Chat Bubble Cocoa - macos

I have been trying to create a chat bubble for about a month now... (you know, like the one in iChat or Tweetie). At some point I found a thread that said that I could use Twitterfon's source... which I did. But I get stuck for a few reasons. Which ones? Apple didn't seem to implement all the methods needed for calculating the rect's size. E.g.: NSTextField doesn't implement a method that allows me to give an NSRect in order for it to calculate the best size. The fact is, Tweetie's bubble rects are always perfect. I dropped him a line asking how he did that, but I didn't get a reply. Although, I understand, because it is used in a commercial application. I thought that with the popularity of iPhone's SMS application (and iChat, or any app including chat bubbles), someone would probably made an implementation on OS X, and made it open source. I am not very experienced, and mainly I don't have time (school), so this is why I have been working on it for one month and have not found a solution.
If someone created the thing on Cocoa, would they please explain their solution for it ? Or even better, show some code...

The AppKit NSString Additions have methods to measure strings for drawing, and for more advanced purposes you can use NSLayoutManager. See the Text Layout Programming Guide for more info.

Alternatively you could use WebKit and HTML/CSS. I believe this is how Adium achieve their IM message themes.

Check out the BubbleThingie sample code for example of how to do the image masking. It also has example of how to do the text bubbles using a UIButton or UILabel and does all the size calculations. it also allows to tint the bubbles any color.


What do I need to do this?

I am new to coding and wanted to get some hands on practice with a project I have in mind. Here it is:
Let's say you have blank page and on the side of a screen you have several items you can choose to draw on the blank page. For example the background can be mountains, the ocean, a forest etc. On top of that you can place a house, a church or another selectable element. Whatever you like.
It is like a picture editor where you can put together a picture with different pre-given elements. Or like in video games where you can create your own character.
What would I need to build a web application for that kind of thing?
This link should get you started but it won't be the complete answer to your question -
Essentially, you can achieve your image dragging and dropping using similar techniques. It will require a bit of Spike work from yourself, and looking into how HTML5 can handle drag and drop. I discovered this resource fairly quickly and I think the solution you want isn't as complicated as you may think, it just requires a bit of know-how regarding drag and drop operations within HTML5 :-)
Also, there may already be some JavaScript based API's that do this sort of thing easier but I'm not too aware - I suppose starting this way could be a great introduction for you and you may wish to expand once you've done some work for it :-)
Hope this helps you and your coding journey!

create a simple (and visible!) UI slider in Unity 5

![enter image description here][1]please I need some help, this should apparently be something very simple and basic to do, but maybe I'm missing something.
I'm quite newbie to Unity3d, I had no much problem with creating a somewhat flashy 2.D scene (I mean 2D with different layers in Z level), scripts, etc. But I'm having trouble to create a "UI Slider" object: when I create it, it just shows nothing on screen. How can I make it visible? I just need to create a very simple, plain slider whose value can be controlled at runtime by means of a script.
Well.. since you give nothing to go on, I suggest that you take a look at a tutorial for the UI:
If you have troubles after this tutorial, come back with an example of your problem to make people more willing to sacrifice their time in helping you.
Hope this is somewhat useful
Take a look at the Unity3D docs here.
It should have what you are looking for.

Code to Draw simple PushButton in Quartz?

I know that, Cocoa uses quartz underneath to render the UI.
Thus can anybody share source code underneath that generates this PushButton displayed on screen?
I need this as a part of my research where I am trying to figure out if its possible to have all the UI elements on Mac using quartz (Of-course all 2D elements). I have been able to render others elements but Buttons and its variants still blocks me.
Thank you.
You can use HIThemeDrawButton, documented in /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Headers/HITheme.h.

Cocoa Scalable Interface for Digital Signage Display

I'm working on a Cocoa application which will be used for a digital-signage/kiosk style display. I've never done anything like this with Cocoa before, but I'm trying to figure out what the best approach is for building the user interface for it.
My main issue is that I need a way to have the user interface scaled up or down depending on the resolution of the display. When I say scaled, I mean that I want everything including white space to maintain the same sizing ratio. The aspect ratio of the interface needs to remain the same (16x9), but it should always fill the entire width of the display its on.
Sorry if I'm not being descriptive enough.
What are some thoughts?
If I follow you correctly, you want all buttons and views, etc. to get larger, the bigger the screen is (which has nothing to do with the dimensions of your views). If that's the case, there's no automatic way to do this.
With Quartz Debugger (part of Xcode Tools), you can set the scaling factor (see "resolution independence"), but this would need to be manually adjusted per system. What's more is I'm not sure if this tinge is persistent across reboots. I leave that for you to investigate.
As far as I know, though, there's no way to adjust this programmatically as resolution independence is still not an exposed consumer feature of OS X.
If anyone is interested, I seem to have found a solution under this post:

Opengl Window with mouse control for win 32

I am new to OpenGl, almost new to C++.
I am looking for some code that does the following things.
Open an OpenGL window (maybe using glut)
Rotate the view point when the user press the left mouse button
zoom when the user press the right mouse button
translate the point of view the user press the central button
Basically what I need is a very simple graphics platform in which I will plot results coming from my algorithms. I have tried using the glut library and some code coming from the web, but no luck!
This should be a basic project, can you please point me where to find it. It just seems unreal to me that a so simple project turns to be so hard to find, but I have been googling for hours and no results.
I really appreciate your help,
thank you very much
You're asking for a fair amount of code there. Basic, but not insubstantial. Even if we do provide the code to do what you've asked, I'm not sure if you'll be able to use it to do what you want. The Red Book is a "bible" of openGL programming of sorts and will provide you with many of the functions and how to use them. I found the entire thing online here. Look into Chapters 1-3 for your drawing and rotating. Also, Lighthouse 3D has some great tutorials for you to look at for mouse events (Link). Some knowledge of linear algebra really helps, but you can manage without it.
I don't think it directly implements everything you want, but you might want to look at the 3D graph control on Code Project. This is hardly unique though -- you might want to Google for something like "opengl activex" and look at some of the alternatives. I doubt any will directly implement all you've asked for -- they'll probably include most of the basic operations, but it'll be up to you to make the connection between the mouse operations and the actions in the window.
