C++ WinInet Wrapper for Windows Mobile - windows

Environment: Win32, C++/VS2008
I'm getting into the need to make HTTP (not HTTPS) requests from the internet using a Windows Mobile phone and to save time + reinventing the wheel, wondered if anybody here might have kindly shared a simple C++ (Win32?) WinInet wrapper or similar class?
The closest I found so far using Google is on codeproject, but wondered if someone here might yet have a better implementation.
Thank you. :)

The WinInet API is the same on Windows as it is on Windows CE. And its disgustingly easy to program. Why do you need a c++ wrapper for a really simple C API before you can proceed?
If you need help with WinInet, then ask an actual question.
In the simplest case, use of WinInet would start with InternetOpen, followed by InternetOpenUrl and InternetReadFile. Making a class to wrap up access to that is really an exercise left for the reader.


Is there a way to create a GUI in Lua?

I am working on a Genetic Algorithm solution to TSP in Lua, and have reached a point where I need a better method of troubleshooting and checking results. The best way to do this would be with a GUI, but I can't seem to find anything about GUIs in Lua.
I've done some searching around Google, and haven't found anything built in to the language. I have found Toolkits such as the one found here:
However, I am new enough to Lua that I do not know how to properly use these. Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
A few ideas:
But first, what platform are you on?
Are you constrained by platform? If not, I've done very exciting things directly on an iPad, in Codea. Pure Lua, built on OpenGL, so built-in API for graphics support.
Beyond that, you could probably use Love2d. It's meant for game dev, but you could probably adapt it to your needs. It's a Lua API, has graphics support, and is cross-platform. I don't know much about it (yet), so others could pipe in with their thoughts/opinions.
If you are still shaky in Lua, I suggest to stick to the console for a while. GUI, whatever the language, is usually messy and unsatisfying for beginners.
If you already know some HTML and Javascript, consider using Lua with a web framework, and using the browser to control your program through a REST API:
Awesome-Lua#Web/Networking Platforms
Apart from that, I have yet to find a GUI framework that feels right for Lua. Almost everything is a thin wrapper around a C or C++ API and handles exactly like that. On the other hand, with the web and Electron on the rise there seems little need for it.

Is it possible to write a Windows service entirely in node.js?

I'm experimenting with using node.js beyond the server as a general-purpose scripting and application programming language.
One project on my TODO list would be a Windows service so I'm considering tackling it with node.js
I believe I have seen some kind of Windows API bindings for node.js but I don't know how complete or mainstream they are. (I'm willing to contribute!)
What would it take to implement a Windows service in node.js? (Trivial example appreciated.)
You should be able to do this very easily using Winser.
Try node-windows. It's similar to WinSer, but has more options.

How can I call Windows API functions using emacs lisp?

I want to call some Windows API functions to manipulate Windows Input Method Editor to make my Emacs an IME-aware application. How can I call Windows API functions using Emacs lisp?
Thank you!
I dont believe its possible to directly call native code from emacs; the best you'll be able to achieve is to proxy calls to the Windows API through another process, and communicate with it through IPC
Check this stackoverflow question:
load a dynamic library from elisp
I think maybe need a proxy interface, but use w32-send-sys-command can do little things,
code 61776 can send hotkey maybe worth a try

receive data from microphone in scheme

I want to make voice pitch classfying program in scheme
target platform is windows xp, 7
development environment is DrRacket 5.1
for that, I want to know how to receive data from microphone
could somebody kindly let me know?
any suggestion and advice are also welcome!
thanks alot!
If I wanted to accomplish this, I would probably work on extending the PortAudio connection contained in the RSound planet package. This would almost certainly involve some careful study of the PortAudio interface. Alternatively, you could connect directly to the Windows API's; I hear they're fairly nice. I'm afraid that the short answer is that it's not a simple question of using an existing interface.

WinInet C++ ftp template?

Starting from scratch, would like to create an ftp application using WinInet.
Looking for a real basic example in C++ that will compile and get me started.
There's a bunch of partial samples on DotNetHeaven that could be glued to together without much work.
You could potentially use the MFC CFTPConnection (Which wrap the wininet api) as well, samples here on DotNetHeaven as well.
