How do I load data into the Data Portal of DIAdem with VBScript? - vbscript

I want to load a ".tdm" file into DIAdem (National Instruments) with a VBScript but can't find how to do this. I have Dialog which opens a browse-window, which returns the path as a string. So I was hoping to have a function which would work something like this:
Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Load(myStringWithThePath)

Just noticed I got a tumbleweed-badge on this question. Here is the solution I found last week, so if anybody cares:
Set objDialog = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
objDialog.Filter = "TDM-Datei(*.tdm)|*.tdm|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
objDialog.FilterIndex = 1
boolResult = objDialog.ShowOpen
If boolResult <> 0 Then
Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.RemoveAll()
Call DataDelAll
Call DataFileLoad(objDialog.FileName)
End If


How to call BlockInput in VBS

I have found on this site code for VBS to block user input. To simplify, code is:
Sub StopKeyMouse()
Set Def_DLL = DLL.DefineDLL("USER32")
Def_Proc = Def_DLL.DefineProc("BlockInput", vt_b1, vt_b1)
Set Lib = DLL.Load("USER32.DLL", "USER32")
End Sub
Sub ResumeKeyMouse()
Set Def_DLL = DLL.DefineDLL("USER32")
Def_Proc = Def_DLL.DefineProc("BlockInput", vt_b1, vt_b1)
Set Lib = DLL.Load("USER32.DLL", "USER32")
End Sub
Sub Test()
WScript.Sleep 1000
End Sub
When I run it, I get the error Object required: 'DLL'. Since the post is from 2004, I assume that VBS interaction with User32.dll has been changed.
I am missing a line with CreateObject, something like Set DLL = CreateObject("User32.dll").
Does anybody know what is correct code for script to work?
I have also found that it was possible to use
Set oAutoIt = CreateObject("AutoItX.Control")
oAutoIt.BlockInput "on"
But this is obsolete.
Is it possible to call BlockInput from VBS?
Thank you for any help.

Microsoft Access 2019 Report. Automatically Resize Image Control

Insert and resize a picture in an access report
Solution by Ms Isabel Smit aborts at first line of code.
My Report textbox [P1] populated by query has links to *.jpg files.
But code, Me.Image46.Picture = Me.P1.Value does not work. Get error msg Run-time error '94': Invalid use of Null.
Neither does Me!Image46.Picture = Me![P1] Run-time error '13': Type mismatch
Neither does Me!Image46.Picture = Me![P1].Value
Works if Me!Image46.Picture = hard coded filename but it defeats objective of each record to link to different filename.
Thank you
Updated Solution with validation:
I built your form and tested it. The only time I got it to fail was when the path to the image was invalid. Please try this:
Dim strFilename As String
strFilename = Me![P1].Value
If Len(Dir(strFilename)) > 0 Then
Me![Image7].Picture = strFilename
Me![Image7].Height = 9666 * Me![Image7].ImageHeight / Me![Image7].ImageWidth
Me![Image7].Width = 9666
MsgBox "Image not found"
End If

SAP GUIXT - Pass Variable and run script

I would like to create an "input field" in SAP that uses the passed value within a vb script. To give a specific example, I would like to open FBL5N, pass an invoice into a field and view the invoice in VF03. The script to do that is ready and works for a hardcoded value of invoice or thru VBA.
Here is the GUI script part
inputfield (2,35) "inv" (2,45) size=10 name="V_inv"
pushbutton (toolbar) "print_inv" process="InvoiceScript.txt"
using MYINV = "V_inv"
Now, I don't know what to do for the inputscript part. I would like your assistance in this matter. Here is my first attempt:
Screen SAPLSLVC.0500
ApplyGuiScript template="VF03INV.vbs"
Thank you for your help and let me know if you need any precision.
Here are my sources of inspiration to get the above code :
***if its possible to have a version that reads a value in clipboard, that would even be better.
After many attempts here is a solution:
inputfield (2,35) "inv" (2,45) size=10 name="V_inv"
pushbutton (toolbar) "script" "/OVF03" process="startvf03.txt"
using INV = [V_inv] ' need this when opening new screen
InputScript (startvf03.txt):
parameter INV
Screen SAPMV60A.0101 'this is the VF03 screen
SET F[VBRK-VBELN] "&U[INV]" 'pass invoice # parameter
ApplyGuiScript "C:\guiXT\scripts\VF03INV.vbs"
VBScript (VF03INV.vbs):
inv = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtVBRK-VBELN").text
session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = "pdf!"
session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
'with some little extra here on how to save a pdf in SAP
'get new strings for locations (specific to my situation)
abc = session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/cntlHTML/shellcont/shell").Browserhandle.locationURL
beg = instr(abc,"C:")
cde = mid(abc,beg,9999)
dest = "C:\111\invoices\" & inv & ".pdf"
'changing from temp to a specific folder
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FSO.copyfile cde, dest
'close the open file
Set fso = nothing
*the several If Not IsObject(application) Then you usually see were not necessary, but doesn't hurt to have them.
I hope this helps everyone learn Guixt
Within the VB script with the parameter "template" can you address a GuiXT variable as follows.
for example:
msgbox "&V[V_inv]"

Create and show a PDF file from a Lotus Notes action

I'm using an action inside a form to create a Word document, using the CreateObject("Word.application") method, then I modify it to my liking and save it in a temp directory.
I can show the Word document as soon as it is created by calling nameOfTheDocument.visible(true), and by modifying the Save action I can save the newly created document as a PDF, however I can't find a way to show it to the user.
Trying to call visible(true) on the PDF object results in error "Instance member VISIBLE does not exist"
Hmmm... The best and right way - use OS file association.
I'm use java way:
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + filePath);
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/usr/bin/open " + filePath);
But you can call this command on Lotusscript:
Shell({rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler } & fullFilePath,1)
Shell({/usr/bin/open } & fullFilePath,1)
We have used the Shell command to launch PDFs in the past. Something like the below. The only downside to this is if the location of the executable changes (whether from upgrade or change to a different program) the code breaks.
Dim ProgPath$, FilePath$
Dim result As Integer
'Path of the executable
ProgPath$ = |"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe"|
'Path of the file to open
FilePath$ = | "C:\TestFile.PDF"|
result = Shell(ProgPath$ & FilePath$,1)

Input past end of file

I'm having some trouble figuring out what's wrong with my VBScript code as it's giving me
Script Engine Error:62:Input past end of file
when i'm trying to run
Function FSORead(ini,Section,Key,defval)
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Documents and Settings\ndtm\Application Data\IceChat\Scripts\"+ini)
keysearch = False
Do Until File.AtEndOfStream
if keysearch = False then
if File.ReadLine = "["&Section&"]" then
keysearch = True
end if
if Key = Mid(File.ReadLine,1,instr(File.ReadLine,"=")-1) then
FSORead = Mid(File.ReadLine,len(Key)+1)
end if
if Mid(File.ReadLine,1,1) = "[" then
FSORead = defval
end if
end if
FSORead = defval
End Function
And the File i'm calling does exist and does contain stuff like
I have been trying different things but it's not working so i came here to see if someone could help me find what's wrong and how to fix it
Oh and this is the Sub calling it, it's made for a bot in a IRC network and the "SendCommand" basically allows you to execute non-script commands within the script itself
Sub FSOTest()
SendCommand "/msg #ndtm "&FSORead("http.ini","qtserver","survival","")
End Sub
if Key = Mid(File.ReadLine,1,instr(File.ReadLine,"=")-1) then
tries to read two lines from the file. You need a variable that can be send to Mid and Instr.
