Code to Draw simple PushButton in Quartz? - cocoa

I know that, Cocoa uses quartz underneath to render the UI.
Thus can anybody share source code underneath that generates this PushButton displayed on screen?
I need this as a part of my research where I am trying to figure out if its possible to have all the UI elements on Mac using quartz (Of-course all 2D elements). I have been able to render others elements but Buttons and its variants still blocks me.
Thank you.

You can use HIThemeDrawButton, documented in /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Headers/HITheme.h.


What's the closest widget to implement this after-effects feature in Gtk

wisgetwas wondering what widget in gtk (using gtkmm) could be used to implemented the movable button looking thing in the picture. and also the dotted line.
dotted line
edit: the widget is supposed to be able to move left and right along the time-track to be able to set the play bounds. Here is a video showing how it looks like in after effects. From sescond 37 is how the behaviour for it supposed to be.
edit: from what it looks like there isnt a specific widget which could simplify this. However a regular button can be used and then implementing a method for its drage using the various signal handlers associated with a Gtk button
There is no widget that does this (see the widget gallery).
You can, however, add custom widgets using Cairo. In the official Gtkmm book, there is an example for creating a custom clock widget using the Gtk::DrawingArea. The Gtk::DrawingArea offers a lot of signals which you can connect to.
I have created my own widgets in the past using this and it worked just fine. However, it was a lot of work because:
Cairo lacks good documentation. Understanding the philosophy behind this library is a lot of work, often empirical.
It can be hard to acheive acceptable performance using Cairo. One has to be really careful in how the drawing of the widget is performed. There is often a naive way to do it, which is clearer in the code, but devastating in terms of performance (it often involves useless redraws on the CPU).

Sophisticated HTML5 Image Map?

I have an image of a living room, which I'm turning into a menu for a new site I'm working on. The idea is that you can click on certain items in the room, like a chair, desk, couch, etc and get taken to the desired page. I'm wondering if there is a clever way of doing this. Since the items are not simple shapes, I don't want to use a standard image map.
Thanks for you help!
I'm answering because a Google search brought me here...
Because you asked for a tool:
GIMP Has a really good Image map creation function.
Open your image in GIMP and select Filters > Web > ImageMap
From there you can create image maps by drawing on the image. Saving will generate HTML you can then tailor to your needs.
This tool looks to be a solid image mapper:
I'd suggest doing this with a canvas and SVG's, it would make this quite a bit easier, and more professional.
As Korvin mentioned, doing this in SVG is probably the easiest option, because you can attach events to objects in SVG rather than having to manually specify a particular area in which to listen for events.
If you go this route, I recommend using the RaphaelJS library which has a nice syntax and the advantage of working in IE pre version 9. Here's a demo which, although it uses onmouseover instead of onclick, it might be close to what you're trying to achieve:

Drawing large images for ipad

I am developing an application for viewing images.
I used the example of PhotoScroller Apple to implement this application.
In my application I want to be able to draw on the image.
I had the idea to put a UIView on top with transparent background and draw the lines via touch events. This solution has become very slow because the generated images are very large, around 3700x2000 pixels.
I also tried a solution with the example of Apple GLPaint that uses OpenGL, but it has a size limitation of 2048x2048 pixels.
Anyone have any idea or example of how I implement this?
I think you should try and tile your image.
One option is using CATiledLayer. Have a look at this short tutorial.
Or you could try and use CGContextDrawTiledImage to get your stuff done. Possibly this post from S.O. could help you getting started.

How can I add a MyDrawPanel to a program while adding other objects as well?

I am attempting to make a simple game, and I have loaded an image onto a myDrawPanel, which is on the JFrame, successfully. However, I also want to add other things to my GUI, such as buttons, etc. I cannot do this, however, because when I add the myDrawPanel to a JPanel, all I get is a small square in the top center of the window. This is proving to be greatly limiting, and I was wondering if there is an alternative "JObject" that I can add the myDrawPanel to in order to allow for the customization of my GUI. Thanks in advance, and Merry Christmas!
A JPanel (or sub-class) generally obtains its size from the components it contains. If no components are in it, it will be small.
One way to fix that is to call setPreferredSize(Dimension) on the customized panel.
p1.setPreferredSize(new Dimention(1100,800));

Chat Bubble Cocoa

I have been trying to create a chat bubble for about a month now... (you know, like the one in iChat or Tweetie). At some point I found a thread that said that I could use Twitterfon's source... which I did. But I get stuck for a few reasons. Which ones? Apple didn't seem to implement all the methods needed for calculating the rect's size. E.g.: NSTextField doesn't implement a method that allows me to give an NSRect in order for it to calculate the best size. The fact is, Tweetie's bubble rects are always perfect. I dropped him a line asking how he did that, but I didn't get a reply. Although, I understand, because it is used in a commercial application. I thought that with the popularity of iPhone's SMS application (and iChat, or any app including chat bubbles), someone would probably made an implementation on OS X, and made it open source. I am not very experienced, and mainly I don't have time (school), so this is why I have been working on it for one month and have not found a solution.
If someone created the thing on Cocoa, would they please explain their solution for it ? Or even better, show some code...
The AppKit NSString Additions have methods to measure strings for drawing, and for more advanced purposes you can use NSLayoutManager. See the Text Layout Programming Guide for more info.
Alternatively you could use WebKit and HTML/CSS. I believe this is how Adium achieve their IM message themes.
Check out the BubbleThingie sample code for example of how to do the image masking. It also has example of how to do the text bubbles using a UIButton or UILabel and does all the size calculations. it also allows to tint the bubbles any color.
