WinInet C++ ftp template? - windows

Starting from scratch, would like to create an ftp application using WinInet.
Looking for a real basic example in C++ that will compile and get me started.

There's a bunch of partial samples on DotNetHeaven that could be glued to together without much work.
You could potentially use the MFC CFTPConnection (Which wrap the wininet api) as well, samples here on DotNetHeaven as well.


Named Pipes Matlab

I am having trouble locating an example for creating a windows named pipe in matlab.
Any suggestions on how to program or where to look?
Using .NET's System.IO.Pipes is probably the easiest way out of the box, easier than writing a MEX file to call the Win32 API. Matlab lets you call .NET directly from M-code, and the objects are managed so resource cleanup will be easier. .NET 3.5 and newer support named pipes.
The resulting M-code would look something like this. (Sorry; I don't have Matlab at the moment so can't test it.)
NET.addAssembly('System.Core'); %# might be superfluous
pipeStream = System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream('testpipe', System.IO.Pipes.PipeDirection.Out);
Nowadays, I think .NET is the easiest way to access native Windows features that Matlab doesn't directly expose. So for something like this, the first thing to try is looking for examples of doing it in C#. If it can be done in C# using .NET standard library features, you can often translate it pretty directly to M-code. E.g. I found this one by Googling for "create named pipe .net" and getting this example. Loren discusses this technique here.

why use Google V8

I don't get it. I'm a C/C++ programmer, what's the possible use of V8 for me? There are few examples and tutorials out there, and they all lack substance - I don't want to use another library to just add a couple of numbers or print something in a console window.
My question is: is there a real use for this technology, and if yes, then would be the scenario?
Also, can I do any part of GUI this way?
Help is appreciated.
"V8 is Google's open source JavaScript engine"
So the whole point is ability to write code in JavaScript, and run it quite fast (for an interpreted dynamic language). Google Chrome, which is written in C++, uses it for internal scripting — not only for regular web page scripting, but also for extension code. Let's consider this as a 'real use'.
So, if your app needs scripting, V8 may be good for you (JS is not a perfect language, but stil quite decent). As for GUI, you'll need to bind your GUI components with JS first, there's no built-in UI components (as Tk in TCL).
One real use of v8 is node.js. I hope that is good enough
Google V8 is a JavaScript engine.
I don't really think it is what you are looking for.
V8 is a JavaScript engine. The most common use for it is to allow users of your software to write scripts in simpler language than that your software was written with (C++ in your case).
It´s the same approach of Matlab, AutoCad, Microsoft Office, and etc.
If you write any kind of commercial application, you can expose some APIs and allow other developer to create addons for your applications without require them to know C/C++.
How about this for real use: You can use javascript as a debugging or testing tool - add a javascript console to your app and bind the commands of your GUI application to javascript functions, and you'll be able to test your UI application using javascript scripts. This way you'll reduce the amount of manual testing needed - manual testing would only have to verify that a correct command was excutes as a result of user action.
You can do GUI in javascript the same way that Qt is being used in Python and other scripting languages (see PyQt, and QtRuby, PerlQt, etc.). For how to create bindings for V8 you may want to check out this

Is it possible to create an application WITHOUT a framework?

I was just thinking. C# has Winforms/WPF, Java has Swing and other frameworks, C++ has QT and so on; is it possible to create an application without using a Framework?
Putting aside the practicality of it, I'm just curious. How would one create an application that Just Works(tm) without needing external frameworks?
Two options come to mind:
Classical Win32 applications written in C. I don't know if standard Windows SDK API also counts as an "external framework" in your book, but that's as low as it gets.
DirectX/OpenGL games written from scratch with your own homebrew framework (not external, right?) There you get to do all the drawing yourself - although again, you use a pretty big library of primitive drawing functions.
If you want even less "framework", you'll have to code your own OS and drivers. :P
C# needs .NET Framework, not WinForms (which is an optional library used by some application). The same with Java.
Unmanaged (native) applications usually use some runtime library - the library of common functions. You can write a native application without any library - the compiler lets you do this, but you will need to (re)write lots of common functions, eg. for string manipulation etc..
Firstly, what is a framework?
Really a framework is just a bunch of code that is provided to you. You could, at least in theory, write the same code yourself. In that case you wouldn't be using a framework.
Your application can only do what the operating system allows it to do. Your program cannot directly manipulate the graphics card for example. So you have to use the APIs of your operating system in order to do anything.
So you are going to be calling into other code. (unless you write your own operating system). You will also being using another framework or api to get stuff done.
Yes. How: in the way that the frameworks you mentioned are implemented.
From a Windows point of view, you would register your window with Windows, then listen to window messages and react as required. Everything would be up to you - from drawing the window to building controls.

C++ WinInet Wrapper for Windows Mobile

Environment: Win32, C++/VS2008
I'm getting into the need to make HTTP (not HTTPS) requests from the internet using a Windows Mobile phone and to save time + reinventing the wheel, wondered if anybody here might have kindly shared a simple C++ (Win32?) WinInet wrapper or similar class?
The closest I found so far using Google is on codeproject, but wondered if someone here might yet have a better implementation.
Thank you. :)
The WinInet API is the same on Windows as it is on Windows CE. And its disgustingly easy to program. Why do you need a c++ wrapper for a really simple C API before you can proceed?
If you need help with WinInet, then ask an actual question.
In the simplest case, use of WinInet would start with InternetOpen, followed by InternetOpenUrl and InternetReadFile. Making a class to wrap up access to that is really an exercise left for the reader.

Basic example of serial communication with Windows XP/win32

I am working with a peripheral device that needs to be communicated through serial. I can send it commands using HyperTerminal, but now I need to write programs that will let me do it without HyperTerminal. Can somebody point me to a website and/or show me a sample hello world program to get me started? I have searched through many sites which give me uncompilable/ancient VC6 code.
In order to interface with the serial port, you open a file with one of the special filenames "COM1" through "COM9". For serial ports with higher numbers, the special filename begins with \\?\, which in C/C++ code must be escaped as "\\\\?\\COM10", etc. has a really good tutorial on using the serial port. Note that you should use the Windows file I/O functions such as CreateFile(), ReadFile(), and WriteFile(). I'm not sure if it will work to use standard I/O functions such as fopen(), fread(), and fwrite().
Microsoft provides an article with sample code describing how to do this under Win32.
Boost:asio may be able to help as a serial device was added recently.
Fair warning though; the serial port documentation is light, presumably since it's quite new (it was added in asio 1.1.1 which was included in boost 1.36).
But working your way through asio is, IMHO, a better solution than using the raw Win32 API. Why? It'll be easier to read and maintain (it's a higher level API) and it'll be cross platform (except where you need to specify the OS-specific device name).
The Boost - Users and asio.user mailing lists are quite active and friendly and ought to be able to help you out if you get stuck.
If using .NET 2.0 see System.IO.Ports and this article should be helpful. If direct Win32, then Adam's answer is best.
I believe you will find plenty of sample code for C# as well if you find VC6 too ancient. I think there are also a bunch of "free" serial/COM port wrappers but I just wrote my own when I wrote an RS232 device controller piece of software.
google C# and serial port or rs232
I got these:
You should have no problem finding suitable code with a google search.
