How to work with a Mac on a OpenSource project? [closed] - macos

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm really interested in participating as a new developer in an OpenSource project.
My Problem now is - what is the best way to participate with a Mac on an OSS Project? (Without using a Virtual Machine or DualBoot.)
As there is no usual apt-get system, what is the best way of working on such an existing project? Would you use Xcode or Eclipse or something else completely?
The setup for all those steps (Building, linking libraries etc.) has always been the part that never worked properly for me. Is there a tutorial which explains how to set the stuff up properly with these IDEs?
Thank you!

Fink is a package system for Mac, it gives you most of what apt-get does on a Linux system.

Xcode is the best choice, I think, irrespective of project

I can give you a very simple recipe.
Pick a Java open source project.
Install Eclipse on MacOS.
Go to work.
No libraries, no linking, no fuss, no muss, no bother.
If you want to work in C or C++, the question is going to be whether you are the only person. For a project that has already been ported to mac, you just do what the others are doing. You run 'configure', and all is well, and you use and editor to edit and gdb to debug.


Debug a ruby project (to become familiar with the code flow) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can someone suggest a IDE for Ruby which will make it easier to understand the code flow of the project. I am looking for something similar to intellij remote debugger for JAVA. The debugger should transfer the complete control of the code, so that stepping into and stepping out of the code becomes easier.
Rubymine is a very good IDE by JetBrains, so you should be on famillier grounds if you've worked IntelliJ. Among other things, it has a built in debugger with the functionalities you described.
One major caveat though - it's not free, and there's no community edition like there is for IntelliJ.
I use cloud9 IDE for Ruby programming and it does everything and more. You get a full Linux environment which includes a terminal, file-tree structure navigation and a code-editor. Best of all it's free to use but there are upgrade options if you need more muscle.
You can even collaborate on it (which you may have to pay for, I'm not sure).

How to generate documentation for Clojure code on Windows? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I can't seem to find a way to generate documentation for Clojure code on Windows.
Marginalia seems to be broken on all platforms since 1.7 (see here:
Codox has an issue
open on this topic (
The Autodoc plugin for Lein 2 seems to be broken as well (not
enough reputation to post more than two links, but there's an issue
open on this over at GitHub).
Has anyone succeeded in running any of these three on Windows? Should I try something else?
I do not have a choice here, it must run on Windows.
As I'm building a case for clojure in the company, it must play well with leiningen, which is used to build and test our code.
Another option is autodoc - seems to still be active, but from the README it seems there are no promises it works on windows - still you could give it a try.
I think codox might still be your best bet. It's pretty popular and well maintained (there's only 4 open bugs right now and they're pretty newish - one of which is the one you referenced in your question). So maybe give it some time.
Finally, I know this is probably obvious and not ideal, but you could at least do one-off generations of documentation on a *nix system for the time being.

Steps on how to install PyQT for Windows 7? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I haven't come across any step-by-step guide (ones I've found are outdated, and one on riverbankcomputing is too confusing), and was wondering if I could get any help. I've been on a wild goose chase thus far
Go to the download page and install the executable there. That should help you get started.
Unfortunately the binary installer is no longer available (at time of writing). It looks like you've got install the QT SDK and then build PyQT
actually the page that download link goes to is pretty confusing. the latest version of pyqt4 is 4.10. about midway down the page there are what appear to be 'legacy' versions (i.e. 4.8 ). I noticed that when I click that link for the executable - it actually serves up 4.10 which is the latest fuly automagical installation.

kcachegrind for windows [duplicate]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there any tool, other than KCacheGrind, being able to view callgrind results? Preferably for Windows platform?
I have compiled kcachegrind on windows using QT4.7, here is the binary bundle (including the dot utility to generate call graph):
Try WebGrind:
Runs on your local PHP server. Be careful, use XDebug profiling with the XDEBUG_PROFILE flag or otherwise you'll risk overwriting your profiling output when you open WebGrind (Since WebGrind is also a PHP web application). The WebGrind website also details other approaches to work around this. Cheers.
You can try WinCacheGrind.
It seems that WinCacheGrind cannot open output of callgrind. I have not tried opening output of cachegrind, but it should work, I guess.
From the Valkyrie page, (as of date) "Currently, Valkyrie supports Memcheck only, although work is in progress to handle Cachegrind and Massif."
alleyoop and valkyrie (broken link) are alternative front ends.
May have enough suport for what you want, you can use mingw to compile for Windows native if SUA does not work out of the box.
There's a new project called XCallGraph for viewing cachegrind files on Windows.
I have tried these:
They're very similar but differ in details. I can recommend the QCacheGrind which is the most feature packed and has also a graphical representation, which can help to identify problems much faster.

Cocoa interface to GEDCOM file [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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The only full-fledged GPL Cocoa editor for GEDCOM 5.5 files (GenerationX) was last released in 2003:
It looks unstable under Snow Leopard and would badly need a revamp.
Someone recently posted a proof-of-concept application (unrelated to GenerationX) on Google Code, but it looks like an unmaintained project:
Is there any Cocoa developer interested in genealogy and willing to resurrect any of these projects? Or any other projects with a decent release cycle I am not aware of?
The Mac genealogy software market is dominated by pricy and feature-bloated proprietary solutions. A no-nonsense open source GEDCOM-compliant framework for Mac OS would be a blessing.
Did you check out GRAMPS? (Written in Python, using Gtk. So it doesn't look native on OSX, but works.)
There is MacPAF, but I'm not sure what the status of it is.
If you are still looking into Genealogy-Software, you might want to try the free program "Familienbande".
It's available for Mac and for Windows, free for personal use, supports GedCom and it is well maintained. I only use the German version (the developer is German) but since he has some native speaking US contributors, I assume the English version should also be usable.
The UI needs some getting used to, but for a free program, it is absolutely perfect.
Give it a try under:
