push scene by tapping on image. i am using one image when i am tap that image i want to push the new scene. it is not working. is there any way to push the scene when tap on image
controle it showing error : Cannot call method 'pushScene' of undefined
I am talking about webOS which I have kept it in webOS. I've done it. Thank you.
I'm using Google Maps for Flutter but Google Maps for Android is close enough.
I want to place fixed Flutter image overtop the map (positioned with Stack) then be able to drag & drop a map marker onto that image for an event on that image?
Is that possible? I'm aware of displaying Google Maps in Flutter, displaying the Flutter image overtop the map, and dragging a marker. What i can't figure out is how to trigger an event once the marker is dropped on the Flutter image. I figure this involves converting the dropped marker's latlng to screen coordinates and knowing what my flutter image's screen coordinates each time the screen orientation changes.
I'm using some simple buttons in canvas in a 2D game, there is no light or i don't do anything via code for brightness of button. Buttons are shows normally in scene view, but these are shining in game view like putting a lights on them. What's the reason for this? How can i solve? You can see that what i mean on image below.
I checked image attributes of buttons and camera render settings but didn't found anything.
How to make a container a new page by making it full screen with animation?
I have seen the animation widgets and I tried to do that with animation container but I failed.( the problem was I couldn't make it full screen and I couldn't define animation I want)
Animation showed
here in Dribbble while dragging the container up.
( Doesn't matter dragging or tapping. just I want to know which tool should be used for the animation. )
If I got you right, the animation you are looking for is combination of SlideTransition and ScaleTransition.
I'm currently working on a puzzle game project in Unity3D and when I'm trying to assign a new image in script in the inspector view, it is still reading the old image by default. But the the field now has updated to new image name, and if I delete the old image, it is not showing up any image at all, just a gray color object.
What's wrong?
This is the image of the inspector view
The gray color means there is no image defined for that object. Try to make sure you have the reference to the image setup. Also try to reopen the scene to see the reflected changes.
Hello, I'm trying to create a rotation animation on a button between 2 images one for the and another for the front, just like what's happening in tiles.
Any ideas please?
Very similar to this thread. Check out Tile Slider or Hub Tiles. Alternatively, you could create your own animations.