Goroutine only works when fmt.Println is executed - go

For some reason, when I remove the fmt.Printlns then the code is blocking.
I've got no idea why it happens. All I want to do is to implement a simple concurrency limiter...
I've never experienced such a weird thing. It's like that fmt flushes the variables or something and makes it work.
Also, when I use a regular function instead of a goroutine then it works too.
Here's the following code -
package main
import "fmt"
type ConcurrencyLimit struct {
active int
Limit int
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Block() {
for {
fmt.Println(c.active, c.Limit)
// If should block
if c.active == c.Limit {
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Decrease() int {
if c.active > 0 {
return c.active
func main() {
c := ConcurrencyLimit{Limit: 1}
go func() {
Clarification: Even though I've accepted #kaedys 's answer(here) a solution was answered by #Kaveh Shahbazian (here)

You're not giving c.Decrease() a chance to run. c.Block() runs an infinite for loop, but it never blocks in that for loop, just calling continue over and over on every iteration. The main thread spins at 100% usage endlessly.
However, when you add an fmt.Print() call, that makes a syscall, which allows the other goroutine to run.
This post has details on how exactly goroutines yield or are pre-empted. Note, however, that it's slightly out of date, as entering a function now has a random chance to yield that thread to another goroutine, to prevent similar style flooding of threads.

As others have pointed out, Block() will never yield; a goroutine is not a thread. You could use Gosched() in the runtime package to force a yield -- but note that spinning this way in Block() is a pretty terrible idea.
There are much better ways to do concurrency limiting. See http://jmoiron.net/blog/limiting-concurrency-in-go/ for one example

What you are looking for is called a semaphore. You can apply this pattern using channels
The idea is that you create a buffered channel of a desired length. Then you make callers acquire the resource by putting a value into the channel and reading it back out when they want to free the resource. Doing so creates proper synchronization points in your program so that the Go scheduler runs correctly.
What you are doing now is spinning the cpu and blocking the Go scheduler. It depends on how many cpus you have available, the version of Go, and the value of GOMAXPROCS. Given the right combination, there may not be another available thread to service other goroutines while you infinitely spin that particular thread.

While other answers pretty much covered the reason (not giving a chance for the goroutine to run) - and I'm not sure what you intend to achieve here - you are mutating a value concurrently without proper synchronization. A rewrite of above code with synchronization considered; would be:
type ConcurrencyLimit struct {
active int
Limit int
cond *sync.Cond
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Block() {
for c.active == c.Limit {
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Decrease() int {
defer c.cond.Signal()
defer c.cond.L.Unlock()
if c.active > 0 {
return c.active
func main() {
c := ConcurrencyLimit{
Limit: 1,
cond: &sync.Cond{L: &sync.Mutex{}},
go func() {
fmt.Println(c.active, c.Limit)
sync.Cond is a synchronization utility designed for times that you want to check if a condition is met, concurrently; while other workers are mutating the data of the condition.
The Lock and Unlock functions work as we expect from a lock. When we are done with checking or mutating, we can call Signal to awake one goroutine (or call Broadcast to awake more than one), so the goroutine knows that is free to act upon the data (or check a condition).
The only part that may seem unusual is the Wait function. It is actually very simple. It is like calling Unlock and instantly call Lock again - with the exception that Wait would not try to lock again, unless triggered by Signal (or Broadcast) in other goroutines; like the workers that are mutating the data (of the condition).


Is there a race condition in the golang implementation of mutex the m.state is read without atomic function

In golang if two goroutines read and write a variable without mutex and atomic, that may bring data race condition.
Use command go run --race xxx.go will detect the race point.
While the implementation of Mutex in src/sync/mutex.go use the following code
func (m *Mutex) Lock() {
// Fast path: grab unlocked mutex.
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&m.state, 0, mutexLocked) {
if race.Enabled {
var waitStartTime int64
starving := false
awoke := false
iter := 0
old := m.state // This line confuse me !!!
The code old := m.state confuse me, because m.state is read and write by different goroutine.
The following function Test obvious has race condition problem. But if i put it in mutex.go, no race conditon will detect.
# mutex.go
func Test(){
a := int32(1)
go func(){
atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&a, 1, 4)
_ = a
If put it in other package like src/os/exec.go, the conditon race problem will detect.
package main
func main(){
sync.Test() // race condition will not detect
os.Test() // race condition will detect
First of all the golang source always changes so let's make sure we are looking at the same thing. Take release 1.12 at
as you said the Lock function begins
func (m *Mutex) Lock() {
// fast path where it will set the high order bit and return if not locked
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&m.state, 0, mutexLocked) {
//reads value to decide on the lower order bits
for {
//if statements involving CompareAndSwaps on the lower order bits
What is this CompareAndSwap doing? it looks atomically in that int32 and if it is 0 it swaps it to mutexLocked (which is 1 defined as a const above) and returns true that it swapped it.
Then it promptly returns. That is its fast path. The goroutine acquired the lock and now it is running can start running it's protected path.
If it is 1 (mutexLocked) already, it doesn't swap it and returns false (it didn't swap it).
Then it reads the state and enters a loop that it does atomic compare and swaps to determine how it should behave.
What are the possible states? combinations of locked, woken and starving as you see from the const block.
Now depending on how long the goroutine has been waiting on the waitlist it will get priority on when to check again if the mutex is now free.
But also observe that only Unlock() can set the mutexLocked bit back to 0.
in the Lock() CAS loop the only bits that are set are the starving and woken ones.Yes you can have multiple readers but only one writer at any time, and that writer is the one who is holding the mutex and is executing its protected path until calling Unlock(). Check out this article for more details.
By disassemble the binary output file, The Test function in different pack generate different code.
The reason is that the compiler forbid to generate race detect instrument in the sync package.
The code is :
var norace_inst_pkgs = []string{"sync", "sync/atomic"} // https://github.com/golang/go/blob/release-branch.go1.12/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/racewalk.go

Go Timer Deadlock on Stop

I am trying to reuse timers by stopping and resetting them. I am following the pattern provided by the documentation. Here is a simple example which can be run in go playground that demonstrates the issue I am experiencing.
Is there a correct way to stop and reset a timer that doesn't involve deadlock or race conditions? I am aware that using a select with default involves a race condition on channel message delivery timing and cannot be depended on.
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
timer := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Second)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
go func(_wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
<- timer.C
fmt.Println("Timer done")
fmt.Println("Checking timer")
if !timer.Stop() {
<- timer.C
According to the timer.Stop docs, there is a caveat for draining the channel:
assuming the program has not received from t.C already ...
This cannot be done concurrent to other receives from the Timer's
Since the channel has already been drained - and will never fire again, the second <-timer.C will block forever.
The question asks, in the first place, why the timer hangs. That's a good question, because even in the absence of bugs in the user program, there is... at least some weird ambiguity in how this thing, called time.Timer, works in Go. The spec says, specifically this:
Stop prevents the Timer from firing. It returns true if the call stops
the timer, false if the timer has already expired or been stopped.
Stop does not close the channel, to prevent a read from the channel
succeeding incorrectly.
To ensure the channel is empty after a call to Stop, check the return
value and drain the channel. For example, assuming the program has not
received from t.C already:
if !t.Stop() {
This cannot be done concurrent to other receives from the Timer's
channel or other calls to the Timer's Stop method.
There are very short and precise words, but it may be not that easy to understand them (at least for me). I tried to use the Timer repeatedly in a piece of code, and reset it each time before the next use. Each time I do so, I may want to Stop() it - just for sure. The spec above implies how you should do that, and provides an example - and it may not work! It depends, it depends where you try to apply the Stop idiom. In case you do it after you already in a select-case on this very timer, then it will hang the program.
Specifically, I do not have any concurrent receivers, only a single goroutine. So let's make a simple test program, and try to experiment with it (https://play.golang.org/p/d7BlNReE9Jz):
package main
import (
func main() {
i := 0
d2s := time.Second * 1
i++; fmt.Println(i)
t := time.NewTimer(d2s)
i++; fmt.Println(i)
i++; fmt.Println(i)
// if !t.Stop() { <-t.C }
// if !t.Stop() { select { case <-t.C: default: } }
i++; fmt.Println(i)
This code WORKS. It prints 1,2,3,4, delayed by 1 sec, and that's what it is expected to print. So far so good.
Now, try to un-comment the first commented line. Now the thing: according to spec, it is 100% right (is it?), and must work, but it does not, and hangs. Why? Because, according to spec, it must hang! I already read the channel, and the timer is stopped, so the if fires, and the channel drain op hangs.
Is this a bug? No. Is the spec wrong? No, it's correct. But, it's contrary to what a typical timer user would want. (Maybe a subject for proposal to Go?). All we need, is something like:
Which would do this right, and never hang. But, sadly, it is non-existent.
Here's the life-hack, the workaround, to make this work, is the second commented line. Un-comment it, and that will both work, and do what you wanted - make sure the timer is stopped, channel drained, and the whole thing is fresh anew for re-use.

Computing mod inverse

I want to compute the inverse element of a prime in modular arithmetic.
In order to speed things up I start a few goroutines which try to find the element in a certain range. When the first one finds the element, it sends it to the main goroutine and at this point I want to terminate the program. So I call close in the main goroutine, but I don't know if the goroutines will finish their execution (I guess not). So a few questions arise:
1) Is this a bad style, should I have something like a WaitGroup?
2) Is there a more idiomatic way to do this computation?
package main
import "fmt"
const (
Procs = 8
P = 1000099
Base = 1<<31 - 1
func compute(start, end uint64, finished chan struct{}, output chan uint64) {
for i := start; i < end; i++ {
select {
case <-finished:
if i*P%Base == 1 {
output <- i
func main() {
finished := make(chan struct{})
output := make(chan uint64)
for i := uint64(0); i < Procs; i++ {
start := i * (Base / Procs)
end := (i + 1) * (Base / Procs)
go compute(start, end, finished, output)
Is there a more idiomatic way to do this computation?
You don't actually need a loop to compute this.
If you use the GCD function (part of the standard library), you get returned numbers x and y such that:
this means that x is the answer you want (because x*P = 1 modulo Base):
package main
import (
const (
P = 1000099
Base = 1<<31 - 1
func main() {
bigP := big.NewInt(P)
bigBase := big.NewInt(Base)
// Compute inverse of bigP modulo bigBase
bigGcd := big.NewInt(0)
bigX := big.NewInt(0)
// x*bigP+y*bigBase=1
// => x*bigP = 1 modulo bigBase
Is this a bad style, should I have something like a WaitGroup?
A wait group solves a different problem.
In general, to be a responsible go citizen here and ensure your code runs and tidies up behind itself, you may need to do a combination of:
Signal to the spawned goroutines to stop their calculations when the result of the computation has been found elsewhere.
Ensure a synchronous process waits for the goroutines to stop before returning. This is not mandatory if they properly respond to the signal in #1, but if you don't wait, there will be no guarantee they have terminated before the parent goroutine continues.
In your example program, which performs this task and then quits, there is strictly no need to do either. As this comment indicates, your program's main method terminates upon a satisfactory answer being found, at which point the program will end, any goroutines will be summarily terminated, and the operating system will tidy up any consumed resources. Waiting for goroutines to stop is unnecessary.
However, if you wrapped this code up into a library or it became part of a long running "inverse prime calculation" service, it would be desirable to tidy up the goroutines you spawned to avoid wasting cycles unnecessarily. Additionally, in general, you may have other scenarios in which goroutines store state, hold handles to external resources, or hold handles to internal objects which you risk leaking if not properly tidied away – it is desirable to properly close these.
Communicating the requirement to stop working
There are several approaches to communicate this. I don't claim this is an exhaustive list! (Please do suggest other general-purpose methods in the comments or by proposing edits to the post.)
Using a special channel
Signal the child goroutines by closing a special "shutdown" channel reserved for the purpose. This exploits the channel axiom:
A receive from a closed channel returns the zero value immediately
On receiving from the shutdown channel, the goroutine should immediately arrange to tidy any local state and return from the function. Your earlier question had example code which implemented this; a version of the pattern is:
func myGoRoutine(shutdownChan <-chan struct{}) {
select {
case <-shutdownChan:
// tidy up behaviour goes here
// You may choose to listen on other channels here to implement
// the primary behaviour of the goroutine.
func main() {
shutdownChan := make(chan struct{})
go myGoRoutine(shutdownChan)
// some time later
In this instance, the shutdown logic is wasted because the main() method will immediately return after the call to close. This will race with the shutdown of the goroutine, but we should assume it will not properly execute its tidy-up behaviour. Point 2 addresses ways to fix this.
Using a context
The context package provides the option to create a context which can be cancelled. On cancellation, a channel exposed by the context's Done() method will be closed, which signals time to return from the goroutine.
This approach is approximately the same as the previous method, with the exception of neater encapsulation and the availability of a context to pass to downstream calls in your goroutine to cancel nested calls where desired. Example:
func myGoRoutine(ctx context.Context) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// tidy up behaviour goes here
// Put real behaviour for the goroutine here.
func main() {
// Get a context (or use an existing one if you are provided with one
// outside a `main` method:
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a derived context with a cancellation method
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
go myGoRoutine(ctx)
// Later, when ready to quit
This has the same bug as the other case in that the main method will not wait for the child goroutines to quit before returning.
Waiting (or "join"ing) for child goroutines to stop
The code which closes the shutdown channel or closes the context in the above examples will not wait for child goroutines to stop working before continuing. This may be acceptable in some instances, while in others you may require the guarantee that goroutines have stopped before continuing.
sync.WaitGroup can be used to implement this requirement. The documentation is comprehensive. A wait group is a counter which should be incremented using its Add method on starting a goroutine and decremented using its Done method when a goroutine completes. Code can wait for the counter to return to zero by calling its Wait method, which blocks until the condition is true. All calls to Add must occur before a call to Wait.
Example code:
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Increment the WaitGroup with the number of goroutines we're
// spawning.
// It is common to wrap a goroutine in a function which performs
// the decrement on the WaitGroup once the called function returns
// to avoid passing references of this control logic to the
// downstream consumer.
go func() {
// TODO: implement a method to communicate shutdown.
// Indicate shutdown, e.g. by closing a channel or cancelling a
// context.
// Wait for goroutines to stop
Is there a more idiomatic way to do this computation?
This algorithm is certainly parallelizable through use of goroutines in the manner you have defined. As the work is CPU-bound, the limitation of goroutines to the number of available CPUs makes sense (in the absence of other work on the machine) to benefit from the available compute resource.
See peterSO's answer for a bug fix.

Writing Sleep function based on time.After

EDIT: My question is different from How to write my own Sleep function using just time.After? It has a different variant of the code that's not working for a separate reason and I needed explanation as to why.
I'm trying to solve the homework problem here: https://www.golang-book.com/books/intro/10 (Write your own Sleep function using time.After).
Here's my attempt so far based on the examples discussed in that chapter:
package main
import (
func myOwnSleep(duration int) {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second * time.Duration(duration)):
func main() {
go myOwnSleep(3)
var input string
My thought process is that the infinite for will keep executing the select statement's default until the time.After function's returned channel talks. Problem with the current code being, the latter does not happen, while the default statement is called infinitely.
What am I doing wrong?
In each iteration of your for loop the select statement is executed which involves evaluating the channel operands.
In each iteration time.After() will be called and a new channel will be created!
And if duration is more than 0, this channel is not ready to receive from, so the default case will be executed. This channel will not be tested/checked again, the next iteration creates a new channel which will again not be ready to receive from, so the default case is chosen again - as always.
The solution is really simple though as can be seen in this answer:
func Sleep(sec int) {
<-time.After(time.Second* time.Duration(sec))
Fixing your variant:
If you want to make your variant work, you have to create one channel only (using time.After()), store the returned channel value, and always check this channel. And if the channel "kicks in" (a value is received from it), you must return from your function because more values will not be received from it and so your loop will remain endless!
func myOwnSleep(duration int) {
ch := time.After(time.Second * time.Duration(duration))
for {
select {
case <-ch:
return // MUST RETURN, else endless loop!
Note that though until a value is received from the channel, this function will not "rest" and just execute code relentlessly - loading one CPU core. This might even give you trouble if only 1 CPU core is available (runtime.GOMAXPROCS()), other goroutines (including the one that will (or would) send the value on the channel) might get blocked and never executed. A sleep (e.g. time.Sleep(time.Millisecond)) could release the CPU core from doing endless work (and allow other goroutines to run).

Why is this code Undefined Behavior?

var x int
done := false
go func() { x = f(...); done = true }
while done == false { }
This is a Go code piece. My fiend told me this is UB code. Why?
As explained in "Why does this program terminate on my system but not on playground?"
The Go Memory Model does not guarantee that the value written to x in the goroutine will ever be observed by the main program.
A similarly erroneous program is given as an example in the section on go routine destruction.
The Go Memory Model also specifically calls out busy waiting without synchronization as an incorrect idiom in this section.
(in your case, there is no guarantee that the value written to done in the goroutine will ever be observed by the main program)
Here, You need to do some kind of synchronization in the goroutine in order to guarantee that done=true happens before one of the iterations of the for loop in main.
The "while" (non-existent in Go) should be replaced by, for instance, a channel you block on (waiting for a communication)
for {
<-c // 2
Based on a channel (c := make(chan bool)) created in main, and closed (close(c)) in the goroutine.
The sync package provides other means to wait for a gorountine to end before exiting main.
See for instance Golang Example Wait until all the background goroutine finish:
var w sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
// do something
