Effect of short term high VM memory usage (Windows) - windows

In the app I'm writing, I use a lot of in memory containers (C++ std containers but I don't think that's relevant).
During one "task" of my app, in a heavy usage edge-case the private bytes memory usage hits 1GB.
Just as a bit of context, this task is a user initiated task involving 100,000s files. It's likely that the user will kick this off and then leave the machine running.
(And no I don't do anything dumb like load files into memory - this footprint is all metadata related to the task in progress).
For most users the memory usage during this task is negligable - it's just the 1% of users who want to do 500,000 "things" insted of 5000 "things".
I was about to embark on a process to move a lot of this in-memory stuff to disk somehow, e.g. scratch file, embedded DB.
But then I thought - "hang on a minute. All of these solutions are essentially caching memory to disk. Isn't that what Virtual Memory is for?".
I'm not interested in persisting this data - it's purely scratch/temporary stuff I need access to while the task is running.
So my question is, what should I do?
I don't want to do a major refactor for that 1%, but I want to know the impact of running an app with that high a memory footprint.
Am I right in saying that I probably wouldn't be able to do much better than the Windows VM manager anyway?
Under what conditions does this become harmful? OK so yes, if I used up all the real memory then it'd be thrashing to reload pages. But wouldn't I have that anyway in the case if e.g. an embedded database?

Yes, the memory manager will do the job for you. Not without side-effects though, it is going to evict pages from RAM that other processes have mapped and give them to you. Those other processes are going to get slowed down by this, they'll be hit with a page fault when they access such a swapped-out page.
The balancing act here is whether your app is "important" enough to justify those other processes from getting short shrift. Usually that's Yes on a work station, a resounding No on a server.


is the jvm faster under load?

Lots of personal experience, anecdotal evidence, and some rudimentary analysis suggests that a Java server (running, typically, Oracle's 1.6 JVM) has faster response times when it's under a decent amount of load (only up to a point, obviously).
I don't think this is purely hotspot, since response times slow down a bit again when the traffic dies down.
In a number of cases we can demonstrate this by averaging response times from server logs ... in some cases it's as high as 20% faster, on average, and with a smaller standard deviation.
Can anyone explain why this is so? Is it likely a genuine effect, or are the averages simply misleading? I've seen this for years now, through several jobs, and tend to state it as a fact, but have no explanation for why.
EDIT a fairly large edit for wording and adding more detail throughout.
A few thoughts:
Hotspot kicks in when a piece of code is being executed significantly more than other pieces (it's the hot spot of the program). This makes that piece of code significantly faster (for the normal path) from that point forward. The rate of call after the hotspot compilation is not important, so I don't think this is causing the effect you are mentioning.
Is the effect real? It's very easy to trick yourself with statistics. Not saying you are, but be sure that all your runs are included in the result, and that all other effects (such as other programs, activity, and your monitoring program are the same in all cases. I have more than one had my monitoring program, such as top, cause a difference in behaviour). On one occasion, the performance of the application went up appreciably when the caches warmed up on the database - there was memory pressure from other applications on the same DB instance.
The Operating System and/or CPU may well be involved. The OS and CPU both actively and passively do things to improve the responsiveness of the main program as it moves from being mainly running to being mainly waiting for I/O and vice versa, including:
OS paging memory to disk while it's not being used, and back to RAM when the program is running
OS will cache frequently used disk blocks, which again may improve the application performance
CPU instruction and memory caches fill with the active program's instruction and data
Java applications particularly sensitive to memory paging effects because:
A typical Java application server will pre-allocate almost all free memory to Java. The large memory makes the application inherently more sensitive to memory effects
The generational garbage collector used to manage Java memory ends up creating new objects over a lot of pages, so each request to the application will need more page requests than in other languages. (this is true principally for 'new' objects that have not been through many garbage collections. Objects promoted to the permanent generation are actually very compactly stored)
As most available physical memory is allocated on the system, there is always a pressure on memory, and the largest, least recently run application is a perfect candidate to be pages out.
With these considerations, there is much more probability that there will be page misses and therefore a performance hit than environments with smaller memory requirements. These will be particularly manifest after Java has been idle for some time.
If you use Solaris or Mac, the excellent dTrace can trace memory and disk paging specific to an application. The JVM has numerous dTrace hooks that can be used as triggers to start and stop page monitoring.
On Solaris, you can use large memory pages (even over 1GB in size) and pin them to RAM so they will never be paged out. This should eliminate the memory page problem stated above. Remember to leave a good chunk of free memory for disk caching and for other system/maintenance/backup/management apps. I am sure that other OSes support similar features.
TL/DR: The currently running program in modern operating systems will appear to run faster after a few seconds as the OS brings the program and data pages back from disk, places frequently used disk pages in disk cache and the OS instruction and data caches will tend to be "warmer" for the main program. This effect is not unique to the JVM but is more visible due to the memory requirements of typical Java applications and the garbage collection memory model.

In what applications caching does not give any advantage?

Our professor asked us to think of an embedded system design where caches cannot be used to their full advantage. I have been trying to find such a design but could not find one yet. If you know such a design, can you give a few tips?
Caches exploit the fact data (and code) exhibit locality.
So an embedded system wich does not exhibit locality, will not benefit from a cache.
An embedded system has 1MB of memory and 1kB of cache.
If this embedded system is accessing memory with short jumps it will stay long in the same 1kB area of memory, which could be successfully cached.
If this embedded system is jumping in different distant places inside this 1MB and does that frequently, then there is no locality and cache will be used badly.
Also note that depending on architecture you can have different caches for data and code, or a single one.
More specific example:
If your embedded system spends most of its time accessing the same data and (e.g.) running in a tight loop that will fit in cache, then you're using cache to a full advantage.
If your system is something like a database that will be fetching random data from any memory range, then cache can not be used to it's full advantage. (Because the application is not exhibiting locality of data/code.)
Another, but weird example
Sometimes if you are building safety-critical or mission-critical system, you will want your system to be highly predictable. Caches makes your code execution being very unpredictable, because you can't predict if a certain memory is cached or not, thus you don't know how long it will take to access this memory. Thus if you disable cache it allows you to judge you program's performance more precisely and calculate worst-case execution time. That is why it is common to disable cache in such systems.
I do not know what you background is but I suggest to read about what the "volatile" keyword does in the c language.
Think about how a cache works. For example if you want to defeat a cache, depending on the cache, you might try having your often accessed data at 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x30000000, 0x40000000, etc. It takes very little data at each location to cause cache thrashing and a significant performance loss.
Another one is that caches generally pull in a "cache line" A single instruction fetch may cause 8 or 16 or more bytes or words to be read. Any situation where on average you use a small percentage of the cache line before it is evicted to bring in another cache line, will make your performance with the cache on go down.
In general you have to first understand your cache, then come up with ways to defeat the performance gain, then think about any real world situations that would cause that. Not all caches are created equal so there is no one good or bad habit or attack that will work for all caches. Same goes for the same cache with different memories behind it or a different processor or memory interface or memory cycles in front of it. You also need to think of the system as a whole.
Perhaps I answered the wrong question. not...full advantage. that is a much simpler question. In what situations does the embedded application have to touch memory beyond the cache (after the initial fill)? Going to main memory wipes out the word full in "full advantage". IMO.
Caching does not offer an advantage, and is actually a hindrance, in controlling memory-mapped peripherals. Things like coprocessors, motor controllers, and UARTs often appear as just another memory location in the processor's address space. Instead of simply storing a value, those locations can cause something to happen in the real world when written to or read from.
Cache causes problems for these devices because when software writes to them, the peripheral doesn't immediately see the write. If the cache line never gets flushed, the peripheral may never actually receive a command even after the CPU has sent hundreds of them. If writing 0xf0 to 0x5432 was supposed to cause the #3 spark plug to fire, or the right aileron to tilt down 2 degrees, then the cache will delay or stop that signal and cause the system to fail.
Similarly, the cache can prevent the CPU from getting fresh data from sensors. The CPU reads repeatedly from the address, and cache keeps sending back the value that was there the first time. On the other side of the cache, the sensor waits patiently for a query that will never come, while the software on the CPU frantically adjusts controls that do nothing to correct gauge readings that never change.
In addition to almost complete answer by Halst, I would like to mention one additional case where caches may be far from being an advantage. If you have multiple-core SoC where all cores, of course, have own cache(s) and depending on how program code utilizes these cores - caches can be very ineffective. This may happen if ,for example, due to incorrect design or program specific (e.g. multi-core communication) some data block in RAM is concurrently used by 2 or more cores.

How much memory should a caching system use on Windows?

I'm developing a client/server application where the server holds large pieces of data such as big images or video files which are requested by the client and I need to create an in-memory client caching system to hold a few of those large data to speed up the process. Just to be clear, each individual image or video is not that big but the overall size of all of them can be really big.
But I'm faced with the "how much data should I cache" problem and was wondering if there are some kind of golden rules on Windows about what strategy I should adopt. The caching is done on the client, I do not need caching on the server.
Should I stay under x% of global memory usage at all time ? And how much would that be ? What will happen if another program is launched and takes up a lot of memory, should I empty the cache ?
Should I request how much free memory is available prior to caching and use a fixed percentage of that memory for my needs ?
I hope I do not have to go there but should I ask the user how much memory he is willing to allocate to my application ? If so, how can I calculate the default value for that property and for those who will never use that setting ?
Rather than create your own caching algorithms why don't you write the data to a file with the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY attribute and make use of the client machine's own cache.
Although this approach appears to imply that you use a file, if there is memory available in the system then the file will never leave the cache and will remain in memory the whole time.
Some advantages:
You don't need to write any code.
The system cache takes account of all the other processes running. It would not be practical for you to take that on yourself.
On 64 bit Windows the system can use all the memory available to it for the cache. In a 32 bit Delphi process you are limited to the 32 bit address space.
Even if your cache is full and your files to get flushed to disk, local disk access is much faster than querying the database and then transmitting the files over the network.
It depends on what other software runs on the server. I would make it possible to configure it manually at first. Develop a system that can use a specific amount of memory. If you can, build it so that you can change that value while it is running.
If you got those possibilities, you can try some tweaking to see what works best. I don't know any golden rules, but I'd figure you should be able to set a percentage of total memory or total available memory with a specific minimum amount of memory to be free for the system at all times. If you save a miminum of say 500 MB for the server OS, you can use the rest, or 90% of the rest for your cache. But those numbers depend on the version of the OS and the other applications running on the server.
I think it's best to make the numbers configurable from the outside and create a management tool that lets you set the values manually first. Then, if you found out what works best, you can deduct formulas to calculate those values, and integrate them in your management tool. This tool should not be an integral part of the cache program itself (which will probably be a service without GUI anyway).
One image can be requested by multiple clients? Or, one image can be requested by multiple times in a short interval?
How short is the interval?
The speed of the network is really high? Higher than the speed of the hard drive?? If you have a normal network, then the harddrive will be able to read the files from disk and deliver them over network in real time. Especially that Windows is already doing some good caching so the most recent files are already in cache.
The main purpose of the computer that is running the server app is to run the server? Or is just a normal computer used also for other tasks? In other words is it a dedicated server or a normal workstation/desktop?
but should I ask the user how much
memory he is willing to allocate to my
application ?
I would definitively go there!!!
If the user thinks that the server application is not a important application it will probably give it low priority (low cache). Else, it it thinks it is the most important running app, it will allow the app to allocate all RAM it needs in detriment of other less important applications.
Just deliver the application with that setting set by default to a acceptable value (which will be something like x% of the total amount of RAM). I will use like 70% of total RAM if the main purpose of the computer to hold this server application and about 40-50% if its purpose is 'general use' computer.
A server application usually needs resources set aside for its own use by its administrator. I would not care about others application behaviour, I would care about being a "polite" application, thereby it should allow memory cache size and so on to be configurable by the administator, which is the only one who knows how to configure his systems properly (usually...)
Defaults values should anyway take into consideration how much memory is available overall, especially on 32 bit systems with less than 4GB of memory (as long as Delphi delivers only 32 bit apps), to leave something free to the operating systems and avoids too frequent swapping. Asking the user to select it at setup is also advisable.
If the application is the only one running on a server, a value between 40 to 75% of available memory could be ok (depending on how much memory is needed beyond the cache), but again, ask the user because it's almost impossible to know what other applications running may need. You can also have a min cache size and a max cache size, start by allocating the lower value, and then grow it when and if needed, and shrink it if necessary.
On a 32 bit system this is a kind of memory usage that could benefit from using PAE/AWE to access more than 3GB of memory.
Update: you can also perform a monitoring of cache hits/misses and calculate which cache size would fit the user needs best (it could be too small but too large as well), and the advise the user about that.
To be honest, the questions you ask would not be my main concern. I would be more concerned with how effective my cache would be. If your files are really that big, how many can you hold in the cache? And if your client server app has many users, what are the chances that your cache will actually cache something someone else will use?
It might be worth doing an analysis before you burn too much time on the fine details.

Memory management for intentionally memory intensive applications

Note: I am aware of the question Memory management in memory intensive application, however that question appears to be about applications that make frequent memory allocations, whereas my question is about applications intentionally designed to consume as much physical memory as is safe.
I have a server application that uses large amounts of memory in order to perform caching and other optimisations (think SQL Server). The application runs on a dedicated machine, and so can (and should) consume as much memory as it wants / is able to in order to speed up and increase throughput and response times without worry of impacting other applications on the system.
The trouble is that if memory usage is underestimated, or if load increases its possible to end up with nasty failures as memory allocations fail - in this situation obviously the best thing to do is to free up memory in order to prevent the failure at the expense of performance.
Some assumptions:
The application is running on a dedicated machine
The memory requirements of the application exceed the physical memory on the machine (that is, if additional memory was available to the application it would always be able to use that memory to in some way improve response times or throughput)
The memory is effectively managed in a way such that memory fragmentation is not an issue.
The application knows what memory can be safely freed, and what memory should be freed first for the least performance impact.
The app runs on a Windows machine
My question is - how should I handle memory allocations in such an application? In particular:
How can I predict whether or not a memory allocation will fail?
Should I leave a certain amount of memory free in order to ensure that core OS operations remain responsive (and don't in that way adversely impact the applications performance), and how can I find out how much memory that is?
The core objective is to prevent failures as a result of using too much memory, while at the same time using up as much memory as possible.
I'm a C# developer, however my hope is that the basic concepts for any such app are the same regardless of the language.
In linux, the memory usage percentage is divided into following levels.
0 - 30% - no swapping
30 - 60% - swap dirty pages only
60 - 90% - swap clean pages also based on LRU policy.
90% - Invoke OOM(Out of memory) killer and kill the process consuming maximum memory.
check this - http://linux-mm.org/OOM_Killer
In think windows might have similar policy, so you can check the memory stats and make sure you never get to the max threshold.
One way to stop consuming more memory is to go to sleep and give more time for memory cleanup threads to run.
That is a very good question, and bound to be subjective as well, because the very nature of the fundamental of C# is that all memory management is done by the runtime, i.e. Garbage Collector. The Garbage Collector is a non-deterministic entity that manages and sweeps the memory for reclaiming, depending on how often the memory gets fragmented, the GC will kick in hence to know in advance is not easy thing to do.
To properly manage the memory sounds tedious but common sense applies, such as the using clause to ensure an object gets disposed. You could put in a single handler to trap the OutOfMemory Exception but that is an awkward way, since if the program has run out of memory, does the program just seize up, and bomb out, or should it wait patiently for the GC to kick in, again determining that is tricky.
The load of the system can adversely affect the GC's job, almost to a point of a Denial of Service, where everything just grind to a halt, again, since the specifications of the machine, or what is the nature of that machine's job is unknown, I cannot answer it fully, but I'll assume it has loads of RAM..
In essence, while an excellent question, I think you should not worry about it and leave it to the .NET CLR to handle the memory allocation/fragmentation as it seems to do a pretty good job.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
Your question reminds me of an old discussion "So what's wrong with 1975 programming ?". The architect of varnish-cache argues, that instead of telling the OS to get out of the way and manage all memory yourself, you should rather cooperate with the OS and let it understand what you intend to do with memory.
For example, instead of simply reading data from disk, you should use memory-mapped files. This allows the OS to apply its LRU algorithm to write-back data to disk when memory becomes scarce. At the same time, as long as there is enough memory, your data will stay in memory. Thus, your application may potentially use all memory, without risking getting killed.

Is it reasonable for modern applications to consume large amounts of memory?

Applications like Microsoft Outlook and the Eclipse IDE consume RAM, as much as 200MB. Is it OK for a modern application to consume that much memory, given that few years back we had only 256MB of RAM? Also, why this is happening? Are we taking the resources for granted?
Is it acceptable when most people have 1 or 2 gigabytes of RAM on their PCS?
Think of this - although your 200mb is small and nothing to worry about given a 2Gb limit, everyone else also has apps that take masses of RAM. Add them together and you find that the 2Gb I have very quickly gets all used up. End result - your app appears slow, resource hungry and takes a long time to startup.
I think people will start to rebel against resource-hungry applications unless they get 'value for ram'. you can see this starting to happen on servers, as virtualised systems gain popularity - people are complaining about resource requirements and corresponding server costs.
As a real-world example, I used to code with VC6 on my old 512Mb 1.7GHz machine, and things were fine - I could open 4 or 5 copies along with Outlook, Word and a web browser and my machine was responsive.
Today I have a dual-processor 2.8Ghz server box with 3Gb RAM, but I cannot realistically run more than 2 copies of Visual Studio 2008, they both take ages to start up (as all that RAM still has to be copied in and set up, along with all the other startup costs we now have), and even Word take ages to load a document.
So if you can reduce memory usage you should. Don't think that you can just use whatever bloated framework/library/practice you want with impunity.
There's a couple of things you need to think about.
1/ Do you have 256M now? I wouldn't think so - my smallest memory machine is 2G so a 200M application is not much of a problem.
2a/ That 200M you talk about might not be "real" memory. It may just be address space in which case it might not all be in physical memory at once. Some bits may only be pulled in to physical memory when you choose to do esoteric things.
2b/ It may also be shared between other processes (such as a DLL). This means it could be only held in physical memory as one copy but be present in the address space of many processes. That way, the usage is amortized over those many processes. Both 2a and 2b depend on where your figure of 200M actually came from (which I don't know and, running Linux, I'm unlikel to find out without you telling me :-).
3/ Even if it is physical memory, modern operating systems aren't like the old DOS or Windows 3.1 - they have virtual memory where bits of applications can be paged out (data) or thrown away completely (code, since it can always reload from the executable). Virtual memory gives you the ability to use far more memory than your actual physical memory.
Many modern apps will take advantage of the existance of more memory to cache more. Some like firefox and SQL server have explicit settings for how much memory they will use. In my opinion, it's foolish to not use available memory - what's the point of having 2GB of RAM if your apps all sit around at 10MB leaving 90% of your physical memory unused. Of course, if your app does use caching like this, it better be good at releasing that memory if page file thrashing starts, or allow the user to limit the cache size manually.
You can see the advantage of this by running a decent-sized query against SQL server. The first time you run the query, it may take 10 seconds. But when you run that exact query again, it takes less than a second - why? The query plan was only compiled the first time and cached for use later. The database pages that needed to be read were only loaded from disk the first time - the second time, they were still cached in RAM. If done right, the more memory you use for caching (until you run into paging) the faster you can re-access data. You'll see the same thing in large documents (e.g. in Word and Acrobat) - when you scroll to new areas of a document, things are slow, but once it's been rendered and cached, things speed up. If you don't have enough memory, that cache starts to get overwritten and going to the old parts of the document gets slow again.
If you can make good use of the RAM, it is your responsability to use it.
Yes, it is perfectly normal. Also something big was changed since 256MB were normal... and do not forget that before that 640Kb were supposed to be enough for everybody!
Now most software solutions are build with a garbage collector: C#, Java, Ruby, Python... everybody love them because certainly development can be faster, however there is one glitch.
The same program can be memory leak free with either manual or automatic memory deallocation. However in the second case it is likely for the memory consumption to grow. Why? In the first case memory is deallocated and kept clean immediately after something becomes useless (garbage). However it takes time and computing power to detect that automatically, hence most collectors (except for reference counting) wait for garbage to accumulate in order to make worth the cost of the exploration. The more you wait the more garbage you can sweep with the cost of one blow, but more memory is needed to accumulate that garbage. If you try to force the collector constantly, your program would spend more time exploring memory than working on your problems.
You can be completely sure than as long as programmers get more resources, they will sacrifice them using heavier tools in exchange for more freedom, abstraction and faster development.
A few years ago 256 MB was the norm for a PC, then Outlook consumed about 30 - 35 MB or so of memory, that's around 10% of the available memory, Now PC's have 2 GB or more as a norm, and outlook consumes 200 MB of memory, that's about 10% also.
The 1st conclusion: as more memory is available applications use more of it.
The 2nd conclusion: no matter what time frame you pick there are applications that are true memory hogs (like Outlook) and applications that are very efficient memory wise.
The 3rd conclusion: memory consumption of a app can't go down with time, else 640K would have been enough even today.
It completely depends on the application.
