Win32/C++: Program started minimized shows generic icon in taskbar flyout preview - how do I set my own image or fix it? - winapi

When you hover the mouse over taskbar buttons in Win10 you get a preview of that Window in a flyout. However if I start my program minimized it shows a generic icon (if I then restore it, the preview is updated and works minimized or not - so on startup is the key).
How do I have it show what the window will look like when restored or set my own image to use so this doesn't happen? It's okay if my own image is the only one that ever shows. I wouldn't mind disabling the preview on the flyout either (I do need the flyout because I use use toobar buttons on it).
I see ITaskbarList3::SetThumbnailClip() but that would have the same issue.

Found this is controlled by the DWM (Desktop Window Manager) via dwmapi. Examples of use is here


Use non-native fullscreen window mode in PhpStorm on macOS

How can I configure PhpStorm to use the "non-native" fullscreen mode? I'd like PhpStorm to be fullscreen (without the macOS top menu bar, etc), in the same window (without creating a new window that I have to scroll between).
The terminal for macOS iTerm2 have this setting. You can choose to remove the tick from "Native full screen windows". When this tick is removed, the fullscreen mode will simply take out all space in the window, without creating a new separate window.
Native fullscreen example
Notice how a new separate "window" is created called "PhpStorm"
Non-native fullscreen example
Notice how theres still one window called "Desktop". The iTerm window fills out the whole screen though.
the only way you can do it at the moment is by adjusting the dock in mac to hide menu automatically and then spread the editor to wider and higher setting
click right on the dock in mac and goto settings and hide menu works for me
i am suffering from same issue lol after i saw iterm2 :P

Disable " Stay on top" features on photoshop CS2

Photoshop CS2 always stay on top, even when I click another app from the windows taskbar (right of the start button).
It's completly annoying me. Always need minimized, click the other app, reclick again on photoshop, re-reminimized.
I only have 1 screen at work so I can't let photoshop on one screen and work with the other app on the other screen.
I look in all photoshop menu, find nothing
I googled the problem, and find a adobe page explain this problem is a "feature".
I only want photoshop cs2 work all other app on windows and loose focus, let new app appear on top.
Thank you.
I had this problem and somehow solved it. But my solution may be just as fickle as why the problem occurs in the first place. But here's what I did:
On the layers palette (F7) I clicked on the small arrow just below the close "X" button, on the right. Then I selected "Pallete Options"
Didn't change any options but just clicked OK.
Now the entire window remained on top, not just the palettes. So I restarted Photoshop and it seemed to fix the issue.
I found that if you open up "edit > preferences > Memory & Image Cache" and set your memory usage up then it will fix it. I am on a Windows 10.
See this post:
Go to Edit > Preferences > File Handling > Uncheck Enable Version Cue Workgroup File Management
I literally JUST found this on accident and fixed it after having issues with all my toolbars being hidden behind stuff, and not being able to minimize without clicking on the PS window first etc. Seems to have worked!
Topmost Toggle will help you:
Works for CS2 even in Win8
Try Topmost Toggle. Works on Window 7, Window 8 and even Windows 8.1. I use it for disabling Photoshop CS2 and when Firefox bug out. Works like a charm and it's pretty easy to use:
Download and extract Topmost Toggle
Run the program - you will see that it minimize on tray
Ctr + Right click on your program and click
Big thanks to user2761076
I am having same issue with CS2 on Windows 7 64 bit. To work around, I hit tab on keyboard when photoshop window is active, that makes all pallets invisible, then I can switch to any window I need to work on.
As per this article there seem to be issue with Microsoft update

In VS-2010, how to prevent Toolbox from covering up the current window?

I'm used to VS-2008, with "MDI" IDE, aka "Overlapping Windows". This doesn't seem to be an option in VS-2010, so now when I have, say Form1 open, and click the slides over and totally obscures Form1.
So...a great solution would be telling me if there's a way to get vs2010 to allow the MDI interface.
Otherwise, how can I get the toolbox to slide and also slide the set of tabbed windows over so I can see what I'm dragging a control onto?
Have you tried pinning the toolbox? There should be a pin icon on the top of the toolbox. If you click it, the toolbox will stay on the screen, but it will resize the Form1 window to make room for the toolbox window.

NSWindow, how not to be part of a screenshot?

My Cocoa app displays a transparent window on the screen, but when the user tries to take a screenshot using Mac OS X's built-in screen capture key with the option of selecting full windows (Command-Shift-4, then Space Bar), my window gets highlighted as part of the possible windows to capture.
How can I tell my Window or App not to allow this? My Window already refuses to be the Main Window or Key Window through -canBecomeKeyWindow and -canBecomeMainWindow both returning NO, but this still happens.
The Window is also at the NSModalPanelWindowLevel and NSScreenSaverWindowLevel does the same thing.
Notice that every window is eligible for screenshots, even the desktop, dock and menu bar, which are special windows. You can even take a screenshot of the Exposé overlay window itself. This leads me to believe that there is no way to do this.
I suppose you could hook the Command+Shift+4 key event and hide the window, but that key combo is user-definable, so it is subject to change.

Generic icon displays for my app in the Alt-Tab dialog

I have an old VB6 app and whenever the user does the Alt-Tab thing, the dialog displays a generic icon instead of the application icon.
What can I do to display the proper icon in the Alt-Tab window?
Each form has an "Icon" property you can set in the properties window to assign an icon. It sounds like this was used to set the icon on the main form, so your app's window looks correct.
However, there is also a project-level icon that is used for the Alt-Tab window and the taskbar. You set this on the "Make" tab of the "Project/Properties" dialog:
In the "Application" section, you can set the application's title, and use the dropdown list to assign one of the application's form icons to be the application icon. This is what will display in the Alt-Tab dialog and the taskbar.
Note that each form also has a "ShowInTaskbar" property that defaults to True. You should set this property to False for any non-modal forms in your app (other than the main form) to prevent them from displaying additional taskbar icons.
Finally, you should check the link on Adam Dempsey's answer to see how to support multiple icon resolutions. At the bare minimum, you can just create a 16x16 icon and attach it as described. Windows will handle the scaling, although you'll get some blurring when your icon is scaled up for higher resolutions.
It needs a bit of additional work than just adding the icon to a form, but easy enough to do:
though this years old - I had the problem and solved it, and the solution isn't shown here. Since this in one of the top Google responses, i thought i'd add it here.
If you have set the icon on the form and in the settings, and it still isn't showing - you may have set the "ShowIcon" form setting to false. When this is false, even if you have an icon attached - it won't show in the Alt-Tab menu.
