the next iteration creates a new channel which will again not be ready to receive from, so the default case is chosen again - as always.
The solution is really simple though as can be seen in this answer:
func Sleep(sec int) {
<-time.After(time.Second* time.Duration(sec))
Fixing your variant:
If you want to make your variant work, you have to create one channel only (using time.After()), store the returned channel value, and always check this channel. And if the channel "kicks in" (a value is received from it), you must return from your function because more values will not be received from it and so your loop will remain endless!
func myOwnSleep(duration int) {
ch := time.After(time.Second * time.Duration(duration))
for {
select {
case <-ch:
return // MUST RETURN, else endless loop!
Note that though until a value is received from the channel, this function will not "rest" and just execute code relentlessly - loading one CPU core. This might even give you trouble if only 1 CPU core is available (runtime.GOMAXPROCS()), other goroutines (including the one that will (or would) send the value on the channel) might get blocked and never executed. A sleep (e.g. time.Sleep(time.Millisecond)) could release the CPU core from doing endless work (and allow other goroutines to run).

Catching return values from goroutines

The below code gives compilation error saying 'unexpected go':
x := go doSomething(arg)
func doSomething(arg int) int{
return my_int_value
I know, I can fetch the return value if I call the function normally i.e. without using goroutine or I can use channels etc.
My question is why is it not possible to fetch a return value like this from a goroutine.
Why is it not possible to fetch a return value from a goroutine assigning it to a variable?
Run goroutine (asynchronously) and fetch return value from function are essentially contradictory actions. When you say go you mean "do it asynchronously" or even simpler: "Go on! Don't wait for the function execution be finished". But when you assign function return value to a variable you are expecting to have this value within the variable. So when you do that x := go doSomething(arg) you are saying: "Go on, don't wait for the function! Wait-wait-wait! I need a returned value be accessible in x var right in the next line below!"
The most natural way to fetch a value from a goroutine is channels. Channels are the pipes that connect concurrent goroutines. You can send values into channels from one goroutine and receive those values into another goroutine or in a synchronous function. You could easily obtain a value from a goroutine not breaking concurrency using select:
func main() {
c1 := make(chan string)
c2 := make(chan string)
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
c1 <- "one"
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
c2 <- "two"
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
// Await both of these values
// simultaneously, printing each one as it arrives.
select {
case msg1 := <-c1:
fmt.Println("received", msg1)
case msg2 := <-c2:
fmt.Println("received", msg2)
The example is taken from Go By Example
CSP & message-passing
Go is largerly based on CSP theory. The naive description from above could be precisely outlined in terms of CSP (although I believe it is out of scope of the question). I strongly recommend to familiarize yourself with CSP theory at least because it is RAD. These short quotations give a direction of thinking:
As its name suggests, CSP allows the description of systems in terms of component processes that operate independently, and interact with each other solely through message-passing communication.
In computer science, message passing sends a message to a process and relies on the process and the supporting infrastructure to select and invoke the actual code to run. Message passing differs from conventional programming where a process, subroutine, or function is directly invoked by name.
The strict answer is that you can do that. It's just probably not a good idea. Here's code that would do that:
var x int
go func() {
x = doSomething()
This will spawn off a new goroutine which will calculate doSomething() and then assign the result to x. The problem is: how are you going to use x from the original goroutine? You probably want to make sure the spawned goroutine is done with it so that you don't have a race condition. But if you want to do that, you'll need a way to communicate with the goroutine, and if you've got a way to do that, why not just use it to send the value back?
The idea of the go keyword is that you run the doSomething function asynchronously, and continue the current goroutine without waiting for the result, kind of like executing a command in a Bash shell with an '&' after it. If you want to do
x := doSomething(arg)
// Now do something with x
then you need the current goroutine to block until doSomething finishes. So why not just call doSomething in the current goroutine? There are other options (like, doSomething could post a result to a channel, which the current goroutine receives values from) but simply calling doSomething and assigning the result to a variable is obviously simpler.
It's a design choice by Go creators. There's a whole lot of abstractions/APIs to represent the value of async I/O operations - promise, future, async/await, callback, observable, etc. These abstractions/APIs are inherently tied to the unit of scheduling - coroutines - and these abstractions/APIs dictate how coroutines (or more precisely the return value of async I/O represented by them) can be composed.
Go chose message passing (aka channels) as the abstraction/API to represent the return value of async I/O operations. And of course, goroutines and channels give you a composable tool to implement async I/O operations.
Why not use a channel to write into?
chanRes := make(chan int, 1)
go doSomething(arg, chanRes)
//blocks here or you can use some other sync mechanism (do something else) and wait
x := <- chanRes
func doSomething(arg int, out chan<- int){
out <- my_int_value
