BlackBerry - Disable show default menu on screen open - user-interface

I have labels and fields in my application screen. When i launch to a particular screen which has many labels and editfields and buttons. The problem is, when i launch a particular screen, default menu is popping up with "Show Keyboard", "Switch Applicaiton" and "Full menu" automatically when launching a particular screen. I don't want to get this menu when launching a screen. How do i ignore showing it? How to do that. Please advice.
Note: Eventhough there is no controls in the same screen, Menu is still popping up this.

If you're using a ButtonField to launch the new screen, make sure you add the ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK style to its constructor so that the click event is not passed on down to the screen.


Win32/C++: Program started minimized shows generic icon in taskbar flyout preview - how do I set my own image or fix it?

When you hover the mouse over taskbar buttons in Win10 you get a preview of that Window in a flyout. However if I start my program minimized it shows a generic icon (if I then restore it, the preview is updated and works minimized or not - so on startup is the key).
How do I have it show what the window will look like when restored or set my own image to use so this doesn't happen? It's okay if my own image is the only one that ever shows. I wouldn't mind disabling the preview on the flyout either (I do need the flyout because I use use toobar buttons on it).
I see ITaskbarList3::SetThumbnailClip() but that would have the same issue.
Found this is controlled by the DWM (Desktop Window Manager) via dwmapi. Examples of use is here

Xcode Scene Dock hidden

My scene dock is hidden... How can I make it visible? The red one is missing
You can find this button in below left side just click it will get what you need..
Not exactly sure what do you mean by scene dock.
But I guess you can see different windows by changing your selection here.
if so, Click that Hide Document Outline then you ll get that missing window.this is Hide Document Outline button
In Xcode you could see the following Menus, File Edit View Navigate Editor Product Window Help inwhich Click View and click Debug Area and then click Activtae Console.
You can get the window that what you expect

Open new window uppon NSAlert

I'm using a NSAlert to ask the user to enable Accessibility for assistive devices. Is it possible to have a button that does not close the NSAlert that I could use to just open the UniversalAccess prefpane ?
If not, I suppose I've to create myself that window.
Normally alerts close when any button is pressed. In Mac OS X 10.5 or later you can use setAccessoryView: to insert a custom view into the alert, which presumably can contain a button that does anything you want.
Note however that you can't specify where the accessory view goes. It might have a button in it but the button would show up in the middle of the window instead of along the bottom with the other buttons. (If you chose a different button style such as a square bevel for your custom button, it might look less out of place.) To have complete control over layout, you need to make your own alert window.

update statusbar menu on click mac os x cocoa

I've been playing around with a statusbar menu app and what I'd like it to do is to update the content of the menu when it is clicked. I've been able to get everything working on the awakefromnib function and it works as expected. Now i just want to update the menu everytime I click on the status bar. This surely can be done, since it's done in the dropbox statusbar menu and many of the native app statusbar menus. I'm not able to associate a action directly with the click of the menu and I don't want to leave a loop running in the background cause I don't really see a need for it. Any ideas? An alternative would be to have an action associated to a menu item which does not cause the menu to get hidden again. Any help would be welcome.
Just set a delegate for your menu, and implement the -(void)menuWillOpen:(NSMenu *)menu method.

Programmatically controlling a Cocoa Button on OSX (making it invisible and pressed)

I am trying to interface with a cocoa popup menu from an OpenGL button. The actual button needs to be in OpenGL and I cannot stick an actual Cocoa button in its place but when this button is pressed I would like for a Cocoa menu to popup just like the one that comes up when you press the nspopupbutton. It seems that there is no way to get this popup window to come up by itself so I wanted to just insert an invisible button and have it be pressed automatically when the popup menu method is called. Is there a way to programmatically set a button to pressed (this will bring up the menu from the popupbutton) and make the button itself invisible without making the resulting menu invisible?
It seems that there is no way to get this popup window to come up by itself
Sure there is. See + popUpContextMenu:withEvent:forView:
Have you thought about just using a regular NSMenu, rather than trying to finagle the menu from an NSPopupButton?
