Cocoa Scalable Interface for Digital Signage Display - cocoa

I'm working on a Cocoa application which will be used for a digital-signage/kiosk style display. I've never done anything like this with Cocoa before, but I'm trying to figure out what the best approach is for building the user interface for it.
My main issue is that I need a way to have the user interface scaled up or down depending on the resolution of the display. When I say scaled, I mean that I want everything including white space to maintain the same sizing ratio. The aspect ratio of the interface needs to remain the same (16x9), but it should always fill the entire width of the display its on.
Sorry if I'm not being descriptive enough.
What are some thoughts?

If I follow you correctly, you want all buttons and views, etc. to get larger, the bigger the screen is (which has nothing to do with the dimensions of your views). If that's the case, there's no automatic way to do this.
With Quartz Debugger (part of Xcode Tools), you can set the scaling factor (see "resolution independence"), but this would need to be manually adjusted per system. What's more is I'm not sure if this tinge is persistent across reboots. I leave that for you to investigate.
As far as I know, though, there's no way to adjust this programmatically as resolution independence is still not an exposed consumer feature of OS X.

If anyone is interested, I seem to have found a solution under this post:


UIImageView Fit Entire Screen

Note: I looked at the other questions similar to this one, and they were either outdated or not useful.
Unfortunately there are so many different screen sizes and that makes auto layout really confusing for me. I want to have a simple UIImageView to cover the entire screen no matter what screen size it is. So the dimensions of the UIImageView should change accordingly.
I tried adding constraints to squish the image and it worked fine. But an error in the debugger said that there was an error: UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints
Is this a big deal? And if it is, how do I get the Image to fill the entire screen?
Edit: The game will have squares going down the screen, which the user must tap
It might be, or it might not be a big deal, depending on what you're doing and if you know what you're trying to accomplish. In my experience, this is usually an issue if you're trying to programmatically alter the frame of a view which already has set constraints (you shouldn't alter the frame by hand unless you really need it).
Without more detail, it's hard to say what the exact issue is.

Best Practice for laying out images for printing in a WYSIWYG Mac app?

I'm in the concept phase of a Mac application that should let the user easily select and layout images for printing. It's a document-based app and a document can have multiple pages with lots of pictures in different sizes and rotations on it. The UI would kind of be like the UI of
Those pictures can possibly be large hi-res images. The user should also be able to print them in the best quality that the images offer.
I have re-watched some WWDC sessions about Quartz, 2D drawing optimization and NSView.
I know that there are a few different ways of accomplishing what I want to do, namely:
Use a custom view for a "page" and draw the images in drawRect: with Core Graphics/Quartz. Use CG transforms to rotate and scale images.
Also use a custom view for a "page", but use NSImageView-subviews to display the images. Use Core Animation and layer transforms to scale/rotate images.
What is the best practice for this? Drawing with Core Graphics or using NSViews? Why?
Thank you so much!
Depends on how interactive these pages should be. If there is a lot of mouse interaction, e.g. dragging, selecting etc. I'd go with views. If you want fluid animations I'd even use plain CALayers with their content set to one image. This would also let you zPosition the images in case they overlap. A view based solution makes z-ordering hard.
The drawRect method should be fastest but you have hard times integrating user interaction and you must z-order manually.
This is a reply I got from opening one of my two Apple Technical Support Incidents:
Hi Johannes,
Thanks for contacting Apple DTS regarding your question about printing
and the different ways to construct your applications general UI (with
There is a trend toward using layer-backed views in OS X (utilizing
Core Animation layers) which is motivated by the ability to easily
animate your application's user interface, with little work, when
needed. However in terms of printing, you would be better off to
implement drawRect for custom views so that the view contents can be
drawn at "full resolution" when rendered into the context for
If instead you use layer backed views at as those layers to
"renderInContext" the layer contents would be used to render, which
commonly will not be set to the full resolution of your source
documents/images. This is because layer backed views take additional
memory to store those bitmaps (cached layer contents), and because of
that, they are recommended to be sized appropriately for the screen
(which may not necessarily be sized appropriately for the printed
Does this help guide your application architecture? Please let me
So basically this means that using layer-backed views might result in sub-optimal printing quality. I've replied with some follow-up questions ("How setting wantsLayer = NO on the rootView right before printing help?") and will post the answers as soon as I get them.
All three approaches should work. Since you should be using scaled-down representations of large images anyway, I don't think there will be much difference. Do what you feel most comfortable doing.
My guess is just using layer-backed NSViews (one par draggable image) will probably work best for starters. If you find performance lacking, you can always micro-optimize. Note that you may have to make your views a tad larger than the images so you can draw the selection handles outside them.
This is all assuming that you will never want to do a more complex drawing.

How can I resize my vb6 program so that it automatically fits in any screen resolution?

How can I have a vb6 program which opens correctly in 1280*1024 but when switched to other resolutions say 640*480 i can only see half of the screen. how to re-size my vb6 program so that it automatically fits in any screen resolution?
You need to use the Screen object, this will always give you the current resolution in pixels:
Dim screenwidth,screenheight As Single
screenwidth = Screen.Width \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
screenheight = Screen.Height \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Usually a Form amenable to resizing has controls that lend themselves to a "flow" layout. Often this is something like a TextBox, grid control, etc. that supports scrollbars. You shrink/grow such controls as required after allocating positions for (i.e. moving) the fixed-size elements like buttons and such.
For a busy Form with lots of fixed size controls that isn't "document oriented" there is no set answer. Sometimes creating a scrollable Form makes sense but usually it doesn't.
Some people try to resize "fixed" elements, change fonts sizes, etc. This can produce results of mixed quality though, sometimes good and sometimes not.
Considerations about the Form size are best made up front as part of the design process. For some applications it might be better to decide on a minimum supported Form size. In other cases you may have to break things up with dialog Forms or tab controls.
There's no easy way to do this in VB6, like there is in .Net. You have to manually resize everything in the form's Resized event handler based on the new form's client size. It's a pain, and a huge mess, but it's the only way to do it.
Correction: There's never only one way to do things, but I've been programming VB6 for several years, and usually just writing it into the Resize handler is straightforward enough, and I haven't found any good way to do it other than that.
Have you tried any 3rd party tools for doing this? Here's (a free) one that seems to work :-
ActiveResize Control Lite - I created a quick project to try it and it does what it says on the tin!
The lite version has some limitions such as number of forms in project, number of controls on form etc. You can also buy a Standard or Professional version if you need more functionality.
I know we've spent countless hours trying to implement our own resizing code only to remove it all and fix the location of most controls, move a few to make it look better and limit the min/max functionality of the form - none of which give a nice user experience. If we needed to do it again I probably use this control (or a similar one) just for the time savings.
I use ComponentOne SizerOne
The C1Elastic control allow from resizing and maintain the aspect ratio, resizing the inside controls on the setting you defined.
It's not free, but it payed itself with all the time I saved.
Form1.Height = Screen.Height
Form1.Width = Screen.Width
This code sets form size according to screen resolution.
"ActiveResize Control Lite" ActiveX tool is limited to 20 controls per form.
Once we know the screen resolution, there are a number of things you can do.
• The easiest solution would be do design different form to accommodate the four most popular monitor resolutions – 640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, and 1600 x 1200.
• Alternatively, we could write code that dynamically resizes and relocates every control on the form, based on the screen resolution – not an easy undertaking!
• Third party controls that resize the controls based on the screen resolution are quite effective. On the whole, though, it's better to just avoid this kind of problem, if you can. For example, see Creating Flexible Forms in Visual Basic (Flexi-Forms) at
To auto fit screen resolution you need to download an active x, drag it on your conform.
Search for "veg gold vb6.0 screen Resize".

Chat Bubble Cocoa

I have been trying to create a chat bubble for about a month now... (you know, like the one in iChat or Tweetie). At some point I found a thread that said that I could use Twitterfon's source... which I did. But I get stuck for a few reasons. Which ones? Apple didn't seem to implement all the methods needed for calculating the rect's size. E.g.: NSTextField doesn't implement a method that allows me to give an NSRect in order for it to calculate the best size. The fact is, Tweetie's bubble rects are always perfect. I dropped him a line asking how he did that, but I didn't get a reply. Although, I understand, because it is used in a commercial application. I thought that with the popularity of iPhone's SMS application (and iChat, or any app including chat bubbles), someone would probably made an implementation on OS X, and made it open source. I am not very experienced, and mainly I don't have time (school), so this is why I have been working on it for one month and have not found a solution.
If someone created the thing on Cocoa, would they please explain their solution for it ? Or even better, show some code...
The AppKit NSString Additions have methods to measure strings for drawing, and for more advanced purposes you can use NSLayoutManager. See the Text Layout Programming Guide for more info.
Alternatively you could use WebKit and HTML/CSS. I believe this is how Adium achieve their IM message themes.
Check out the BubbleThingie sample code for example of how to do the image masking. It also has example of how to do the text bubbles using a UIButton or UILabel and does all the size calculations. it also allows to tint the bubbles any color.

Any suggestions for best practices to follow when creating UI prototypes using sketchFlow for multiple screen sizes?

am looking to prototype the UI for an windows application. The app will be deployed on several display devices with different (physical) screen sizes and aspect ratios. Would like to be able to generate scenarios optimized on one display and quickly check if the layout is OK on different screen sizes, orientations. That is, I'd like to prototype one set of scenarios and "automatically" generate the same scenarios on different screens. Have superficial knowledge of MS Sketchflow. Have seen some best practices at . Am wondering if folk can advise on best practices to follow in sketchflow.
To quickly be able to check how things will look, I have 2 possible suggestions:
Use the states panel to create a state group/states that change the size of the layout container (such as layoutroot) you are working with. Then in the sketchflow player, you can select the state from the navigation menu and see how it looks.
Use a ChangePropertyAction behavior from the asset panel attached to a button. You can set the height or width to the size you want. If you use 2, you can set both the height and width. This would give you the ability to control the layout size and see how it is rendered.
Hope that helps, let me know if you need more info.
Keep a consistent theme between the pages, kind of goes without saying.
